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Excluding the Elder gods from Google opt-out

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One cannot but notice the resemblance between the lego Octopus character and Cthulhu...and yet no Google search seems to connect the two.

I am suggesting that Elder Gods be excluded from being able to opt out of Google search results, as it'll only go all pear-shaped when the stars are right..

not_morrison_rm, Jul 27 2014

Cthulhu http://www.craftycr....tv/OctopusPin1.jpg
[not_morrison_rm, Jul 27 2014]

Lego Octopus http://img3.wikia.n...0/Great-cthulhu.jpg
[not_morrison_rm, Jul 27 2014]

Cyberman http://news.bbcimg....486243_dsc_0184.jpg
[not_morrison_rm, Jul 27 2014]

def for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pear-shaped
Pear-shaped [popbottle, Jul 28 2014]

Brown Monkey's Call of Cthulhu https://ia600403.us...BMCallofCthulhu.mp3
Radio play homage/piss take in which Brown Monkey asks the question that we all want to know the answer to. Is Cthulhu a Squid-bat or a Bat-squid? [DrBob, Jul 28 2014, last modified Jul 29 2014]

cthulhu song https://www.youtube...watch?v=XxScTbIUvoA
Hey there Cthulhu... [sninctown, Jul 29 2014]

Lil' Cthulhu https://www.youtube...watch?v=FOHJUrcVdJk
...oh so cute [not_morrison_rm, Jul 29 2014]

Putin Dobby connection https://steveandjon...putin-and-dobby.jpg
[not_morrison_rm, Jul 29 2014]


       You've been staring into the Shining Trapezohedron again, haven't you ?
8th of 7, Jul 27 2014

       Pretty, pretty lights...   

       Dunno, must be great in that sunken city, living the life of R'yleh...   

       Hang on,just clocked the Beeb story about fighter jets being auctioned. and in the centre, a little up from the middle, the green and red thing is at the bottom of a cyberman's faceplate....it all means something..
not_morrison_rm, Jul 27 2014

       Yes, now Wilbur Whatley has internet access …
8th of 7, Jul 27 2014

       //elder gods// //Shining Trapezohedron// //sunken city// //R'yleh// //Beeb story// //fighter jets being auctioned. and in the centre, a little up from the middle, the green and red thing is at the bottom of a cyberman's faceplate// //Wilbur Whatley//   

       Either I've suffered major brain damage or both of you have.
Voice, Jul 27 2014

       Thinking about it, Nyarlothotep is probably in the clear anyway, as no one can spell the name, ergo no search results..   

       //Yes, now Wilbur Whatley has internet access   

       Any time he wants to stop tweeting that's fine by me...eg   

       @WilburWhatley "Dad coming for lunch, all invited"   

       I seem to remember Sturton was never quite the same again, after clicking on an attachment from Miskatonic University...
not_morrison_rm, Jul 28 2014

       That's true, but then he wasn't the same before, either.
8th of 7, Jul 28 2014

       I was just chatting to our resident Shoggoth and it seems that even if The Elder gods were to petition Google to remove certain search results, any gibbering acolyte of Dagon could simply try using Bing instead.
zen_tom, Jul 28 2014


       I have often heard people refer to MS products as "diabolical" so you might be going from bad to worse...
not_morrison_rm, Jul 28 2014

       exclusion means nothing to the Elder Gods   

       if this must be implemented, it is too late   

       the madness is at work   

       the spiders have found me. save yourself   

       ia! ia! cthulhu phtagn.   

       ia! ia! cthulhu phtagn   

       ia! ia! ctulhu phtagn   

       ia! ia! cthulhu phtagn
sninctown, Jul 29 2014

       cthulhu phtagn
sninctown, Jul 29 2014

       For some reason Cthulhu always makes me think of Suicide is Painless, every time I see (the word) Cthulhu I hear this song, but with 'insanity' in place of 'suicide' in the lyrics.   

       For some reason pointless replaces painless sometimes too... but not always.
Skewed, Jul 29 2014

       Just listened to the link [sninctown] :)
Skewed, Jul 29 2014

       Your proposal must be baked; Putin is still searchable.
RayfordSteele, Jul 29 2014

       //Putin is still searchable   

       Hmm, well the Putin/Dobby stuff is still up there...
not_morrison_rm, Jul 29 2014

       // exclusion means nothing to the Elder Gods //   

       Does it mean nothing to The Great Old Ones as well ?   

       // if this must be implemented, it is too late //   

       Yes, it's too late.   

       // the madness is at work //   

       That would be the marketing department, presumably.   

       // the spiders have found me. save yourself //   

       But we like spiders ...   

       // cthulhu phtagn //   

       Sp. "Cthulhu fhtagn !"   

       Or more precisely, "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
8th of 7, Jul 29 2014


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