Used to work on wierd and wacky high-tech projects using leading-edge technology, more for the buzz and the geek status points than for the actual money.
Amazingly, still not dead, despite people trying really really hard ....
Designated "8th of 7" by cow-orkers because of a severe, virulent technology addiction. When the Borg do arrive on planet Earth, will be banging on the door wanting in. Expected response: "No, go away - you're too wierd. Here's a pound for a cup of tea, now go and bother someone else".
Has recently realised (too late) that he is turning into Wally (from the Dilbert strips)
Hates children, horses, children, cats, children, cats, children and ex-wife (no children). Loves vehicles, projectile weapons, beer, chocolate, watching bad things happen to small noisy children, tot-thumping, small hairy dog and girlfriend (not necessarily in that order).
Favourite quote/saying: "I love the smell of Napalm in the morning...."
Heroes: Field Marshal Montgomery, Sam Vimes.
Email: eighthofseven_"AT"
HBGC e+ p+ s+ g+ B++ A++ n+ G r++ E++ C V+ a I+ t+ Z X-- T+ D
#include <EOSSACR.H> denotes
Insert "Eighth Of Seven's Standard Anti-Cat Rant" here; a long-winded, detailed,venomous, spite-laden diatribe against any and all things feline.
#include <EOSSAER.H> denotes
Insert "Eighth Of Seven's Standard Anti-Equine Rant" here; a long-winded, detailed,venomous, spite-laden diatribe against any and all things equine.
#include <EOSSAHR.H> denotes
Insert "Eighth Of Seven's Standard Anti-Handbag Rant" here; a long-winded, detailed,venomous, spite-laden diatribe against the rubbish and clutter that women insist on lugging round in their handbags.
This saves typing, cutting-and-pasting, and space on the HB server.
(Eighth of Seven is single, has no female friends (or indeed any friends at all), lives with his mother, collects edged weapons and likes to dress in black a lot).
#include <GNU_P.H.DEAR.H>
[Jun 11 2002, last modified Mar 26 2020]
19" Rack mounting drinks cooler.
(+7, -3)
2020 Trick-or-Treater Deterrent
21st Century Fawkes
(+2, -3)
.22 air rifle chainshot
360/360/360 Christmas tree rotator
A Case Of Diahorrea
(+13, -4)
A Monument To European Financial Unity
(+15, -1)
A truly Dickensian Christmas
A wash-out of a movie
Abolish oceans
Account snapshot link
(+10, -1)
Accurate local clock
Activity related voicemail
(+13, -1)
Additional typographical symbols
(+1, -1)
ADSL civil defence alert box and app
(+7, -2)
Advert candle
Aerosol handle with laser designator
Aesthetic improvement mask service
After-party alcohol recovery vacuum system
(+3, -1)
Afterlife blockchain
Aftermarket 110V alternator
Aftermarket tablet sunvisor
(+9, -1)
Agressive Shopping Prosthetics
(+3, -2)
Aircraft hold sale
Aircraft rejector seat
Airport security pre-screening service
Alarm clock collar
Alarm patch
(+2, -2)
Alien Abduction Verification Bureau
(+7, -6)
Allergy alert bracelet
(+3, -5)
Alternative Fonts/Languages
Altruistic Lottery Tickets
(+3, -2)
Anachronisms for Archaeologists
Analgesic socks
Anchronistic Innovation Competition
Animal adoption delivery
Animal trials
Animated OLED touchscreen globe
Animatronic rattlesnake
Annual advent calendar
Annual Fiction-to-Fact convergence review
Anonymised automotive weather data collection
(+4, -1)
Anorak button
Anti-bear airbed
Anti-collision boom microphone
Anti-Coronavirus coronet
Anti-fogging car mask
Anti-greeneye phone app for dog pictures
Anti-Siege Gas Meter
(+1, -2)
(+4, -4)
Antimothers Anonymous
(+4, -2)
Antisocial distancing kit
Appliqué urban anti-vehicle mine
(+1, -1)
Armchair Tank
(+4, -4)
Art for Art's Sake
(+2, -3)
Artificial bobsleigh ride
Artificial horizon endoscope
Artificial Walnut
(+11, -5)
Artillery Golf
(+24, -2)
Arts of Darkness
Asbestos dirty bomb
Ash Globes
(+4, -1)
Asymmetric sleeping turban
Attack of the Chinese Muslims ...
(+6, -4)
Augmented reality air combat
Augmented Reality Christmas Lights
Augmented reality safety goggles for dogs
Auschwitz, Texas
Author experience service
(+8, -1)
Autism World
(+6, -3)
Automatic airbag trigger transponder
(+3, -2)
Automatic boot studs
Automatic Food Irradiation Fridge
(+6, -3)
Automatic proof of posting mailbox
Automotive MCBs
(+13, -1)
Aviation lifejacket practice seat
Baboon's Bum Bicycling Briefs
(+18, -2)
Baby Changing Room
Bacon Slicer
(+11, -1)
Badger Trebuchet
(+4, -2)
Bag of fake dog mess
Bagpipe hunting
Bakers on a train
Baking with the boys
(+5, -1)
BASE jumping rocket assist
Bat-watching glasses
Bath/shower plughole waste disposal
Bath soap with LED light
Battlefield tours by tank
Be A Registered Trespasser
(+13, -5)
Bear-proof autonomous vehicle
Beards Nest Soup
Beekeeper's bee suit
Belt-fed pyrotechnic jackhammer
bicycle collision avoidance system
Bifocal binoculars
Big Brother Lamp Post
(+8, -9)
Big Bugs
Biker's Barber Shop
(+6, -1)
Bin-quenching lamp post.
