Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Veni, vidi, teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini.

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“Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscripti catapultas habebunt.” ------
Apologies to Messrs. Van der Graaff and Szilárd for past nominal transgressions. ------
The seemingly odd spelling "dilemma" is said to stem from the Greek: "two choices", which seems to make sense until you realize that the word is for _difficult_ choices. "Do you want a million bucks or a sack of sh*t ?"

Gee, what a "dilemma" ?

The word, somewhat garbled, is from the Greek di+limnj - two lagoons : regrets with either choice. It actually is "dilemna".

Just sayin', carry on.
Undeniably Neat Things:
• GM Futurliner
• Steinway's Double Keyboard Piano
[marked-for-tagline] :
Powered by Newton... spinning in his grave
On Dancer! On Prancer! On Supercapacitor!
Faster than a receding mullet
Clod Computing
Kvetch of the Day
Navel Intelligence
Some Favorite Ideas:
This was going to be a list of other people's ideas but everybody that's been here more than a couple years has at least a double handful that really strike my fancy. So... back to the narcissism

A Small Portfolio Gallery (my own ideas: favourites, or ones that I'm promoting... sixty something of them, for your consideration)

Ego Wall filched from [21Quest]
Every once in awhile I decide to prune the idea list a bit: get rid of ideas that no longer amuse me or ones that seem to be tipping the overall feng shui too far into "practical". The following are some that I sorta wish I hadn't deleted along with their annotations, written here as a future self-caution... I may repost them and hope nobody notices.

Teflon Bucket - light-use steel bucket with teflon lining
Non-Circular Gear Pair PTO - compensates for engine power pulses
Cricket Bat Wind Power - simple tech-free wind power conversion
Geisha Fan Wind Power - as above
Abandoned Surface Mine Arcology - build a city in a big hole in the ground
Compound Blimp - a tiny unmanned dirigible tows the blimp around
Highway Stop Regenerative Ramping - use gravity, not brakes or gas
Triple Decker Highway Intersection - as above - reposted as "Sky Roundabout"
Easy Mapping Dietary Supplements - "this pill equals a serving of Brussel Sprouts"
Man's Washing Machine - "one button" washing machines are annoying
Media File System - physical tracks are "sectors" for large sequential files
Memory Jewellery - what ? recorder ring, etc.
Padded Toothbrush Head - ow
Parking Forests - trees yes, storm drains no
Pulsejet Auxiliary Engine - takeoff assist or engine-out emergency
Refrigerator Pedestal - for anybody over 4' tall to see into the freezer and fridge
Venetian Garage Door - works as well as any other design and looks neat
Aquatic Weightloss Habitat - alternative to lying in bed waiting for Oprah to show up
Window/Awning Combination - oversized outside pane, top-hinged
Automobile Pre-Start Warming/Cooling System - remote engine starting is dumb
Car Brolly - lightweight sun, bird and rain block
Pykrete Flood Wall System - water's available; just ship in sawdust
Lunar Rail System - reposted as Lunar Rail Distributed Infrastructure
Hybrid 3rd Pedal Control Schema - the auxiliary power (regen/launch) amount is controlled through a third pedal
Manually Powered Refrigerator: what it says.

Gee what an ego... anyways, after so much time on walkabout, I might even post a couple of things : Tongue Twizzler - my tongue goes autonomous at the dentist, so a fidget-spinner to keep it occupied
Explosion Lighter : something zippo special edition... not sure what I was thinking
And, furthermore...
^ ! * + ÷ - . ± < = > ª º ¹ ² ³ Œ œ Ÿ % ‰ ° / \ ( ) , £ $ ¢ ¥ € € « » § ¶ ™ © ® „† ‡ " # & ? @ { | } ' [ ] : ; _ ` ~ ¡ ¨ ¬ ­ ¯ ´ · ¸ ¿ × À Á Â Ã Ä Å Ç ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö ¦ Ø ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý à á â ã ä å è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ù ú û ü ý Æ æ Œ œ ÿ Š š Ÿ Ž ž ƒˆ˜ – —‘ ’ ‚“ ” • … ‹ › µ Þ ß þ &

plinnane3 AT yahoo DOT com

[Dec 08 2007, last modified Nov 02 2024]

