Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Yeah, I wish it made more sense too.

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Direct and indirect subcategories of "product":
[general]    Air Conditioner    Air Freshener 
Alarm Clock    Alarm Clock: Biology    Alarm Clock: Control 
Alarm Clock: Distributed    Alarm Clock: Environment    Alarm Clock: Extreme 
Alarm Clock: Fail-Safe    Alarm Clock: Falling Asleep    Alarm Clock: Message 
Alarm Clock: Personal    Alarm Clock: Personality    Alarm Clock: Silent 
Alarm Clock: Smell    Alarm Clock: Snooze    Alarm Clock: Sound 
Alarm Clock: Timing    Answering machine    Anti-Theft 
Armor    Ashtray    Audio 
Audio: Alert    Audio: Amplifier    Audio: Digital Player 
Audio: Editing    Audio: Environment    Audio: Horn 
Audio: Microphone    Audio: Personal    Audio: Player 
Audio: Record Player    Audio: Recorder    Audio: Sound Effect 
Audio: Speaker    Backpack    Bar Codes 
Barometer    Bath    Battery 
Battery: Charging    Binoculars    Biofeedback 
Blanket    Bong    Book 
Book: Accessory    Book: Audio    Book: Bookmark 
Book: Color    Book: E-Book    Book: Pages 
Book: Textbook    Book: Water    Bottle Opener 
Brick    Broom    Bucket 
Business Card    Cable    Cake Pan 
Calculator    Calculator: Abacus    Calendar 
Camera    Camera: Accessory    Camera: Color 
Camera: Digital    Camera: Digital: Annotation    Camera: Digital: Compound Image 
Camera: Digital: Image Format    Camera: Digital: Transmission    Camera: Film 
Camera: Information    Camera: Shape    Camera: Wearable 
Camouflage    Camping    Camping: Bear Prevention 
Camping: Tent    Candle    Candle: Self-Extinguishing Candle 
CB Radio    Cell Phone    Cell Phone: Accessory 
Cell Phone: Address Book    Cell Phone: Audio    Cell Phone: Call Indicator 
Cell Phone: Camera    Cell Phone: Charges    Cell Phone: Combination 
Cell Phone: Countermeasure    Cell Phone: Disabled    Cell Phone: Emergency 
Cell Phone: Feature    Cell Phone: Filter    Cell Phone: Headset 
Cell Phone: Implant    Cell Phone: Interface    Cell Phone: Location 
Cell Phone: Messaging    Cell Phone: Messaging: Application    Cell Phone: Messaging: Input 
Cell Phone: Motion    Cell Phone: Peer to Peer    Cell Phone: Power 
Cell Phone: Retro    Cell Phone: Ringtone    Cell Phone: Ringtone: End-To-End 
Cell Phone: Ringtone: Generator    Cell Phone: Ringtone: Real    Cell Phone: Shape 
Cell Phone: Shape: Artistic    Cell Phone: Shared    Cell Phone: SIM Card 
Cell Phone: Unreachable    Cell Phone: Vibrate    Cell Phone: Weapon 
Chimes    Chopstick    Christmas Cracker 
Christmas Decoration    Cigarette    Cigarette: Butt 
Cigarette: Color    Cigarette: Filter    Cigarette: Flavor 
Cigarette: Holder    Cigarette: Joke    Cigarette: Length 
Cigarette: Paper    Cigarette: Variety    Cleaning 
Clock    Clock: Accuracy    Clock: Armband 
Clock: Astronomical    Clock: Chime    Clock: Daylight Savings Time 
Clock: Display    Clock: Display: Analogue    Clock: Display: Digital 
Clock: Display: Figure    Clock: Display: Light    Clock: Display: Rotation 
Clock: Display: Sky    Clock: Display: Water    Clock: Pendulum 
Clock: Power Source    Clock: Speaking    Clock: Subjective Time 
Clock: Timer    Clock: Wristwatch    Clock: Wristwatch: Combination 
Clothespin    Coal    Coat-hanger 
Coffee Grinder    Coffee Maker    Coffin 
Collectable    Compact Disk    Compact Disk: Label 
Compact Disk: Scratch    Compatibility Gadget    Condiment Dispenser 
Construction Equipment    Cookbook    Cooker 
Cookware    Cordless Phone    Cotton Swab 
Countermeasure    Countermeasure: Anti-Rape    Crayon 
Cutlery    Cutlery: Combination    Cutlery: Cutter 
Cutlery: Edible    Cutlery: Fork    Cutlery: Holder 
Cutlery: Knife    Cutlery: Spoon    Decoy 
Dental Floss    Design    Desk 
Diaper    Diary    Dice 