(+7, -1)
Binocular-sharing clip on cameras
Biochemistry and Theoretical Physics Musical
Biocide-dispensing toilet seat
Bird's Nightmare Topping
(+6, -3)
Blatantly Idiotic Predictions For 2012
Blatantly Idiotic Predictions For 2013
Blatantly Idiotic Predictions For 2014
(+3, -1)
Blatantly Idiotic Predictions for 2020
Blatantly Intelligent Prediction for 2021
Bleating sheep facemask
(+6, -2)
Bleeping slow-start lamp
Blood Rink
(+4, -1)
Blood sample storage
Blue flashing lights for vets
(+10, -1)
Bluetooth Compact Flash memory card
Bluetooth earpiece with remote-controlled scratching brush
(+12, -1)
Bluetooth private chat network
(+9, -1)
Bolt and screw replacement service
Bond Villain for President
Boss pedal
(+12, -5)
Bottle centrifuge frame
Bouncy Hadrian's Wall
(+9, -1)
Bouncy Trenches
Box-junction mini roundabout
Bradbury Memorial Beacon
(+15, -1)
Braille Teleprompter/Autocue
Brain Police
Brain Strop
(+5, -1)
(+11, -1)
Bread Frisbee
Bread Pen
Breathability warning smoke/gas mask
"Brexit"-brand product line
(+9, -1)
Bubblegum roads
Building The Wall
(+1, -1)
Built-in Christmas lights
(+3, -1)
Bull-Pup Musket
(+13, -1)
Bundled weedkiller antidote
Burger with a hole
(+13, -6)
Bus-mounted mailbox
(+10, -1)
Bus Passenger Rear View Mirrors
Bus Stop Sundial
(+31, -1)
Butane-resistant bicycle inner tube
(+2, -3)
Butter Mallet
Calibrated coins
Calling Interoffice Rescue
Camera view laser cone
Canned food microwave
(+4, -4)
Car-cooler ramscoop
(+1, -2)
Car door doppler alert
(+5, -3)
Car flotation airbag system
(+4, -3)
Car Helmet
Car seat deckchair
Car signal halyards
(+16, -4)
Car temperature pager alarm
(+6, -3)
Car toolkit
Car water bowl for dogs
(+6, -2)
Carbonmonoxideated Drinks
Carpet slippers
Cat Ejection Pack
(+35, -2)
Cat Vaper
(+2, -2)
Category - Science:Geology
(+6, -4)
Ceiling-mounted mixer tap
Celebrity Aroma Candles
Celebrity Bread
Cellphone destruction bag
(+6, -1)
Cellphone fetching drone
Cellphone flashlight
(+4, -1)
Centrally Heated Bath Tub
Centre parting Christmas Cracker
Centrifugal fishtank
(+4, -3)
Cephalopod Bagpipe Cover
(+5, -1)
Chameleon cables
Change disinfector
Changing tone key click
Channel Charge
Chapel of Restaurant
Check-in Checklist
Checkout Queue Bouncers
(+13, -3)
Chell Specker
(+14, -1)
Chemiluminescent bumpers
Chequebook Toilet Paper
(+3, -2)
Chocolate coins worth what they weigh
CHP - Combined Hospital and Power
Christmas cracker card
Christmas Crackers for dogs
(+3, -1)
Christmas decorations
Christmas gifts by democracy
Christmas LED lights razor wire
Christmas Padding
Christmas present QR receipt stickers
Christmas Robin Clock
Christmas tableaux
Christmas Warning Campaign
Circuit breaker with current transmitter
Classic literature, contemporary technology.
(+10, -2)
Clip-on crossguard
Clockwork Orange Clock
Close harmony honking
(+2, -1)
Clothing with integral seatbelt
Cloud height coloured smoke rocket
(+19, -1)
Clown funeral
Coaster Concordia
Cochlear implants for the profoundly hard of thinking
(+3, -2)
Codeable power cell
Coffee fountain airbag
Coin-operated public shredder
Cold-blooded cookery
Collision experience for learners
Coloured Coal
Coma slimming
(+3, -1)
Combat Kilt
(+3, -1)
Combined cellphone and brass knuckles
Combined ear defenders and goggles
Combined line trimmer and metal detector.
Combustion egg timer
Commonsense Action Movie
(+13, -4)
Commuter train de-crowder
Compass glasses
Competetive Cat Skinning
(+10, -6)
Compressed air, heat and power
Compressed-air powered guard's whistle.
