| 3D posting |
| 50 Shades of Grey Mice |
| 50 Shades of Halfbakery |
| A British thermometer |
| A fridge you can boot from |
| A Game of Therms |
| A lending library of puns |
| A method to avoid mass extinction events via giant ostriches |
| A Pristine Idea |
| A ring of Harriers |
| A summer holiday everyday |
 | A tale of 1.5 bananas |
| Actual chameleon suit |
| Actual Police Corruption app |
| Adjust UK time 30 minutes forwards |
| Adjustable paper books |
| Adventures in long-distance contactless payments |
| Airships of the not falling out of the skies variety |
| All symptoms alert thingy |
| All too mortal snowmen |
| Amputations Airlines |
| Anatomically correct dolls for robots |
| Ancient Greeks bothering for more military jargon |
| anf |
| Animal mobile phone relaying |
| anti-drowning blowouts |
| Anti-mosquito centaur costume, with optional piglets and fake chaff piglets. |
| Anti self-eyegouging glasses |
 | Aquatic drone delivery of pizza via existing....network |
| Arch'O' Data |
 | Arctic explorer pantomime horse costumes |
| Astronomical song |
| Astronomy photography disclaimers |
| Authentication for spam |
| Autistic Licence |
| Auto-adjusting rifling to counter-act the Coriolis effect, wind velocity and so on |
| Auto-Heimlich Maneuver kit |
| Auto-orientation climbing gear, with bees |
| AV voting or FPTMG? |
| Aviator suits for mosquitoes |
| b-o-r-g bait |
| B2 bomber and plywood |
| Babar Berber Barbershop |
| Babbage Engine Aftermarket Parts |
| Babyboomers 2nd wave Date Filter |
| Bacon airliner |
| Bagpipes that only dogs can hear |
| balancing trains for extra capacity |
| Balsa wood-ish toilet paper |
| Battleship with slidey bits in it and/or water pistols |
| Battleships in bottles |
| Being diabolical in space |
| Bhutanese prayer-wheel encryption |
| Big Buddy |
| Biggs Hoson detector |
| Bio-mechanical cheese sculpting |
| Biological AI, for chickenfeed |
| Bishop Berkeley's fork update |
| Bit-Goat |
| Blabberfingers email pedantry |
| Blighting the Holmes meme yet again |
| Bonfires Night mini Project Orion |
| Borg Theology |
| Boring business conference/cooking demo |
| Boris for Governor of Falklands |
| Bowler Hat and proper brolly Day..Patrick Macnee RIP |
| Brachiation for Octopuses |
| Brexit as Ring Cycle |
| Britain medical aid in west Africa, with side benefit |
| British Orrery |
| Bruxism power et al |
| Buttock-recognition Cameras |
| BYO Avgas |
| Captain Oates Exoskeletons and the ...override function. |
| Car green power for cremation |
| Carbon footprint Jenga |
| Cat power doing their bit for humans |
| Cats in Space |
| Centrifetal equipment for midwifery |
| Centrifugal enrichment scheme |
| Cetacean lebensraum |
| Chaff for mice |
| Channel duff karma to good outcomes |
| Charging advertisers for using your bandwidth |
| Cheap cookies - TLRCTT |
| Cheaper DNA tests |
| cheese with lots of hydrogen or helium in it |
| Chicken and egg producing time machine |
| Chieftain II MBT |
| Chihuahua ballistic armour |
| Chihuahua poo powered space plane |
| China vs US tariffs numerology |
| Chiropracter for exoskeletons |
| Choco-krete Battleship |
| Choose your own apres-Brexit status |
| CIA releases gazillion old files on the net |
| Clandestine Uranium enrichment scheme |
| (Coat of) arms control by heraldic safety measures |
| Coin operated space probes |
| Cold steel - Fey defenses |
| Combined heat and power nethergarments |
| Combined zoo and train station |
| Comedy necromancer |
| Commercial Biodiversity Arks |
| Compressed hydrogen anti-mosquito trousers |
| Connoisseurs in a Combat Zone |
| Conquistadors 2014 |
| Continental plate reverse gear |
| Contra-rotating gatling aircraft guns for Green-er warfare |
| Contra-rotating planet |
| Copyrighting the name "Wheland" |
