Right, Wrongfellow I'm not taking this lying down....
I propose a centaur outfit for those dwelling in places with mosquitoes. Obviously two of the legs will be yours, but that leaves the other two legs to distract the mosquitoes, halving the bite rate.
As an additional counter measure, the fake
legs can have piglets humanely strapped to them to provide a more target-rich environment for aforementioned winged bloodsuckers*.
As an additional additional counter measure, the front legs (ie yours) can have piglet balloons inflated with hydrogen to 5 atmospheres. When a rapid change of pressure (a bite) occurs the piglet detaches and operates as some kind of chaff.
Optional reactive armour toupee and false beard, for the assimilated market.
* On the old Grand Tour of Europe toffs used to take their own piglet, it would get the bed while they were out carousing, get bitten in their place, so the toffs would get a decent nights sleep.