Computer: Pyrotechnics
Concentric triple-expansion marine steam engine
Configurable art goggles
Consistent-position two way switch
Constant Profile Undergarments
Contact lens clock
(+11, -2)
Contentious will service
Continuous-flow lungs
(+10, -2)
Cooler and Tie
Copenhaagen-Dasz Ice Cream
(+5, -1)
Copyright the "h" prefix
Cornea reflection sensing remote
Coronavirus bathing cap
Coronavirus golf ball
"Coronavirus: The Musical"
(+3, -1)
Coronavirus Zorb
"Corporal Jones" survival autoinjector
Cosmetic elbowcaps
Coughing cigarette packet
(+4, -1)
Countable war memorial
Counterbalanced pizza carrier
Court Bar
(+2, -3)
COVID-19 jigsaw puzzle
(+3, -2)
Crane tower crane
Crashproofed SD card enclosure
Cricket score bedlinen
Crime Scene Kit
Crinkle Whistle
(+1, -1)
Crowdsourced Seismometry
Crown Cork Roadway
CSI: Dadaab
CSI hotel staff
CSS Hunley
"Cuddly Monster" children's hand Sanitizer dispenser
Cummerbund for girls
(+8, -2)
Curse Vending Machine
(+12, -3)
Custard-filled child safe Bangalore Torpedo
Custom Effigies in Carbonite
Cyclist safety buffer
(+2, -3)
Cynics Anonymous
(+12, -3)
Daily-wear environment suit for citizen scientist research
Dalek road cones
(+8, -3)
Damnatio Memoriae Porcorum
(+2, -1)
"Dark" warning signs
Darwin Appliances
(+6, -4)
Death Star Underwear
Death Transmitter
Degraded reality view
(+4, -1)
Degrees of Separation warning
Dennis Potter and the Philosopher Stoned
Dentists on a plane
(+6, -2)
Depleted Uranium long case clock weights
(+9, -1)
Designer vacuum
Despicable Dyslexic Me
Detachable camera for drones
Dignitas Vouchers
Disaster Names
Dishonest gas
Disposable baby bottle
(+2, -5)
Disposable trolley tokens
(+6, -3)
DIY Lip Clamp
DIY Recorded Delivery
Do I Look Famous ?
Doctor WHO
Dog Alarm Clock
(+11, -1)
"Dog" setting for electric windows
Dogproof trousers with airbag
Domestic multi-dial astronomical analog clock
Domestic power outage clock
Domestic shredder/log maker
Dominos Piazza
(+2, -1)
Door reminder
Double barrel aerosol spray
Double-ended storm chasing vehice
(+1, -1)
Double-hinged refrigerator door
Double-life celebrity cross-referencing scheme
Double-sided wrapping paper
Double sided Zip-Loc® food bag
Drama at 35,000 feet
Dream Ombudsman
Drink-drive taxi kit
Driver-dynamic license plate
(+7, -4)
Driver's side trash bin
Drone Cops
(+3, -1)
Dual-control bedside light
Dual level adaptable four poster guest bed.
(+3, -1)
Dual mode router
(+4, -1)
Dual Purpose Accelerator Tunnel
Dual-tyre rims
Dummies Books For Dummies
Dummy e-cigarette
Dupuytren's Contracture Prevention Gloves
(+7, -1)
"Dutch Reach" targeting graticule.
E24 hotness colour codes
Ear piercing by mail
(+7, -4)
Earthquake bed
Eat The Bad Tuna
Ebay UserID cross reference
Egg slicer
Elder care non-threatening animatronic animal nanny cam
Electric shock tennis ball
(+1, -6)
Electrically assisted programmable fitness bicycle.
Electrically heated fake dog
Electrolytic oxy-propane blowtorch system
Electron Harvester
Elevator alarm with duplex video
Emergency exoskeleton kit for buildings
(+2, -1)
Emergency faith pack
(+5, -1)
Energy source indicator
Engine-bay cupholder
English to EENG-LEESH phrase book
(+4, -1)
Enhanced Eustachian Tubes
"Enough, already !" cameo
Enteric capsule for microSD card
eReader gallows
Escher's Ketchup
(+7, -1)
Ethereal socks
etis rorrim yrekabflaH
EU mandate for Belgium
(+3, -1)
(+3, -2)
Evil Genius Contracting Company
(+13, -4)
Expand the UK
(+5, -1)
Expandio-ad-absurdum lugggage system
Externally reloadable paper dispenser
Extreme Commuting by V-1 Replica
(+12, -1)
Eye Fell Tower
(+5, -1)
F-117 microwave cookware
Fürst annual HalfBakery Wo ist der Führer ? programming competition.
(+5, -1)
Facepalming cat statuette
(+4, -1)
Faecal recogntion cat door
Fair Usage Toilet Paper Alarm
Fairer data pricing
Fake artificial leg
(+4, -1)
Fake dirty water dog bath
(+15, -1)
Fake drone balloon
Fake huge bushy beard facemask
Fake PHEV charging lead
Fake spider selection box
Fall-arrest unicycle training system
Fan Door
Fanjet-propelled sub chaser
Fantasy Historical Cabinet
(+6, -1)
Fashion bar
(+6, -1)
Father Covidmas
(+1, -1)
Feelgood Burkha
(+3, -5)
Fellowship of the Ring walking holiday
(+3, -1)
Ferrofluid ceiling paint
Fibre optic bathroom uplighter
Fibre-optic binocular tweezers
Fiddler Crab Earthmover
Fig Newton's Cradle
Fight hunger with surgery
(+2, -3)
Fingerprint Fire Alarm Call Point
(+3, -1)
Fire alarm
Fire Escape Futures Trading
(+2, -2)
Fire escape shrub
Firework Christmas Decorations
Fisherman's Foes
Fitted carpet bombing
(+4, -1)
Flame War Extinguisher
(+1, -2)
Flash Crispies
Flash Shaver
Flat Cap Magnetic Cat Flap
(+1, -2)
Flatpacked emergency aquarium
Flip-over additional pinnae for scary situations
Fluid-filled treble glazing
Flushable kitchen bin.