| Corona TV levelling |
| Cowpox alleviation, quid pro quo |
| Crime prevention patio, with holes in it |
| crypto joking |
| Cuddly borg |
| Current Crimean "holiday" |
| Curt Kobane reports |
| Cut-rate neutrino detectors in beer cans |
| Cuter bio-weapons |
| Dark bun detector |
| Dark web 2 |
 | Dartboard 'O' Cheese |
| Deflatable cheese (with inflatable option) |
| Der Middle Ages condundrum |
| Device to counter east to west European invasions |
| Digital paper boys |
| Dirigible Octopus Adverts |
| Dirigible toupee cannon |
| Divine opinion researching |
| divorce court coffee shop |
| DNA patent blocking by prior art |
| Doctor Who inbreeding |
| Dog stilts for more than one dog walkies |
| Domesticated animal adjustment horror story |
| Doodle bug clay pigeons |
| dot matrix skywriting for airliners |
| Double-backed envelopes |
| Driving a straw though piece of wood |
| driving license for a car, like an ordinary license, but made out of cheese instead of plastic (the license, not the car*). |
| Drunk out of someone else's mind |
| Dud ammunition for isis |
| Duel use wind turbine |
| Duff newspapers capillary action power |
| Duty free's for fighter pilots |
| easy way to work out circle area |
| easyAirsupport |
| Eboater |
| Eco fag butt compressing |
| Educational establishment power generation |
| Efficient collection of zero point energy |
| Ejector seat for drones |
| Ekranoplanes for short-legged dogs |
| Electric nose cheese filter |
| Elephantine Tube surfing zoo |
| Embarrassment Avoidance Cap |
| Empirical testing of Russia |
| End of tanker protection in the gulf |
| EnDhowment fund |
 | Energy saving Daleks |
| engine pings/flight plans database |
| Enogma |
| Eukaryotes after Brexit |
| Excluding the Elder gods from Google opt-out |
| exo-spellchecker |
| Extensible eyes for humans |
| Extra extra lethal bomb, with cute kittens |
| Fake animal costumes for animals |
| fake astronomical objects as an aid to navigation |
| Fake book covers to give the illusion of risque reading |
| Fake mock lawn sprinkler |
| False arm & vaccines |
| False arms for the short-sighted |
| False nudity by projection |
| Fan with pattern recognition |
| Financial compensation for Apollo 11 astronauts |
| Fish shaving |
 | Fishbone botnet |
| Floating UK |
| Foil-lined underpants |
| Fold out beds for Ecuadorian Embassies around the world |
| Franchising Aberdeen Proving Grounds |
| Fresnel-ish lens-ish and Brownian Motion perpetual motion thingy |
| Frozen standing wave of Mercury chest fridge |
| Fugue state alarm chicken |
| Full Holmesian paranoia |
| Full Moon corona virus remedy |
| GCHQ points card |
| GCHQ should help the French, for money |
| Genocide, Human and Alien |
| Gentleman's Dissembler Hat |
| Ghosn inspired luggage |
| Giraffe-Suit-O-Death euthanasia option |
| Global warming in regards with a gentlemen's delicate bits |
| Google Arks |
| Google Glass pavement priority lane |
| Google glass pre-breakfast app |
| Google Wallet View |
| Gorgon zola |
| graph paper porno |
| Gravestone + integral ouija board - Update |
| Greeting cards that tell the truth, without giving offence |
| Groinally-affixed remote controlled arm and mirror(s) |
| "Guess that stream" for salmon |
| H Potter screenplay Raymond Chandler |
| Hamster wheel powered gatling gun |
| HB burial |
| HB dance, like them World Order chappies |
| HB delegation/franchise my posts |
| HB EU ideas |
| HB explanatory card |
| HB Honoray membership? |
| head teaching science classes |
| Heat sinks to cool Venus |
| Hidden memory-metal beams for Pisa tower |
| Hiding the bad data by tobacco firms |
| Himalayan Conveyor belt |
| His Dark Archers |
| Hollow Halfbakery |
| Home hydro-electric system to charge minor electrical gadgets. |
| Homing Pigeon Post ver 1.1 |