(+3, -4) 2nd Amendment Proof of Need
(+6, -1) 4 Cylinder Compound-Mode Engine
 7½ League Boots
(+4, -3) A Rat's Ass
(+8, -4) Abdominal Snowman
(+3) Abettor Mouse
(+5) Account Housekeeping - Flagged Links View
(+5, -1) Ad-Based Student Sponsorship
 Aftermarket Stop/Start Kit
(-1) Airburst Bullets
(+14)(+14) Airport Thrift Store
(+6) Anarchy Voting
(+6) Anti-Flywheel
(+7, -2) Anti-Zamboni
(+6) Antistatic Cat Strap
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) Apathy Parade
(+18, -1)(+18, -1) Aquaballoon: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Solution
(+2) Artificial Limbs
(+2) Asymmetric Cylinder Displacement Engine
(+10)(+10) Asynchronous Voting
(+7) Auto-Ornithoptering Kite
(+4) Autoornithoptercopter
(+7) Baba Yaga Crockpot
(+1) Babelsynch
(+6, -2) Backpack Mangle
(+19)(+19) Ball Bearing Dispenser
(+4) Barnyard Waterslide
(+3) Battery/Battery Hybriding
(+6) Battlephones
(+1) Beard Embedded Nixie Tube Chew Counter
(+5, -2) Bernoulli's Spaceplane
(+6) Blanket Apportioner
(+3) Bluetooth Suede Shoes
(+1, -4) Bolo "AntiGravity" Device
(+4) Bonsai Rainhat
(-4) Bonus Voting
(+8)(+8) Bow Tie Reading Glasses
(+20, -1)(+20, -1) Box'O'Mimes
(+8, -1) Brassiere-Matched Tops
(+4, -1) Brick Through a Window.com
(-8)(-8) Brown-Note Assistance
(+9)(+9) Bubblewrap Condom
(+4, -1) Bumperless Ramping Vehicles
(+3) Business Card Grenade
(+8, -1) Butt Chirper
(+4, -2) Butt Perfume
(+3, -1) ButtCast Pillows
(+18, -1)(+18, -1) Butterfly Bow Tie
(+6) Butterfly Knife, Fork & Spoon
(+3) Café Banco
(+7) Calliope Snowball Mortar
(+5) Cannelloni Pillow
(+5) Car Plumage
(+1, -2) Carbon ChronoSequestration
(+3, -1) "Cardless" Card
(+2, -3) Cash for the Barren
(+6) Cash-o-pedia
(+9)(+9) 'Cat on Keyboard' Key
 Cat Turntable
 Celebrity Coffee
(+9)(+9) Certificate of Ignorance
(+13)(+13) Chainmail Pasta
(+3) Charity Tickets
(+9)(+9) Charlotte's Crocheting Printer
(+8, -2) Chat Enhancer
(+8)(+8) Chromatic Scale Clock
(+3) Chubby Rocketships
(+11)(+11) Cities of Magnificent Objects
(+4) Clankies
(+11)(+11) Clockwatchers' Clock
(+10)(+10) Coastal City Wastewater Relocation
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Combover Toupee
(+6) Command Chess
(+4, -1) Computerized Abacus
(+10)(+10) Conservation of Energy Chess
(+5, -1) Construction Machinery Chess Set
(+4) Convertible Movie
(+3) Coronavirus Body Scratcher
(+4, -7) Cow Fart Burner
(+1) Crankcase Sub/Supercharging
(+2) CryoSaw
(+6) Cuppa Clock
(+3) Cymbals-Monkey Grabber
(+13, -2)(+13, -2) Dandelions-B-Gone Garden Gnomes
(-1) Darts Blinders
(+2) Day Hammock
 Dazzle Pattern Clothing
(+7) Defenestration 'Bot
(+3) Dentist's Drill Cozy
(+8, -1) Desiccant Beads Hand Dryer
(+8, -1) Didgeridoo Kettle
(-4) Directional Fart Detector
 Director's Cut Episodes on DVD
(+1) Disco Ball LED's
(+4) Dish Dryer & Defroster
(+2) Doctor Doolittle Device
(+4) Donut Piston
(+3) Door Blower
(+11)(+11) Doorknob Jigglelock
(+4) Doppler Effect for Pipe-Organ
(+9)(+9) Dragonsback Umbrella
(+1, -3) Dreams'R'Us
(+2) Driver Tilt Steering
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Duck Feather Brolly
