Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Eureka! Keeping naked people off the streets since 1999.

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What a remarkably stupid and pointless idea. — MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 23 2009 [delete]

Is there going to be a Rent-A-Troll catalog that vfrackis can place an ad in, too? — jutta, Jul 22 2009

So the formula is: i) Take something that already exists ii) Make it annoying - oops I mean "adventurous" in some way iii) Post it as a halfbakery idea iv) Hilarity Ensues — zen_tom, Jul 07 2009

Hi [vfrackis] - have you noticed the correlation between fishbones and fun-spoiling yet? If you had just come up with some sort of chaperone avoidance decoy things could have been so different. [-] Again. — wagster, Jul 24 2009

[Mar 02 2009, last modified Jul 24 2009]

 3rd Nipple Camera
(+1, -5) abuse deactivation apparatus
(+10, -2)(+10, -2) Accent Certification Society
(+18)(+18) Adult Playground Equipment
(+4) Airline Toilet Flush Simulator
(+3, -1) Anaconda Line
(+6) Animal Clothing for Humans
(+2, -1) Animal Garbage Can Surprise
(+3, -4) anti addiction supply dogs
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Anti Love Micro Text Wrapping Paper
 apoco lip toe
(+4) Apple Accelerator
(+3, -13)(+3, -13) Arranged Marriage Service
(+2, -7)(+2, -7) Ass Bank Ass Meter
(+9, -3) Ass Face Book
(+2, -4) Ass Toasters
(+6) attention getting manic depressive umbrella reverso
(+1) audio visual invisibility cloak for vicious dogs
(+4) authentic nozzle lighter
(+1) Autocombustophobic Therapy Bed
(+5) Back Yard Dog Crane
(+5, -6) Bag Lady
(+1, -2) Bald Contempt License
(+6) Balloon Animal ATM
(+13)(+13) Balloonickers
(+9)(+9) Baptismal whitewater log flume
(+1, -2) Barbie De-storer Keepsake Vender
(+5) Barbie Doll Chandelier
(+14, -7) Bath Monkey
(+8)(+8) Bee Hive Pants
(+2, -3) Belly Button Focus - New Trend
(+16)(+16) Blow Gun Flu Shot Service
(+9)(+9) Body Part Spotter
(+5, -1) Bouncy House Hotel
(+3, -2) Bowling Food Machine
(+9)(+9) Box O Guinness Pipes
(+7, -2) Brothspice or Brothpital
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Bumper 2 Bumper Slaplicator
(+6, -4) Bunny Sock Creator!
(+4, -1) Bunny Super Hear Ears
(+1, -3) butt hopper
(+2, -1) C Pee U
(+4, -1) Canine/Feline Party Gear
(+3, -24)(+3, -24)(+3, -24) Cannabis ATM
(+3) Car Sail
(+4, -1) CarPet
(+6, -4) Cat Oven Alarm
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Catastrophe Tank
(+3, -1) Celebration Hydrant
(+3, -5) Celebrity Bed Crumbs
(+6, -3) Change Gun
 Chaos Bed
(+3, -2) chaos pedals
(+6, -1) Children Multiplication System
(+5, -6) Chimpcoaster
(+4) Chin-pit Deodorant
(+4) choose your own directions
(+7, -4) Clangs !
(+3, -7) Cocained Makeup Compact
(+2, -4) colostomy wine oh
(+13, -5)(+13, -5) Cone Children
 Conversation Radio Cannon
(+7) Corn Hole Garden Buddy
(+19, -3)(+19, -3) Corpus hit me
(+1, -4) Coupon Underwear
(+1, -7)(+1, -7) Crack Conditioning
(+3) crack tension stimulator
(+3) Cracker Muzzle
(+4, -2) crapalatte
(+7) Crayolettes
(+5) Crazy Glue Sniper Rifle
(+9, -11) Crispie Panties
 Croissant Assisted Suicide
(+1) Crunchy Breakfast Cereal
(+8, -5) Cuddly Love Deconstructor Reconstructor