| Hong Kong vs PRC weapon control |
| How to get Funds for Dubious Purposes via online auction/shopping websites |
| Hubris-O-Vision |
| Huge fan assisted pedestrians |
| Human/machine readable memory |
| Humorous history manipulation kit |
| Humorous sucessor dominant species |
| hydrogen balloon Davy lamp partition |
| i-Ching(ford) |
| I(heart)GCHQ t-shirt |
| I said that years ago mouth/jaw attachment |
| I was never anywhere __when the ____ ____ database |
| Identity parade reunions |
| iLiad |
| Implantable gyroscopes |
| Increased social mobility by middle-naming |
| Incriminating objects rapid deployment kit |
| Indoor Moby Dick set |
 | Inflatable burka |
| International date line best before quandry |
| Internet as World Peace maker |
| Internet wall of death |
| InterpolBay |
| Interstellar pranking with quantum entanglement |
| Inventoring the tools of de future |
| Inverse flow of people-smuggling into the UK |
| Inverse (species-wise) superheroes |
| IOT knitting machine hack |
| iOuija-board software |
| IQ-Capcha |
| iron filing flywheel |
| IronPerson |
| Islands with holes in them |
| Islets of Langerhan cruises |
| ISO animal noises |
| ISO for fiction |
| James Bond register plates |
| Jauntier tunes for fertility clinics |
| Jet engines for homes in tornado zones |
| Jim Crore law for immigrants |
| John Noakes missing!!! |
| Jurassic Croissant |
| Keeper for Earth magnetism |
 | Khrushchev-esque shoe-related mechanical clock |
| KickBunner |
| kids names as birthday reminders |
| Kids science/tech stories |
| Kirk-free Star Trek remake |
| Kit to deter alien abductions |
| Landia |
 | Large Halibut Collider |
| (lawn) chair General |
| Leopard-skin printed animals |
| Leprechaun Gold powered generator |
| Leveling the border wall |
| Leveraging food labelling to boost tourism, with British values* |
| LHC circle dancing |
 | LHC scam |
| LHC scrabble |
| Life in 3D |
| Lighter than air banknotes |
| Liminal computer virus |
| Limited use, but vaguely possible human flights booster |
| little medical bracelets for animals |
| Little men witness protection service |
| London Nose |
| Longevity treatment for monkeys (with typewriters) |
| Luggage with sails |
| Lying through someone else's teeth |
| Lytro camera famous person stalking |
| Magnetic bottles |
| Magnetic cats |
| Magnetic Cheese |
| magnetic helmets powered train |
| Malicious Actors Database |
| Mano vs blobby thing virus |
| Mars diamonds prize |
| Matched pair of crystal balls 3D glasses |
| Matterhorn Grand Piano factory |
| Mechanical arms for dolphins |
| Med school for animals |
| Metallic hydrogen hide and seek |
| Metric English |
| Mexico as new EU member |
| Mexico gravity wave |
| Microtome escape kit |
| Microwaveable b**p***s |
| Mineral oil sommelier |
| mini-project orion firework wossername |
| Minor mystery, an East-West compass |
| Misleading photos of royalty on currency |
| mobile phones, queues and good manners |
| Mock feet cleaning |
| Mock Rhino exoskeleton suit |
| Mock-Tudor polar bears |
| Model houses of parliament, with an off-switch |
| Model Prisoner Jail |
| Modern psychopathy |
| Monitor-hopping mouse pointer |
| Monkeys as method of human birth control |
| Monkeys in solution |
| Monograph on the unexpected behavior of coffee grounds |
| moon tethered large 2D plastic pine trees |
| More Christmasy warfare |
| More efficient wind power plants |
| More extensive use of punctuation instead of spelling |
| More imaginative heat exchangers |
| More or less hard-wired server |
| More QR code madness and/or remote cursing (elder gods workload permitting) |
| More realistic naming of military stuff |
| More stealthy Royal Navy ships |
| More symmetrical businesses |
| More user-friendly Mt Everest replica/s |
| Most effective suicide bombers |
