A jolly heartwarming road-trip christmas film set in a cold, snowy part of the western U.S.A. in which three heavily-armed royals who happen to share the same first name go on a long, dangerous journey in search of treasure, guided by a mysterious astronomical event.
Working title: "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly King Wenceslaus".-- 8th of 7, Dec 14 2019 One thing I've never understood is why Westerns are so culinarily conservative. Where are the lasagne, fettucine or cavatappi westerns?-- MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 14 2019 In the cannelloni, but never edited for theatrical release ...-- 8th of 7, Dec 14 2019 The good, the bad and the gnocchi.-- MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 14 2019 For a Few Dollars Myrrh-- bhumphrys, Dec 14 2019 ^ <Notional croissant/>
That can be the sequel.-- 8th of 7, Dec 14 2019 Directed by Sergi-ho-ho-ho Leone-- bhumphrys, Dec 15 2019 ^ <Additional notional croissant, with chocolate frosting and sprinkles/>-- 8th of 7, Dec 15 2019 ....and starring Holly Van Cleef-- bhumphrys, Dec 23 2019 ^ <Christmas-cake croissant with icing/>
"Hol-Lee van Cleef/>
<Pssst/>-- 8th of 7, Dec 23 2019 Wasn't this baked already? "They Call Me Trinity". Can't get much more Christmassy than that!-- DrBob, Dec 23 2019 Except that before Christmas there wasn't a trinity as such, shirley ?-- 8th of 7, Dec 23 2019 The three wise men were a trinity, surely? And they came to witness the manifestation of the holy trinity on earth. My religious knowledge might, I confess, be a bit sketchy on this as most of my RE lessons at school were spent being whacked around the earhole with a copy of PE Teacher magazine.-- DrBob, Dec 23 2019 Apparently (and according to QI - in fact, Stephen Fry Himself), we have no idea how many Wise Men there actually were. It could have been seven - just saying.-- MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 23 2019 Well that's at least two trinities right there then, ain't it guv!-- DrBob, Dec 24 2019 Actually, it's a lot more. P(n,m) for "any three out of seven " is quite a lot ..
<Looks round class/>
Would anyone like to give their calculated value ?
<Hefts board duster meaningfully/>-- 8th of 7, Dec 24 2019 if we allow for a statistical observation, the odds of that many wise men next to each other, even in the Middle East, are quite low.-- theircompetitor, Dec 24 2019 It depends on the local value of "wise", shirley ?
For an agglomeration of persons considered "wise" by a consensus, we would recommend Stockholm on the day of the Nobel Prize awards. Those present, if not necessarily wise in a purely intellectual sense, certainly exhibit sufficient innate wisdom to be able to cadge a free invite to a Big Dinner.-- 8th of 7, Dec 25 2019 random, halfbakery