(+3, -2) Dance Pan - Tan Pan
(+5) Dancer Hood Pole
(+3) dark pink mannequin sleep watcher
(+2) Death Star
(+12, -2)(+12, -2) Deer Rider
(+1) Defensive Fitness Purse
(+4) Diet plate
(+7, -3) Disco Bra
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) Dog Balls Licker
(+4) Dog Food Furniture
(+3, -2) Double Knee Pants
(+5, -1) Double Life Monitor
(+4) Down View Glasses
(+6) Dual Purpose Perforated Umbrella
(+2, -1) Ear Agitator
(+3) Electronic Earplugs
(+5, -1) exhibitionist fencing
(+9, -2) Exploding baby Jesus decoy
(+18, -3)(+18, -3) Extra Face Muscles
(+3, -10)(+3, -10) Extreme Waste Meter
(+5, -3) Face Invader
(+3, -11)(+3, -11) Face Lumping
(+10, -2)(+10, -2) Face Messenger
(+7, -10) Facial Porno Associator
 Faulty Translations Bulletin Board
(+8, -2) Fellowship of Specific Item Collectors
(+2) fetisher identification stickers
(+2) File Dis-Repairer
(+3) follow me kitty
(+2, -3) Fondle Alarm
(+12, -9) Food Fister!
(+3, -1) Foot Bananas
(+12, -3)(+12, -3) for pit lickers eatable deoderant
(+2, -5) Fowl Language Tweeter
 Freedom Preservation Hammer Hat
(+3) frites mustache tab
(+3, -1) Goat Feet
(+7) Goose Chair
(+2, -5) Group TEE
(+6, -2) Hair Mazer
(+1) hammerstein mandate
 Handsome Can Disfigurer
(+1, -8)(+1, -8) Happy Ending Park
(+16)(+16) hatshewww!!!!!!!!
(+5) haunted door de-creepanoyer
(+3) Haunted House Appliance
(+2) Head Gear Vending Machines
(+7) Heavy Breather
(+7, -2) HFM Detector
(+9, -2) Holy Water Power Wash
(+4) Horse Head-Face Saddle
(+4, -1) Horse Jumping
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) Horse Pleasure Cone Hat
(+3) Horse Stroller
 Hospital Face Emoter
(+6) hot pants hot shirt
(+2, -3) HotCold Food
(+10)(+10) hypochondriac taxi service
(+3, -4) Ice Cream Birthday Cake Shake Machine
(+11)(+11) Ice Likeness
(+2) Image Enhancing Digital Collar
 Incognito Smut Book
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Inflated Self Lover
(+9, -2) International Association of Meat People Defense
(+1) Into the Frying Pan Sleepy Time
(+3, -12)(+3, -12) Irritate Hotel 8
(+20, -1)(+20, -1) Junk Drawer De-Organizer
(+4, -6) Justified Kill Camera
(+3, -1) Keyboard Underwear
 Lie Facilitator Manager
(+3) Life Changing Shoes
(+2, -1) Lifelike Prosthetic Petter & Heavy Petter
(+2, -4) Lottery Beer
(+7, -4) Magic Johnson
(+4, -3) Mayhem Adviser
(+3) Mega Phone Pants
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Mild Friend Wild Friend Services
(+6) minus jack box gifter
(+7, -6) mommy impersonation services
(+16)(+16) Moses Shoes
(+3, -2) Mucus Inspection Vessel
(+16, -1)(+16, -1) Municipal Crosswalk Corpse Bin
(+6) Municipal Marching Bands
(+1, -6)(+1, -6) Music Guns
(+3, -1) Musical Utensils
(+1) Nervous System
(+4) nest bed
(+3) noisy pajamas
(+6, -2) nose hair extensions
(+2) nose hair paint brush assembly kit
(+8)(+8) Object Wrestling
(+8, -1) Oceanic File Cabinet
 Odor Amplifier
(+7, -3) Oral Froth Chewing Gum
(+4) Pant Fire Hot Sauce
(+4, -6) PanZer
 Party Pants
(+9)(+9) pavement observatory
(+4) pedestrian cat belt
(+1) pedestrian mirrors
(+4) pedo mego phonic replacer
 peep underwear
(+3, -1) Periography
 Permanent Wrinkle Cream
(+6) personal language evolution looseness predictor
 personal re- annunciator