| moth powered electricity |
| Mouse phalanx trampolines |
| Moving suns for prank purposes |
| Mozzie eating cockroach or vice versa |
| Name that Atom game show, via pin-boards |
| Nasal ATM |
| National Grid requests |
| Never lose anything facility |
| Next Dr Who should be a dalek |
 | Noir google glass |
| non-blather tv programs |
| Not nekkid glasses |
| Nu-Alexandrian Library |
| Nuevo Centralia, skinny new country |
| Off-road trains |
| Ok, who broke the server (2014)? |
| Old Bond |
| Old joke rehabilitation scheme |
| Omni-quad pet (TM) suit |
| On-call falconers at airports |
| one big light source - many streetlights |
| One man bagpipe orchestra |
| online dating that actually works, with truth-o-meter |
| Oppenhomer ©NMRM |
| Optical splitter glasses for Cyclops |
| Orbital Orangery |
| Orbital washing line |
| Outside loo |
| Owning five impossible things before breakfast |
 | Pagoda sheds |
| Paleontological outdoors activity |
| Pan-simian currency |
| Pantographic smartphone shoes |
| Parallel universes IP trading |
| Part-arson of the seat of government |
| Pavement "flight plans" and past data |
| pavement-u-coaster |
| Pay per not view current politician, good for 4 years |
| pay-per-word-trolling |
| Peach(es) Protest |
| Pearl Harbour ver 1.1 |
| Pen for people who have no sense of humour, or for speakers of other languages |
 | Periodic table darts |
| Personal daylight saving hours |
| Personal mini-great circling |
| Personalised tax rebate/welfare statements |
| photography reworking to avoid verbosity |
| piezo-electric plank |
| Pinball wind turbine |
| Pirates of the Laboratory |
| plant bothering via modifying the spectrum of the sun |
| plumbing by magnetism |
| Pohls apart |
| Pointing bone app |
| Pokemon-Go Invasion |
| Pokemon Go type games for blind people, bats etc |
| Polar office for reduced working hours |
| Pole switch map stickers |
| Politicians lose a day's pay |
| Politicians with one more talent |
| portable segway mountain of doom |
| Post with musical accompaniment option |
 | Postal events for the Olympics |
| Postal fees by banality |
| Posting ideas/annos in relevant time zones |
| pre-girded loins |
| Premium rate number intellectual property |
| Printer that actually uses crayons |
| Programming under adverse keyboard conditions |
| Prometeaus |
| Proper Crimean referendum for all living there |
| Proper distribution of WMD's viz Scotland independence |
| Proper space Spitfire |
 | Pubs with telescopes outside |
| Pugning contest |
| Putting firefighting on a more commercial basis |
| QR codes t-shirt |
| Quite extreme horizontal transmission of DNA |
| (Quite small) roller-coaster in your kitchen |
| Randomised grandparents for time travellers |
| Rapid cheese prototyper |
| Raptor warcry + easy listening |
| Re-porpoiseing the the Boing 737 |
| Real time postural information system |
| realtime tracking of salaries in Greece |
| Recent 3 noughts and crosses |
| recharging a mobile device by fags |
| Recursive, geared-down, chopsticks |
| Recursive hydrogen bag storage, part 2 |
| Reflecto-top save the climate |
| Refrigerator Airworthiness updates |
| Relics snowglobes |
| Religious snow globe |
| religious toaster |
 | Remote murder by 3D printer |
| Reversible lightning |
| Reversing mirrors for submarines |
| Rob Ford as cure for drugs industry |
| Robot kabbadi |
 | Robotic voices perv line |
| Rodeo Clowns for the Police |
| Rolf sightings though the ages |
| Sacrificial stepped pyramids for boats |
| Saharan restaurant |
| Sam Squared, private investigator |
| Satellite Repair Ladder |
| Satellite rocket disguised as a Nuclear Missile |
| Saving data in stripes |
| Say "No" to blacksmiths in space |
| Sea level rising, blame Hydronium |
| Secret military stash of undergarments |