(+5, -2)
Flushable literature
Flying monkeys
Food vending on buses
Football Pyramid
Forced draught cooled cycling cape
Forest fire power generation
Former Smoker Logo
(+3, -9)
Foucault's Pedalo
Fractal Christmas tree
Frangible toast-drinking glasses
Frankenstein 451
(+3, -2)
Free pizza by algebra
(+4, -1)
Freeze Dried Albatross Kite
Fruit and nut kayak
(+12, -1)
Fruit Machine Payphone
Fuel pump with air line
Full Metal Jacket Potato
Furniture with structured cabling
Game Of Thrones
Gas condensing high bypass hot air balloon burner
Gas-lit Christmas tree
Gastronomic malaria control
Gates Foundation.
(+7, -1)
Geek Court
(+3, -4)
Generational remakes
(+1, -5)
Geostationorrery Orrery
(+2, -2)
Geriatric autochurner
Giant Carveable Seasonal Vegetables
Giant Garden Umbrella
Giant Microlight
(+6, -1)
Giant Spitfire
(+13, -2)
Glass bicycle
Glass-bottomed carriage
(+4, -1)
"Glass Eye" doorknob
Glove-box fridge
(+7, -3)
Glow-in-the-dark bathroom nuclear waste disposal
"Gnawing guilt" Christmas card delivery service
Go-Am action camera
Google MoleView
Google Sneak View
(+5, -1)
Google Spark
(+1, -2)
Gothic Windmill
Gourmet communion
(+9, -2)
Government Franchises
(+7, -3)
Graphite rink
(+8, -1)
Gratuitous Dr. Who cameo appearances
"Great Panjandrum" rail-guided ferris wheel for commuting
Gridlock road-rage riot control
Grimly realistic snow globes
Ground power vehicle aircon
GSM scrambler soft codec
GSM SIM form-factor chip-and-PIN card
Guide bears
Gun organ
Hair Fidget Police
(+1, -6)
Half life jackets
(+2, -12)
Half-timbered spectacles.
HalfBake Hotel
HalfBaker Emoticon
Halfbaker Gender Indication Icon (Optional)
(+7, -12)
HalfBaker "total score"
(+3, -10)
Halfbakery 2018 Christmas Carol
Halfbakery: April Fool Idea.
Halfbakery Coat of Arms
(+12, -3)
HalfBakery Confessional
Halfbakery Halloween Story
(+5, -2)
Halfbakery idea generator wizard
(+1, -1)
HalfBakery "If"
Halfbakery keyboard
Halfbakery Prior Art Placeholder
Halfbakery Standard Responses
(+27, -1)
HalfBakery Street Peculiers
Halfbakery "Troll-In-Residence" Exchange Programme
(+7, -3)
Halfbeakery II
HalfWacky Races
(+4, -2)
Handheld laser triangulation measure
Hands-free Autoproctoscope
Happy Pils
(+2, -1)
Hazard light fast flash system
Headrest jacket
Heat-sensing boots
Heated false forehead
Helicopter helpline
Helmet strap alarm
Help the Normal
(+4, -2)
Helter-Skelter roller-coaster automatic shoeshine
Heroic Brexit
HF-cleaned champagne flutes
Hi-vis for elephants
Higgs toaster
High efficiency Dark Energy lamp
High frequency inductive trousers
High Heeled Clown Boots
High pressure moveable washbasin
High speed whole body automatic shower
Hindenburg sky lantern
(+6, -1)
Hitman on Prescription
(+3, -1)
Hobbit crossover movie
(+3, -1)
Home Occupancy Simulation Software
Home toilet tissue maker
Home water pumps
(+3, -2)
Homeopathic Aromatherapeutic Reiki Reflexology
Homeopathic peacekeeping force
(+17, -2)
Hospital Car Park Hospital
Hot air balloon harpoon
Hot beverage district heating
(+14, -1)
Hotel Paranoid's Paradiso
(+4, -1)
House Allergen Signs
Housewives On Mars Ecosphere Challenge
Hovering control tower
(+2, -1)
How The Other Fifth Struggle
(+6, -1)
Howling stop line
(+4, -2)
Hubcap reconciliation service
Human-scale snakes and ladders.
(+8, -2)
Hurricane Wall
Hybrid commuter rail-trolleybus
Hybrid Diesel-electric all wheel drive articulated goods vehicle
Hydraulic ducted prop for narrowboats
Hydraulic recuperator system for muzzle-loading shipboard cannon.