Dictaphone    Digital Video Recorder    Dish 
Dish: Bowl    Dish: Plate    Door Stop 
Doormat    Drink Accessory    Drink Accessory: Coaster 
Drink Accessory: Cooler    Drink Accessory: Cover    Drink Accessory: Heater 
Drink Accessory: Holder    Drink Accessory: Marker    Drink Accessory: Temperature 
Drink Container: Cup    Drink Container: Glass    Drink Container: Mug 
Drink Container: Stein    Drink Dispenser    DVD 
DVD: Information    DVD Player    Easter Egg 
Effigy    Emergency Rescue    Engine 
Engine: Jet    Engine: Jet: Intake Protection    Engine: Jet: Ramjet 
Excuse    Exoskeleton    Experience Media 
Fan    Fax    Fence 
Filter    Fire Extinguisher    Fireworks 
Fishing    Flag    Flagpole 
Flower Pot    Flywheel    Food Dispenser 
Frame    Frying Pan    Game 
Game: Card Game    Game: Tabletop    Garbage Can 
Glasses    Glasses: 3D    Glasses: Add-On 
Glasses: Attachment    Glasses: Beer Goggles    Glasses: Color 
Glasses: Direction    Glasses: Filter    Glasses: Frame 
Glasses: Night Vision    Globe    Gloves 
Glue    GPS    GPS: Personality 
Greeting Card    Hammock    Headphones 
Headphones: Bone    Headphones: Control    Headphones: Earbuds 
Headphones: Filter    Headphones: Multiple    Headphones: Noise-Canceling 
Headphones: Shape    Headphones: Speakers    Headphones: Wire 
Headphones: Wireless    Helmet    Home electronics 
Imitation    Incense    Interactive Television 
Inventory System    Juicer    Jukebox 
Kettle    Key    Kit 
Kitchenware    Kite    Labeling 
Ladder    Laser Pointer    Laundry Detergent 
Lie Detector    Life Jacket    Light 
Light: Alive    Light: Chandelier    Light: Color 
Light: Control    Light: Decoration    Light: Disco Ball 
Light: Glow-In-The-Dark    Light: Lava Lamp    Light: LED 
Light: Motion    Light: Nightlight    Light: Sky 
Light: Water    Lightbulb    Lighter 
Lock    Lubricant    Luggage 
Luggage: Motion    Luggage: Tracking    Map 
Measuring Instrument    Measuring Instrument: Food    Memory Aid 
Metaphor    Microwave    Microwave: Automatic 
Microwave: Popcorn    Microwave: Portable    Mirror 
Mixer    Mobility    Mold 
Movie    Multi Tool    Music Display 
Music Media    Music Media: Analog    Musical Instrument 
Musical Instrument: Electronic    Musical Instrument: Found Sound    Musical Instrument: Gesture 
Musical Instrument: Guitar    Musical Instrument: Guitar: Capo    Musical Instrument: Guitar: String 
Musical Instrument: Keyboard    Musical Instrument: Metronome    Musical Instrument: Organ 
Musical Instrument: Percussion    Musical Instrument: Piano    Musical Instrument: Plectrum 
Musical Instrument: String    Musical Instrument: Tuning Aid    Musical Instrument: Wind 
Musical Instrument: Wind: Didgeridoo    Napkin    Noise Canceling 
Office Appliance    Office Supplies    Office Supplies: Eraser 
Office Supplies: Highlighter    Office Supplies: Hole Punch    Office Supplies: Notebook 
Office Supplies: Paper    Office Supplies: Paper Clip    Office Supplies: Rubber Stamp 
Office Supplies: Ruler    Office Supplies: Staples    Office Supplies: Sticky Notes 
Office Supplies: Sticky Tape    Orrery    Oven 
Pacifier    Packaging    Packaging: Bubble Wrap 
Packaging: Gift Wrap    Packaging: Gift Wrap: Paper    Packaging: Jar 
Packaging: Reuse    Packaging: Shipping    Pager 
Paint    Painting Tool    Paper Towel 
Paperweight    Parachute    Party Supplies 
Peeler    Pen    Pen: Hi-tech 
Pen: Shape    Pen: Whiteboard    Pencil 
Personal Flight Recorder    Phone    Phone: Caller ID 
Phone Filter    Phone: Game    Phone: Hanging Up 
Phone: Prank    Phone: Shape    Phone: Signal 
Phone: Sound Quality    Phone: Speakerphone    Phone: Telemarketing 
Phone: Visual Throughput    Photocopier    Photography 
Pillow    Pipe    Plug 
Postcard    Power Source    Power Source: AC DC Conversion 