(+3) Ear Wigs
(+6) Edison's Mellotron
(+12)(+12) Effigy Firelogs
(+4) Egocentric Clock
(+3, -1) Ejection Saddle
(+3) Electric Driveway-Ice Chisel
(+2) Electric Flywheel Hybrid Hybrid
(+2) Electric Sickle-Bar Mower
(+3, -1) Electrical Maze Key/Lock System
(+6) Electrolysis Painting
(+3) Elliptical Video Format
(+5) Enhanced Drinking Fountain
(+1) EU(R)BA
(+6) Exoskeletal House
 Expanded Meh Indication
(+3, -2) Exterior Spray Building Cooling System
(+1) Fake Dogpoop Landmine
(+3) Fanfold Bookbinding
(+3) Fanjet Clothes Dryer
(+7) Farting Fish Ice Cubes
(+1, -4) Faux Guns
(+1) FBI Search Engine
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Feng Shui: The Board Game
(+4) Fingernail Scraper
(+1) Fingernails on Chalkboard Alarm Clock
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) Fish Mixer
(+3) Flavoured Litter
(+2) Flip Mask
(+5) Flocking House
(+6) Flying Cows
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Flying, Flatulating Kayak with a Moustache
(+2) Fogging Car Alarm
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Freelance Bureaucrat
(+1) Frequent Flyer Cacheing
(+4, -1) Frog Hat
(+1) Fuel Filler Door Cup Holder
(+3) Full Metal Burka
(+3) Furniture Prop
(+4) Güber
(+2) Game of Thrones Chess
(+3) Garbage Collection Trolleys
(+5) Garden Daleks
(+15)(+15) Garden Gnomes
(+2) Garden Variety CD
(+2) Gas Centrifuge Nuclear Reactor
(+3) Gauss Air Gun
 Geomagnetic Motor
(+2) Ghost Cylinder Engine
(+7) Gilligan's Orbital Island
(+7) Gingerbees
(+7) Gravity Swing
(+6) Greased Pig Chess
(+12, -2)(+12, -2) Green Shower
(+2) Group Hooping
(+1) Gun Loudener
(+12)(+12) Hamsterball House
(+11)(+11) Harmonica Dentures
(+1, -3) HB-specific Graphic Emoticons
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Heavy Metal Chess Set
(+17)(+17) Heliotropic Cafe Umbrellas
(+12, -3)(+12, -3) Home Defense Immobilising Airbags
(+3) Home Desalinator/HVAC
(+7) Home Distillery
(+8)(+8) Home Lifeboat
(+18)(+18) Home Thunderstorm Simulator
 Honeycomb Ergonomics
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Hoverdress
(+8)(+8) Hula Dancer Duster
(+1, -4) Hybrid Rocket/Flywheel Spaceship Propulsion
(+3) Hydrogen Tunnel
(+4) I-2+1 Compound Expansion IC Engine
(+4) I have a cold/the flu
(+8, -1) Ice Floe Vacation
(+8)(+8) Ice Table
(+2) iFaux'n 5
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Ikea Pianö
(+9)(+9) Immunization Sandbox
 Inner-Wrist Wristwatch
(+4) Intelligence Filter
(+1) International Rescue Museum
 Intrinsic Value Currency
(+9)(+9) Ion Zap Gun
(+7) Isosceles Trapezoidal Bed
(+6) ISS Weathervane
(+6) Item Display by Country of Manufacture
(+9)(+9) Jacob's Fountain
(+2) Journalism Schooling
(+5) Junk Exchange Lottery
(+3) Kama Sutris
 Kitchen Sink Heater
(+11)(+11) Laptop Airbag
(+6) Laptop Lock
 Laser Brolly
 Laser Burner Printer
(+2) Lasso Strimmer
(+6) Lava Kettle
(+3) Lawn Painting
(+4) Lawn Spider
 LCO2 Hydraulic Hybrid
(+5) Lend-an-Ear
(+6, -1) Light Aircraft Trailer
(+6) Light Based Burglar Discombobulator
(+5) Lighter Lighter
(+11)(+11) Linear Clothes Washer & Dryer