Hydraulic self-powered semi-automatic canal locks
Hydrogen Offsetting Scheme
Hygenic tissue box
(+5, -3)
Hypergolic Christmas pudding
Hypodermic-ready clothing
Ice alert lamp post
Ice Thickness Sensing Boots
Idea glue
Idea Search Ranking
(+9, -1)
Immortality coffin
Improper Space Spitfire
In-drive refuelling
(+5, -4)
In This Bleak Midwinter
(+8, -2)
Incoming call time limit
Inconspicuous fireproof immersion suit with integral smoke hood
Incontinence garment dispenser for corporate washrooms
Indecisive Menu
Indiana Holmes and the Curse of the Philosopher's Jurassic Black Pearl
(+7, -1)
Indoor snowman booth
Inflatable collar travel vest
Inflatable famous singer survival system
Inflatable Jesus life preserver
Ingenius Barsterds
Inside-out mosquito net
(+12, -4)
Institute for Sustainable Conflict
(+9, -1)
Instructional 7-segment confectionery
Instructions for children
Integrated car airbed
(+4, -1)
Intelligence/stupidity geological map
(+2, -1)
Intentional H5N1 exposure
(+3, -2)
Interleaved human/dog biscuits
Internal Combustion olympics
Invisible eggtimer
Isomorphic soap
Jarb Security
Jellyfish protein as animal food
Jolly Liferafts
Jurassic Parquet
(+4, -1)
Just After Hogwarts
(+4, -2)
Kevlar ice-cream tub
Kidney switch
Kitchen crusher for glass bottles
(+15, -2)
(+6, -3)
Klein Bottle Blender
(+2, -1)
Klein Bottle Saxophone
(+9, -1)
Klein Bottle Thermos Flask
Klein Bottle Toilet Roll
(+4, -5)
Knee Trumpet
Knight Vision Goggles
Koala Scuttle
(+3, -1)
Ku Klux KlansMan
(+4, -15)
Lagrange Birthdays
(+10, -1)
Lamp failure warning
Language preservation by military training
Laryngitis pills
(+12, -3)
Laser-etchable silkscreen mesh
Laser Flare Path
Laser power transfer locomotive
(+4, -1)
Laser projection wristwatch
Laundry basket input scanner
Lava flow nuclear waste disposal
(+10, -7)
Lava lamp with real molten lava
Lava wells
Lawnmower oil temperature gauge
LED-light effect filter
Left- and Right-handed keyboard
Legacy voice artist sampling
Lethal Weapon Training
Level crossing ha-ha
(+21, -3)
(+2, -3)
Lifeboat rollers
Lifeguard trebuchet
(+19, -2)
Lifelike animatronic rodent
Lifestyle Grudge Match
(+2, -4)
Light aircraft smoke mask
Linkable Halfbakery Pun Libraries
(+5, -3)
Links to annotations
(+4, -2)
Lipid Olympics
Liqueur Chocolate Bottle
(+11, -1)
Liquor delivery service
Listen to teacher
(+3, -2)
Lithium-ion battery in Compact Flash I/II form factor
Little Rockets
Llama herder holidays
(+8, -1)
(+2, -9)
Local/Remote/Autonomous circuit racing
Locomotive generator
Lonely Road Drive Plan System
Long-drop podiums
(+1, -1)
Lottery with Violence
(+1, -11)
Lovecraft goes Steampunk
Low-Cal sweetener in drinks machines
(+6, -1)
Möbius sticky tape
Münchausen syndrome by proxy excuse service.
(+3, -1)
M3 Lee police car
Machinable Cheese
(+16, -1)
Magazine-fed Christmas Nutcracker
Magnetic floor child management
(+4, -1)
Mains networked voice-activated smart speaker
Management Information Club
Mandatory autonomous LED parking lights.
(+10, -1)
Mandatory ink colour indicator for non-refillable pens
(+3, -1)
Mandatory packaging re-use design
Manly air freshener
(+29, -2)
Marked unPolice cars
(+8, -8)
Mars Resort
Mask attachment ear piercings
Massive Inflatable Ego
Mathematical doughnuts
Matryoshka tables
Maximally bright lamp
Medical receptionist video screening
Medieval Siege Engine Condiment Set
Mediterranean Walking
Meet Your Ancestors
Memento Mori Motorcycle Helmet
(+3, -4)
Memento Moron
(+4, -6)
Memory metal tinsel
Mercury refrigerator
Microwaveable elephants
Midwynter Murders
Migrant donors
(+1, -4)
Mild Concern Clock
(+2, -1)
Military Olympics
Milk alarm
Mime Spies
Minimalist airline
Mirror face mask
Mission: HalfPossible
Mobile navigation beacon balloons
Moore Slaw
"More of the same" recycling/waste container
More verdicts
Morgan, P.I.
Mosquito attractant/repellent sprays
Mosquito coil hat
Most Creatively Spoilt Ballot Prize
(+4, -1)
Motorbike helmet gas connector
Motorcycle helmet filter collar
Mouse capsules
Mouse Trump Game
Movie-linked designed food
Movie nail assortment box
Mr iBad
(+7, -2)
Mug-handle sensing microwave oven
Multi-species face masks
(+1, -1)
Multicomponent riot control smoke round
(+2, -2)
Multiperson human-powered aircraft
Muppet checkouts
(+8, -3)
Mushroom cloud umbrella
Musical Leaders
(+3, -1)
Name Rationing
(+3, -1)
Narrowboat aircraft carrier
National Enquirer's Christmas Vacation
National Hysteria Museum
Nemesis Man
Newspeak spellchecker/dictionary for MSWord
Night Vision For All
(+11, -3)
Nightlight/flashlight switch
Nighttime bedframe guide strips
Nike Line
No-read list
(+2, -2)
Non-electric car competition
Non-perjorative place name revisions
(+5, -3)
Non-pornographic nude space movie
(+4, -4)
Non-touchscreen alert
Nose cancelling headphones
Nothing To See Here
NSA/GCHQ-proof emails
Nuclear fusion flashbulb
Nuclear Lifeboat Sub
OBD-controlled mallet with audio abuse.
Obsessive-Compulsive Pedestrian's GPS
(+6, -1)
Obvious Man
Old Scientist
Olympic Blindfold Shaving
(+7, -2)
Olympic Rings Knuckleduster
Olympic Stone
(+1, -1)
On-call Falconets at airports
One-Armed Band-Aid
One nation, two laws ...