Power Source: Generator    Prank    Prank: Electric Shock 
Pump    Radio    Radio: Control 
Radio: Time-Shift    Random Number Generator    Razor 
Razor: Blade    Refrigerator    Refrigerator: Control 
Refrigerator: Cooling    Refrigerator: Dispenser    Refrigerator: Door 
Refrigerator: Ice    Refrigerator: Light    Refrigerator: Lock 
Refrigerator: Magnet    Refrigerator: Microwave    Refrigerator: Organisation 
Refrigerator: Outside    Refrigerator: Power    Refrigerator: Shape 
Remote    Remote: Button    Remote: Channel 
Remote: Configurable    Remote: Input Method    Remote: Location 
Remote: Locator    Remote: Power    Remote: Prank 
Remote: Universal    Remote: User    Restraint 
RFID Tag    Robot    Robot: Animal 
Robot: Art    Robot: Assistant    Robot: Companion 
Robot: Domestic    Robot: Explorer    Robot: Fighting 
Robot: Locomotion    Robot: Part    Safe 
Scale    Scanner    Scarecrow 
Scissors    Sewing Machine    Sex Toy 
Sex Toy: Dildo    Sex Toy: Vibrator    Shampoo 
Shaver    Shower Curtain    Shower Head 
Shredder    Sieve    Skateboard 
Skates    Sleeping Bag    Smell 
Smell Detector    Smoke Alarm    Snow 
Snow: Clearing    Snow Globe    Snow: Shape 
Soap    Speaker    Spittoon 
Sponge    Stand-In    Stethoscope 
Stilts    Straw    Straw: Suction 
Straw: Temperature    Sunglasses    Tablecloth 
Teasmade    Telepathy    Teleprompter 
Television    Television: 3D    Television: Access Model 
Television: Antenna    Television: Appearance    Television: Filter 
Television: Flat    Television: Home Theatre    Television: Location 
Television: On or Off Switch    Television: Picture    Television: Planning 
Television: Set Top Box    Television: Sound    Television: Split 
Television: Subtitles    Television: Text    Tent 
Thermometer    Tile    Tissues 
Toaster    Toilet Paper    Toilet Paper: Diagnostic 
Toilet Paper: Print    Toilet Paper: Thick    Tool 
Tool: Abrasive    Tool: Cutting    Tool: Drill 
Tool: Hammer    Tool: Holding    Tool: Lathe 
Tool: Level    Tool: Lifting    Tool: Metal 
Tool: Nail    Tool: Pneumatic    Tool: Saw 
Tool: Scanner    Tool: Screw    Tool: Sliding 
Tool: Soldering    Tool: Toolbox    Tool: Wrench 
Toothpaste    Toothpaste: Color    Toothpaste: Flavor 
Toothpaste: Packaging    Torch    Towel 
Toy    Toy: 8 Ball    Toy: Adult 
Toy: Ball    Toy: Bubbles    Toy: Construction 
Toy: Doll    Toy: Drawing    Toy: Figure 
Toy: Group    Toy: Inflatable    Toy: Kit 
Toy: Living Farm    Toy: Musical    Toy: Play Putty 
Toy: Pogo Stick    Toy: Projectile    Toy: Remote Controlled 
Toy: Scale Model    Toy: Slinky    Toy: Soft Toy 
Toy: Sound    Toy: Spinning    Toy: Tamagotchi 
Toy: Transportation    Toy: Water    Toy: Weapon 
Trading Cards    Translator    Transport 
Trash Bag    TV Ad Filter    Typewriter 
Umbrella    Umbrella: Climate    Umbrella: Distribution 
Umbrella: Handling    Umbrella: Inflatable    Umbrella: Multi-Purpose 
Umbrella: Shape    Umbrella: Solar    Umbrella: Target 
Umbrella: Wind    Undo    Video Camera 
Video Recorder    Voice Change    Waffle Iron 
Wallet    Wallpaper    Watch 
Weapon    Weapon: Aim    Weapon: Blade 
Weapon: Bomb    Weapon: Bomb: Delivery    Weapon: Bomb: Happy 
Weapon: Boomerang    Weapon: Bounce    Weapon: Catapult 
Weapon: Chemical    Weapon: Countermeasure    Weapon: Electric Shock 
Weapon: Electromagnetic    Weapon: Food    Weapon: Gun 
Weapon: Gun: Ammunition    Weapon: Gun: Ammunition: Sabotage    Weapon: Gun: Control 
Weapon: Gun: Full-Auto    Weapon: Gun: Mechanism    Weapon: Gun: Non-Lethal 
Weapon: Gun: Shape    Weapon: Gun: Shotgun    Weapon: Ice and Snow 
Weapon: Landmine    Weapon: Light Sabre    Weapon: Missile 
Weapon: Projectile    Weapon: Ray    Weapon: Sonic 
Weapon: Spear    Weapon: Spray    Wetsuit 
Wheelchair    Whiteboard    Wire 


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