(+7, -1) Personality Type Conversion Service
 Pet Gas Enhancer
 Pharmacy Pet
(+6, -1) Phobia Calculator
(+1, -2) phonostaticcrackerpack
(+6) Picnic Ant Farm
(+1) PillZill
(+6) Pirate Suitability Exam
(+5, -1) place the lightning here shirt/clothing
 plunger bouquet
(+3) Poacherbots
(+1) Pogo-Helmet
(+3) Popcorn Pleasure Palace
(+10)(+10) Porn Life Saver
(+3, -2) Potty Mouth
(+7, -1) projectile fan
(+3) Public Climate Change Sirens
(+1, -4) Public Head Acher
 Racket Vibrator
(+3, -4) Ramification Station
(+2) razor blade de-sharpener
(+2) Reader Control
(+5) Reaper Mittens
(+2) Recliner Kitchen Chair
(+10, -7) Red Hurt Spot
(+6) Reindeer Longbrella
(+5, -1) Relationship Food
(+3, -1) Religious Drone - OOPs
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) rifle billards
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Robotic Suffering Nut Factory
(+3) Roller Skate Helmet
(+3, -2) Sanctioned False Idols
(+3, -1) sanford and son language punctuator
(+10, -2)(+10, -2) scissor pants
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) Screaming Chair Weight Tuner
(+13, -3)(+13, -3) Screaming Pinata
 Seed Widespread Printer Discontent
(+16, -1)(+16, -1) Seeing Eye Lion
 Seizure Switch
(+5, -1) Self Storage 2
(+1, -3) Sequence Repeator
(+4, -1) sex organ lighting control system
(+2, -3) Shake A Leg
(+4) Shark Rider
(+3, -1) Shocker Trunk Service
(+3) Shop -VAC Diet Assistant
(+7) shopping cart bus ride
(+3, -2) Siamese Cat Coupler
(+4, -1) Simulated Rain Storm Golf
(+2, -4) Siren Mouse 211
(+3) sky blue ideer electric
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Sleep Jig Mattress
(+4) Snuffleupagus Inside
(+12)(+12) Sod Bed
(+9)(+9) Sparky Pants
(+2, -3) Sparky Pee Pee Sensor
(+9, -2) special mattress and tactical team
(+14, -6)(+14, -6) Spellgasm!
(+1) Spontaneous Combustion Maps
(+2) Spoon Socks
(+13)(+13) Squirrel Pleasure Drone
(+4, -17)(+4, -17)(+4, -17) Stand Up Sex Cops
(+3) Standing Floor Decals
(+7, -5) Sticky Pole
(+1, -2) stinky new shoes
(+6, -8) Stinky Wet Wear
(+1) strip search tattoos
(+4, -3) stuffed animal adoption booth live
(+4) Stuffed Animal Launcher
(+7, -1) Sugar Dot & Cream Mate
(+7, -1) Synthetic Wit Feeder
 Systemized Amplification of Courage (SAC)
(+1) Take Your Mom to Work Day
 talking dog blind guidance
(+3, -4) Techno Goiter
(+8, -5) The LORD will be with you.
(+15, -2)(+15, -2) The Muppet Vote
(+5, -1) Thin Mint Syringe
(+1, -4) Thirsty Eyebrow Juice
 Thought Scrubber
(+3, -4) Throne Splasher
(+6) tissue paper
(+4) Toast Guillotine
(+1) Toe Foods
(+4) Toilet Life Enhancer System
(+1, -9)(+1, -9) Toilet Reader
(+3) toilet voltage release pedal
(+1) Un-Brella2
(+3, -2) Underwear Air Jetter
(+6, -1) Unified Clothing Kit
(+4) Uprising Automat
(+3, -7) Urinal Nut Holder
(+3, -2) urinary car wash
(+2) vacuum & floor polish dog harness
(+3) Vegetarian Missionary Lunch Machine
(+1, -3) Vibrator Menu Communicator
(+5) Vice Driving University
(+3) Visual Instructions for Dogs
(+4) VM=EM Urinal
(+1) Voice Crack on Demand
(+8, -5) Wake Up Corpse
(+2, -1) welcome to the Egodrone
(+7) Wet Mouth Shovel Licker
(+4, -2) wiff notes
(+2) wrinklues
(+3) Xerox Dancers

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