(+2, -1)
One Way Headphones
Opaque eyelid tattoos
Open fire emulator
Optional Adulthood
(+8, -2)
Orbital window knocker
Organ Cockpit
"Organic" drugs
Orrery Chess
ORT-labelled soft drinks
(+1, -2)
"Out of Europe" re-enactment
Overcoat with integral wristwatch
Overnight car protection airbag
Overnight tipping desk
Oxidiser carrier boost blend
(+5, -1)
(+1, -1)
Oxytocin antagonist
Package unsealing RFID tag
Paired Museums
(+5, -1)
Pancake buildings
Paper-cup cellphone
Paper Jam
(+15, -2)
Parachutist "Flypaper"
Paramedic skydiver
(+17, -2)
Paranoid Things
Partial Recall
Party Popers
Party wall heating unit
Passive - Aggressive Infra-Red Detector
Passive smoking dosimeter
Patient hangar rail
Peace By Numbers
Pedal-activated toilet door catch
Peltier heat/cool clinic coffin
(+2, -1)
(+7, -1)
Perfect temperature teasmade
(+2, -3)
Personal aftermarket aircraft shoulder straps
Personal barcode stamps
(+10, -2)
Personal tethered drone bed fan
Personalised computer game
(+1, -2)
Pet Paper (Cat Paper)
(+8, -9)
Phone-screen transfer label
Physical ejection USB port
Physics Appeal Court
(+8, -11)
Pirate Parrot Phone
(+40, -2)
Placebo Placenta
(+4, -2)
Plainclothes Police Pickpockets
(+3, -1)
Planetary species audit
(+3, -9)
"Plasma ball" Christmas tree
"Plasma ball" Christmas tree lights
Plasma-globe touchball
Plug-in Hybrid Home Entertainment Vehicle
Pneumatic energy saver switch
(+1, -2)
Pole reversal preemption
Political Hygiene 101
Pompeii II
Poor Quality Historic Movies
Portable child hypoxicator
(+4, -4)
Portable dog tether point
(+2, -1)
Portable emergency flagpole
Portable folding pyrotechnic hovercraft
Portable massage chair workstation
"Ports of Entry" cartoons
(+10, -1)
Positive-pressure laptop keyboard
Post-It Cuff
(+8, -1)
Postmix milk blender
(+4, -1)
Postmortem art price freeze
Pothole expansion kit
Practice Pancake
Pre-cremation vacuum dessicator
(+5, -3)
Pre-Olympics Geek Contest
Pre-turbocharger Tesla valves
Precise Orrery
Precision toaster
Prefitted car ferry anchors
Prepacked backpacker alpaca pickle package pack packer parka
(+2, -1)
Prepacked tablets with water.
(+4, -1)
Prepaid grave desecration service
Preregistrered press biography auction site
(+5, -2)
Pressurisation/autopilot interlock
Pretence-free ice hockey stick
Printable paper burkha headpiece
(+18, -1)
Private Cruise Aircraft Carrier
(+18, -2)
Private toilet sharing
Product sub-placement
Propane-fuelled Dragon
(+17, -1)
Proper Party Popper
Psycho cat
(+4, -4)
Purley Gates
Putty de foie gras
Quadcopter wingman
Quality fire extinguisher
(+5, -2)
Quentin Tarantino Coronavirus Public Information Broadcast
(+1, -8)
Quiet Little Place
(+5, -1)
"Quo Vadis ?" Public employee badge
(+7, -6)
Radial implosion suicide vest
Radio-linked thermometer/hydrometer
Radioactive CVR/FDR tracer
Rail-stacked highway
Rain gauge alarm clock
Random home automation transmitter
Rant Booth
(+7, -2)
Rationalised car controls
Rationalised day abbreviations.
Real-World First Person Shooter LaserMaze game
(+3, -1)
Real-world vehicle capacity rating
Rearward-facing add-on child seats
Rechargeable wireless keyboard with attached wired mouse.
Reciprocating-piston internal combustion combined lighting-heating-generator unit
Reconfigurable spelling teaching chart
Recumbent hydrocycle scull racing
Recursive Economic Migration Control
Recycled Human Pet Food
(+3, -6)
Reductio-ad-absurdum pool cue
(+6, -2)
Reductio-ad-absurdum World Tour by Mail
Refrigerator/microwave combo
(+3, -5)
Relativity Code
(+1, -2)
Remoan Candle
(+6, -2)
Remote control aerosol cap
Remote-control crutch balloons
Remote-controlled insecticide aerosol indoor spray array
Remote door lock status indicator
(+4, -2)
Remote ringer
Remote signalling rodent trap
Renewable coal
Renewable energy GPS
Rent-A -Dwarf
(+14, -3)
(+4, -4)
Repaint the Humber bridge reddish-brown
Rescue Zombies
(+29, -3)
Reversing air horn
(+1, -2)
Reversing training LCD rear window
(+1, -1)
Rewrite Scurrilous Songs as Christmas Carols
Rhinitis mask
Rhino protection by gene therapy
Richard Dawkins' "A Christmas Carol"
Richard Dawkins "Shroud" Tea Towel
Right-click lookup
(+3, -2)
Roadsigns with travel times
Robotic chimney-climbing pigeon gun
Rolls-Royce Merlin
Roofed-in roads
Rucksack lifejacket
Rundgang der Frankreich
Safe World
Sale of indulgences
(+8, -21)
Same crime, different day
Sander Claus
Sanitary Claus
Santa Clauseau
(+2, -1)
Santa's sleigh hot air balloon
Satan's Christmas Grotto
Satanic laughter car horn
(+2, -2)
Say not the Struggle ...
