Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Direct and indirect subcategories of "culture":
[general]    Alternate Soundtracks    Amusement Park 
Amusement Park: Ride    Amusement Park: Ride: Dodgem    Amusement Park: Ride: Rollercoaster 
Amusement Park: Ride: Sliding    Amusement Park: Ride: Spinning    Amusement Park: Ride: Water 
Art    Art: Acrobatics    Art: Automated 
Art: Fountain    Art: Genetic    Art: Interactive 
Art: Landscape    Art: Mobile    Art: Movement 
Art: Origami    Art: Performance    Art: Sculpture 
Art: Sculpture: Automotive    Art: Sculpture: Ice    Art: Sculpture: Light 
Art: Sculpture: Process    Art: Sculpture: Sand    Art: Self-referential 
Art: Theatre    Art: Theatre: Musical    Art: Theatre: Opera 
Art: Theatre: Street Theatre    Art: Visual    Art: Wind 
Automaton    Band    Book 
Book: Exchange    Book: Food    Book: Generator 
Book: Manual    Book: Organisation    Book: Pet 
Book: Picture    Book: Play    Book: Reference 
Book: Subject    Calendar    Calendar: Daylight 
Calendar: Month    Calendar: Week    Celebration 
Celebration: Birthday    Celebration: Emotion    Celebration: Festival 
Celebration: Gift    Celebration: Halloween    Celebration: Pride Parade 
Celebrity    Circus    Club 
Collaborative Writing    Conversation    Conversation: Comeback 
Crop Circle    Dance    Dance: Notation 
Document    DVD    Fireworks 
Food    Funeral    Funeral: Cremation 
Game    Game: Bingo    Game: Board Game 
Game: Card Game    Game: Charade    Game: Chess 
Game: Chess: Blind    Game: Chess: Combination    Game: Chess: Material 
Game: Chess: Theme    Game: Drinking Game    Game: Hide And Seek 
Game: Jenga    Game: Jigsaw    Game: Maze 
Game: Monopoly    Game: Physical    Game: Physical: Balance 
Game: Physical: Fighting    Game: Physical: Throwing    Game: Pinata 
Game: Pinball    Game: Poker    Game: Pretend 
Game: Reality    Game: Rock Paper Scissors    Game: Role Playing 
Game: Scrabble    Game: Searching    Game: Sudoku 
Game: Tabletop    Game: Tag    Game: Territorial Strategy 
Game: Twister    Game: Word Game    Graffiti 
Grammar    History    Karaoke 
Language    Language: Alphabet    Language: Gesture 
Language: Idiom    Language: Learning    Language: Logical 
Language: Pronunciation    Language: Punctuation    Language: Spelling 
Language: Universal    Language: Word    Literature 
Magazine    Manners    Monument 
Movie    Movie: Character    Movie: Derived Work 
Movie: Genre    Movie: Interruption    Movie: Making 
Movie: Personalized    Movie: Plot    Movie: Plot: Action 
Movie: Plot: Science Fiction    Movie: Plot: Time    Movie: Plot: Variable 
Movie: Quality    Movie Theatre    Movie Theatre: Captions 
Movie Theatre: Food    Movie Theatre: Interactive    Movie Theatre: Realism 
Movie Theatre: Seating    Movie: Title    Museum 
Music    Music: Album    Music: Catalog 
Music: Copyright    Music: Feature    Music: Quality 
Music: Show    Music: Song    Music: Song: Stuck 
Music: Source    Music: Style    Names 
News    News: Perspective    News: Style 
News: Underreported    Office    Office Games 
Pedantry    Photography    Poetry 
Poetry: Haiku    Prank    Profanity 
Public Holiday    Public Holiday A-K    Public Holiday: Christmas 
Public Holiday: Christmas: Santa Claus    Public Holiday L-Z    Race 
Radio    Reality TV    Reality TV: Big Brother 
Reality TV: Date    Reality TV: Fight    Reality TV: Hidden Camera 
Reality TV: Idol    Reality TV: Justice    Reality TV: Makeover 
Reality TV: Portrait    Reality TV: Real World    Reality TV: Survivor 
Reality TV: Survivor: Setting    Reality TV: Work    Reenactment 
Replica    Revival    Scale 
Self-Help    Self-Help: Information    Self-Help: Support Group 
Sex    Sex: Instructions    Sex: Pornography 
Sex: Quality    Sign    Slang 
Smoking    Social Escape    Song Lyrics 
Subtitles    Superhero    Superhero: A-C 
Superhero: D-F    Superhero: G-H    Superhero: I-M 
Superhero: N-R    Superhero: S-Z    Supervillain 
Television    Television: Ad    Television: Ad Filler 
Television: Award Show    Television: Biography    Television: Channel 
Television: Children    Television: Continuous    Television: Courtroom 
Television: Derived Work    Television: Doctor Who    Television: Documentary 
Television: Filter    Television: Food    Television: Food Game Show 
Television: Game Show    Television: Game Show: Build-Off    Television: Game Show: Quiz 
Television: Interaction    Television: Music Show    Television: News 
Television: Police Drama    Television: Rating    Television: Revival 
Television: Series    Television: Sex    Television: Sitcom 
Television: Soap    Television: Sports    Television: Time-Shifted 
Theme Park    Theme Park: Book    Theme Park: Science 
Theme Park: Television    Time Zone    Tourist Attraction 
Tourist Attraction: Astronomy    Visual arts    Web 
Website    Website: Cam    Website: Cemetery 
Website: Commercial    Website: Entertainment    Website: Exchange 
Website: Forum    Website: Location    Website: Map 
Website: Match    Website: Photo    Website: Price Guide 
Website: Rating    Website: Reference    Website: Simulation 
Website: Social Network    Wedding or Divorce       


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