Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Eco fag butt compressing

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Simply buy the Wonder NMRM Co fag butt compressor, fill it with fag ends you collect from the street during the spring, summer and autumn, compress into bricks and burn all winter!!!

And you don't have to buy cigarettes then, just go close to the fire and inhale.

not_morrison_rm, Jul 01 2013

Briquette press http://youtu.be/paiMr-s8jBk
Mix with a bit of sawdust and water... [Klaatu, Jul 03 2013]

Fag butts for your garden http://voices.yahoo...-spray-2743948.html
[Klaatu, Jul 03 2013]


       I'm pretty sure cigarette butts are a combination of almost impossible to burn and horribly poisonous when burned. [+]
Voice, Jul 01 2013

       "I'm pretty sure cigarette butts are a combination of almost impossible to burn and horribly poisonous when burned. [+] — Voice, Jul 01 2013"   

       I think you are thinking of cigarettes with filters, while the OP was thinking of fag butts without filters.   

       I think this idea might work, but if you want it to burn long, you might want to make it highly compressed, like hashish blocks. You would really have to bear down hard on the fag butts to do this.
Kansan101, Jul 01 2013

       Hmm, there's probably a industry standard for optimum pressure on the fag butts, in pascals. But when I search for it, I always seem to find other material.   

       I'm presuming a mix of filtered, non-filtered and hand-rolled.
not_morrison_rm, Jul 01 2013

       Disapointed this is not some kind of underwear.-
zeno, Jul 01 2013

       Would pounding the fag butts help any?
Kansan101, Jul 02 2013

       I'd just be happy if the filters were biodegradable.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 02 2013

       I'm beginning to suspect some of our transatlantic cousins might be taking a different interpretation of this idea.   

       I heard that! Who sniggered?
not_morrison_rm, Jul 02 2013

       Soak the butts in water, mix in some sawdust and water...press into briquettes. <link>   

       Save the water (and all that nicotine) to spray on your garden to kill the bugs. <link>
Klaatu, Jul 03 2013

       //Save the water (and all that nicotine) to spray on your garden to kill the bugs.   

       What? They can go get their own blummin' nicotine....
not_morrison_rm, Jul 03 2013


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