Say Yes To The Box
Schrödinger Cereal
(+5, -4)
Schrödinger Fix
(+5, -1)
Schrödinger Lager
Scintillation counter
Scooter train
(+11, -2)
"Scrabbling kitten" toilet brush
(+4, -1)
Screw With Their Heads
(+4, -1)
Screwdriver Orrery
Search for volcano pairs
SeaSalt and Vinegar
(+16, -1)
Seasonal solar lighting
(+1, -2)
Seat-back Aircraft Instrument relay
Secure erase dashcam
Self-Acting Fire Escape Dog Door
Self-amalgamating concrete
(+6, -1)
Self-calibrating equalizer
(+3, -1)
Self-checkout attendant bracelet
(+1, -1)
Self-cleaning food processor
Self-contained steam-powered elevator
Self-raising house
Self - reflating unmanned hydrogen blimp
Semi-toroidal centripetal aquarium
(+7, -1)
Server Bag
Sewage Security
(+6, -2)
SF6 escape tube
Shape-memory metal knuckles
Shave counter
Shiatsu Rucksack
Ship in/out of a bottle
Shopper's baseball cap with 2 way radio, quadrature direction finding antennae and head-up projection display.
(+5, -2)
Shouting Pen Holder
Shower Noose
Shredder stove
Sierpinski dunking cookie
"Signature required " robotic arm
Simon Cowl
(+4, -2)
Single-use eggtimer
Single-use home defence gun
(+6, -3)
Single-use paper parachute
Single-use reverse osmosis urine to water converter
Single use self-destructing toaster
Six impossible things before breakfast.
(+6, -3)
Slight misspelling game
(+3, -1)
Small Enterprise Test
(+3, -2)
Smart Blood
(+5, -2)
Smart mains outlet with USB, remote control and networking
Smartphone case with automatic screen cleaner
(+1, -1)
Smartphone "Third Eye"
Smelling aid
(+7, -1)
SmellJet Printer
(+6, -2)
Smoke catcher
(+1, -3)
Snow Frisbee mould
(+4, -1)
Social distancing mobility scooter
Socially-responsible FPS game
Solar powered pointless loud bang device
Solar powered triple expansion combined power and heat system
Sonar Claus
Sound-triggered window closer
South Georgian Gitmo
Spaghetti Carboneutral
Spaghetti Western Christmas Movie
Special overseas burial plots for Anglo-Saxon COVID-19 victims
(+4, -2)
Specialized tandem roadway repair vehicles
Sphinx toilet paper holder
Sphygmomanometer collar
(+3, -1)
Spider Bagpipes
Spiral stairwell
Spoof Museums
Spray-on mouse mat
Sprayable insecticide antidote
Squeaker switch
Squeaky hinge compound
St. Joan of Arc arc lamp
Stairgate to Heaven
Standard of Dying Index
Standardised airline luggage
(+37, -3)
Standardised Disaster Alert Device
Standardised House Number Plates
Statue of Libertarianism
(+3, -6)
Stealth Lawnmower
Stealth Sky Lantern
(+6, -1)
Steam bomb
Steam Locomotive Buttocks
Steam locomotive stove
Steampunk Lime Light head lamp
Sterile Sewage for Riot Control
(+6, -1)
Stick-on cat flap
(+2, -2)
Sticky note calendar
(+1, -2)
Stilt Bus
(+6, -2)
Stirling Engine Powered Composer
(+5, -2)
Stochastic Cigarettes
(+4, -1)
Stop teaching foreign languages
(+2, -2)
Storm chasing suit
Street lamp public power outlet.