| Seed Running Serviceberry Discount |
| Seeing Native Americans as a monolithic entity |
| Self-bunners self help group |
| Self extinguishing candle 0 |
 | Self-illuminating fake laser-dot head stickers |
| Self-propelled popcorn stand |
| self-tapping mobile phone |
| selfie stick for atoms |
| Sherlock Holmes's South/Central American stories |
| Single transferable bun and proxy bunning |
| Sino-European trade in the old days |
| Skewed astronomy funding |
 | Skydiving for hamsters (mock) |
| Slaw |
| sleeping bag/ciggie filter |
| Slide-rule trombone for astronauts |
| sliding puzzle housing |
| smart custard |
| Smart snowglobes with guns in them |
| Smartphone Coin Identifier app |
| Smartphone semaphore |
| Snowshoes for elephants |
| Solar powered bagpipes |
| Some kind of wave Bead Chainmail |
| Somebody plugging landscaping gear |
| Space Mimes (ISO) |
| Special waldo gloves for after Brexit going back to £ s d |
| Speech de-recognition to filter out blather |
| Speed-e-printer |
| Standardising British courts trial outcomes |
| Statute of limitation escape holidays |
| Stealth drone with laser guided cheese |
| Stealth lipo-fracking via the Body Fat Fairy |
| Steam-driven ouija board |
| Stephen Hillenburg dies |
 | Sterling engine to recharge my mobile phone |
 | Stories, with updated Health and Safety |
| Streets:Corners:USA Conundrum |
| Subterfuge |
| suicide prevention spirit balance hat |
| Surgeons get to play at Frankenstein |
| Swarming Croutons |
| Swarming mini-tanks |
| Sword of Damocles Surgical unit |
 | Table football but with sausages |
| Tesla valve parachute |
| Tesla valve waterslide |
| Testicular bagpipe implants |
| Testing Parallel universes |
| Text editor with scrolls |
| That Oort to do it. |
| The far-seeing British Empire |
| The Great Wall of Downsizing |
| The Hindenburg, but in space |
| The Mekon Delta |
| The Plane of the Eclectic |
| The procrustean shoehorn |
| The roots of origami discovered |
| The Stay at Home Party |
| The Text Alignment Song CD (tm) |
| The true story of the Battle of Singapore |
| The Truth of the War of the Worlds |
| The use of drones, for the purposes of being excommunicated. |
| Theogermal energy |
| Thomas Midgley Jr. |
| three-field system Politics |
 | tiger striped hosiery, almost transparent |
| Tinfoil hat marketing by acoustic resonance |
| tinfoil hat with extra difficulty of findyness |
| Tokyo meetup |
| Toothboard for computer tablets/other teeny devices |
| Torque Torque |
| Transferring debt to those beyond the grave |
| transporting self long range via glider with balloon |
| Treatment for Coronavirus - a long shot |
| Trial by mime |
| Triangle trade monument |
| Trousers based upon the recirculating washroom towel principle |
| True Civil Aviation |
| Trumbiden |
| Trump hostage negotiator |
| Tube/Subway swimming carriage |
| Turing abadan nuclear plants into ighthouses |
| UK as haven from the rise of the machines |
| UK-France rapproachment |
| Um Bongo smuggling |
| underwater drone testing |
| Updated forensic phrenology drones |
| US navy patenting magic |
| Variable length spoon |
| Variable weight cashpoint cards |
| Very large bird-repelling shaped wind turbine |
| Very large coathangers as a defensive barrier |
| Very large titanium thumb |
| War III by Simian |
| Water beds to ameliorate global warming flooding - small update |
| Water lily surface coating for the fridge glass door |
| Waterside Tube |
| Werewolves : Silver ratio |
| Whale-scented candles |
| "What's my future megadeath score?" badge |
| Wifi cameras (pointing outwards) on trains |
 | Wireless energy transmission, via b**** p****r |
| Workplace absenteeism board |
| X-rays plates on plane seats |
| Yeti Vulcan bomber three trampolines trick satellite launcher |
| Your own Vulcan bomber |