Product: Toy: Scale Model
Ship in/out of a bottle   (+6)  [vote for, against]

A Klein bottle made of transparent glass, on a stand.

Balanced somewhere on the bottle is a model sailing ship.

Thus the ship is both inside and outside the bottle simultaneously.
-- 8th of 7, Jan 02 2019

Hmm, it would be interesting who thought of it first. At least there's not a drone in sight.
-- not_morrison_rm, Jan 02 2019

How can the bottle be on the stand, if the stand is inside the bottle?
-- pocmloc, Jan 02 2019

That's the wonder of BorgCo advanced topology.
-- 8th of 7, Jan 02 2019

I've never understood the fascination with Klein bottles. I don't see how putting the spout through the bottle makes it special. Sure it's a different topology, but so is a torus-shaped pillow or a mug with a hollow handle. The beer is in the mug but it's NOT IN THE MUG!!!!!!one!!!!
-- Voice, Jan 06 2019

A torus is just a special case of a sphere. A mug with a hollow handle has a "rim".

The point about Möbius strips and Klein bottles is that you can traverse from any point on its surface to any other point without crossing an "edge"; they are a single, undivided surface. The Klein bottle is interesting because it maps into four dimensions.
-- 8th of 7, Jan 06 2019

//A torus is just a special case of a sphere.// No.
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 07 2019

Didn't I see an Escher drawing of something like this once?
-- RayfordSteele, Jan 07 2019

“I’d rather a Klein bottle in front of me than a pre- frontal lobotomy” - attributed to Albert Keinsteins.
-- Whistlebritches, Jan 07 2019

When I was at school I recall drawing a Klein Blue Bottle during the maths class in which we were supposed to be learning about Mobius etc. I simply added various fly features ie legs wings and compound eyes to a drawing of the main body of the bottle. Thinking of this was a short lived matter of joy for me. I was detected by the teacher, a rotten sadistic bastard called Cassidy, whom we called 'the blinks' on account of a nervous defect that was manifested in an exaggerated regular closing of both eyes. Ever since then, I have always connected Klein bottles with pain, fear and loathing.
-- xenzag, Jan 07 2019

Hmmm, we have a similar reaction when subjects like glacial moraines, hanging valleys, drumlins and erratics are mentioned.

// the teacher, a rotten sadistic bastard called Cassidy //

Let's get this right - NOT a geography teacher ?

Then again, while all Geography teachers are rotten sadistic bastards, there must be rotten sadistic bastards who aren't actually Geography teachers.

They probably own an atlas, or a road map, or a picture with hills in the background though.

<Registers microscopic twinge of empathy with [xen]/>


<Commences immediate filesystem purge and processor reboots from backing store, engages block isolation protection mode, re-initializes firewalls/>

-- 8th of 7, Jan 07 2019

random, halfbakery