(+13, -1)
Street View Baseball Cap
(+2, -2)
Study of Giant Squid by cloning
(+10, -4)
Submarine Sandwich
Submarine shaped cephalopod treats
(+8, -1)
Subtitle justification committee
Sugar diversity training
"Suggestions Box" for hb taglines
Superhero Suit incorporating Protective Mask
Supermarket Glasses
Supermarket steerable webcams
(+1, -2)
SurroundSound Anti-Mugging Jacket
Surveying digital camera
Synthesised speech ringtone
(+6, -1)
Synthetic Intelligence Campaign
(+5, -1)
Tablet touchscreen cleaning gloves
Tactile door entry system
Talk to yourself
Talking condiment bottle
Tantalus Toilet Paper Dispenser
TARDIS air travel
Tarmac the Thames
(+1, -1)
TCP/IP on toast
TCP - UUCP harmonisation
Tea bag with milk
(+6, -3)
Teach English as a foreign language
Technology Coroner
Telechiric Pimple Prodder
Telepresence shopping robot
Temporary pop-up paper spider
Terracotta Navy
Terror on Tatooine
Tesla taser payback pack
(+7, -1)
The 21st Century House
(+2, -1)
The Autocomplete Works of William Shakespeare
The Bleeding Obvious
(+3, -2)
The Brexit Hymn
The Buchanan Family Anthem
The Canine Mutiny
(+2, -1)
The Croissant and the Fishbone
The Fictional House Corporation
The Floor That Isn't There
The Fold Of The House Of Escher
The Fourth Element
(+2, -1)
The Garden Of Earthly Delights
(+3, -1)
The Ghoul with the Dagon tattoo
The Green Bun of the Little Yellow Troll
(+12, -2)
The "Grimesby Roylott" SafeVarium
The Groundhog Channel
The Hand (and straight arm) Of Friendship
The Holy Handbag(-renade) of Grantham
The Immigration Game
(+3, -5)
The Importance Of Being Erwin
The Italian Job
(+2, -2)
"The Italian Job" Redux
(+4, -1)
The Light That Burned Twice As Bright
The London Ear
The Maus Trapp
The Peace of the Worlds
The Pink Planarians
The Pitcher Of Dorian Grey
The R-101
(+16, -1)
The Santaic Verses
The Science of the Lambs
The Slapper
The Stalliscope
(+3, -4)
The Tale of Pita Rabbit
The Thirty-Nine Stops
The "Trollbusters" song
(+8, -1)
The Village People
The Whateleytons
The Write Stuff
Thermite Flask
Thermite popcorn
Thermostat heater
"They Walk Amongst Us" test
Thinking Abstention Month
"Third Eye" flashing LED alarm
Third indicator
Tidal force bathroom scale
Time-lag satellite imaging
Time Police
Tiny autonomous ironing steamroller
(+23, -2)
Tiny Hands
Titanium SCUBA armour
Toddler assault course
(+3, -2)
Toenail glovebox
Toilet roll printer
(+8, -4)
Tom and Jerry: The Schrödinger Cut
(+12, -1)
Top deck bus cab
Topol Gun
Tornado bathroom
Tornado research Nebelwerfer
Toroidal vinyl record player
Touchscreen Cleaner Booth
Towed tandem nuclear-electric aircraft
Tractor-trailer explosive decoupler
Traditional Christmas dinner service
Traffic light barrier arms
Trailing reverse gear
Trainpool tickets
(+15, -3)
Treadmill checkouts
Trebuchet ski lift
Troll Aid
Trollfinder General
(+8, -5)
Trump Hitler Law
(+13, -3)
Trump Oddity
(+12, -3)
Trump Test
(+1, -5)
Trumphemian Rhapsody
(+26, -3)
Trumpton II: The Quickening
(+2, -1)
Try Something Old
Try This For Eyes
Turin Shroud Tea Towel
Turing Test Speed Dating
(+4, -2)
"Turn indicating" blue lights for emergency service vehicles
TV dinner
Twin sensor webcam
Two Pies
(+5, -1)
Two storey bungalow
(+5, -3)
Two-way pneumatic sewers
U-Boat holiday cruise
U.S. Centre for Disease Innovation
UAV net
Uber-Macho Curry/Chilli
Ubiquitous touchscreen
(+1, -1)
Ultimate Garlic Cheese
Ultraviolet food portion marking
UN - mandated weapons system preservation
(+11, -3)
Unbackspace key
Undead Home Protection Kit
(+19, -2)
Underground torpedo
Underwater binocular webcam
Underwater volleyball
"Unedited documentary" movie
(+3, -1)
Unfair Trade scheme
Unintended consequences sunset clauses
Unloseable gloves
Unmistakably macho tablet case
"Unnatural selection" fly lure-trap
Urine targeting laser
(+5, -3)
USB cable with Kelvin connection
USB Zip gun
(+3, -1)
User-powered backcountry toilet
Vacuum cleaner crevasse tool
Vacuum hairdryer
Vacuum mask
Vacuum transmission
Valet driving
Vandal Sniper Magistrates
(+9, -2)
Variable-geometry spatula
Variable height fence
Vehicle flipper ramp
Vehicle powerplant efficiency meter
Vending Machine Cup Printer
Venus Cat Trap
(+14, -10)
(+6, -2)
Vertically stacked fake continents.
(+8, -4)
Veteran pilot backup scheme
Vinegar recycling scheme
(+8, -1)
Virtual 3D pool
Virtual Reality teledentistry helmet
Virus of the Month Club
Virus Wars: The Phanciful Menace
Visible units
Voicemail forwarding as .WAV
(+2, -3)
Volcanology vehicle
Votes for the Dead
Vuvuzela hunts
Waiting For Frodo
(+8, -1)
Waiting For Geldof
(+4, -2)
"Wall of Death" Hajj
"Wall of Death" Hamster Enclosure
(+6, -2)
"Wall of death" spinning tunnel
Wall Of Death toilet
Wall viewer
Wart branding
Washday blues
Wasp sprayer drone
Wasp Training
(+5, -1)
Water-bath engine air prefilter
Water jet emergency brakes
Water jet fly screen
(+9, -1)
Water jet recoilless rifle round.
Water-sensetive recyling bin closer
Weather Whitehouse
Webcam pressure pad
Wheelie Coffin
(+7, -2)
"Wicker Man" Christmas hamper
Wicker Man kit
(+3, -2)
"Wicker Man" vegetable steamer
Windmill powered friction oven
(+8, -1)
Wine box backpack
Wine by the case
Wintry southern Christmas
Word salad dressing
Workable Coronavirus vaccine.
(+5, -2)
World Museum of the Very Big
Wrongful conviction compensation refunding
(+1, -1)
Your Name In Chickens
(+21, -2)
Zen Lawnmower
Zombie condiments