Now, from BorgCo - a drinks cooler that fits in a 19" rack.
Has USB and Ethernet connections for status monitoring.
Holds an entire 24-can slab of half-litre beer cans.
Anonymous, undistinguished brushed-aluminium front panel with a couple of small status LEDs and a 4 x 4 keypad for entering the access code.
Beer not included.-- 8th of 7, Dec 15 2009 19" Rackmount Fridge 19_22_20Rackmount_20FridgePrior Art acknowledged. [8th of 7, Dec 15 2009] Why would someone want to cool beer?-- MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 15 2009 In order to render tinned lager almost drinkable.-- 8th of 7, Dec 15 2009 How is the 24-can array arranged?
At approx 3" diameter per can, you could get max 6 cans in a row, leaving another inch spare for your fridge-housing.
If 1U = 1.75", then to house 4 x 6 cans, you're going to need an 8U unit (7U for cans, and another one for bits and bobs)
This is assuming a single 'layer' of cans - make it capable of holding 2, or 3 deep - and you've got a 48, or 72 can unit.
The diameter of a barrel of beer is approx 17" so yes, that ought to be rackmountable too.-- zen_tom, Dec 15 2009 // Why would someone want to drink lager? //
Because by 0345, all the Tippex is gone from the stationary cupboard, the whiteboard cleaning fluid has been scoffed, and desperation is setting in.
[zen_tom], you're hired.-- 8th of 7, Dec 15 2009 Thanks 8th! Further potential lies in cheese:
A full Stilton is about 7" in diameter, allowing you room to rackmount 2 cheeses - with room to spare for crackers and cutlery.
If you forwent the cooling, you could have a compartment for brie and camembert which should be nice and gooey from the heat of your various servers etc.
A 2U wine-rack might come in handy as well.-- zen_tom, Dec 15 2009 // Has USB and Ethernet connections for status monitoring. //
Come on [bigs], read the spec ....-- 8th of 7, Dec 15 2009 //The diameter of a barrel of beer is approx 17" so yes, that ought to be rackmountable too.//
Question, is it better to focus on A single large Keg of Beer, or to have A Redundant Array of Individual Drinks?
(I'm rather fond of Red Stripe).-- zen_tom, Dec 15 2009 The single large keg probably has the edge in terms of access time. The RAID approach is more spill-tolerant, in that the most you can ever lose is one canfull, whereas if the spigot on the keg fails, you could lose the lot.-- 8th of 7, Dec 15 2009 5 minutes sounds like a reasonable lease time. High end units will implement Tuborg Carlsberg Protocol/Internet Party and Draught Heineken Cask Protocol.-- 8th of 7, Dec 16 2009 random, halfbakery