 List of (Self-)Deleted Ideas
(+7) Little Box Maker
(+1) Looking for a couple of old ideas
(+12)(+12) Low Maintenance Paint Pattern
(+5) LOx Mini-Torpedo for oil-well collapse
(+2) LTA Positive Crankcase Ventilation
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Lunar Biometrics
(+3) Lunar Rail Distributed Infrastructure
(+15)(+15) MacGyver™
(+4) Madder Horn
(+5, -1) Magnetically Rifled Smoothbore
(+1) Massive Coastal Wind Turbine Array
(+16)(+16) Master Craftsman Slinkys
(+2) Match Heads to Bodies Service
(+2) Matryoshka Delivery Space Habitat
(+3, -1) Maxwell's Demon's Demon
(+5) Mechanical Hot Water Heating
(+7, -2) Meridian Mirror Time Convention
(+6) Microwave Glove
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Milkshake Drilling Platform
 Minimalist SpellChecker
(+6) Mirror Mulch
(+4, -6) Misc Water Features
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) MMORPG ScreenSaver
(+20)(+20)(+20) Modern Low Speed Airliner
(+7) Molecular Scrabble
(+9)(+9) Mono-Hybrid
(+3) Monodoor Fridge
(+1, -6)(+1, -6) Month-End Marker
(+45, -3)(+45, -3)(+45, -3) Moon Watch
(+8)(+8) Moustache Handlebars
(+4) Mushroom Caps
(+1) Napping Helmet
(+6, -1) National Geographic™ Hotel Chain
(+3) National Protest Day
(+9)(+9) Necktie Heater
(+9)(+9) Netherislands
(+5, -1) New Statuary Types
(+3) Nielsen Gullibility Ratings
(+5, -1) NiFe Laptop Batteries
(+1) NO-Code
 No-Sig Flag
(+3, -1) Non-Potable "Drinking Water" Bottles
(+1) NSFPE Genset
(+4, -2) Nuke Antarctica
(+13)(+13) "Nuke" Recharging of Portable Devices
(+8)(+8) Offshore Oil Rig Cozy
(+9)(+9) Old-Tennies Street-Lights
(+2) One-Armed Diet Bandit
(+4) One Way Subway Rush Hour Service
(+8)(+8) Orbital Hovercraft
(+2) Orbital Mill
(+21)(+21)(+21) Pac-Man Baby Stroller
(+5) Paintball AntiAircraft Shells
(+30)(+30)(+30) Paper Airplane Dispenser
(+8)(+8) Parking Balloon
(+3) Parking Chirp
 Personal Suspended-Animation Device
(+1) Pestilence Disinfection
(+12)(+12) Pickpocket Bodyguards
(+2) Pickup Convertible Cargo-Roof
(+1, -3) Pickup Truck-Bed Bar Footrails
(+3, -1) Pickup Truck-Bed Fountain
(+2) Pinecone Solar-Cell Assembly
(+3) Ping Pong Ball Insulation
(+2, -1) Piston Crown Compression Ring
(+3) Pizza Divider
(+5) Pizzabox Flywheel Case
(+5, -2) Planets & Asteroids
(+11)(+11) Plush Toy-Castle
(+7) Pneumatic Clock
(+2) Politician Litmus Test
(+2) Poop'n'Scoop Tupperware Container
(+4, -2) Portable Cat Door
(+13)(+13) Pot Extender
(+1) Pots and Pans Press
(+11)(+11) Powered Frisbees
(+3) Powerline Slackers
(+21, -1)(+21, -1)(+21, -1) Prank Thumbdrive
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) "Prayer Wheel" Vacuum Blimp
(+7) Precision Nut Opener
 Probabilities Website
(+2) Propeller Beanie Drone
(+2) public:nuisance
(+3, -1) Pykrete Driveway
(+2, -3) Quickest Chess Tourney
(+1, -2) R/Stereo
(+17)(+17) Railgun Nailgun
(+1) Rainbow Tail Lights
(+2) Rarefaction A/C
(+3) Rave Shoes
(+3, -1) RC Dirigible Galley
(+6) Reading Owl
(+6) Reading Parrot
(+8)(+8) Real Outer Space Vacuum
(+7, -1) "Realistic Rooster" Alarm Clock
 Recursively Notated Sudoku
(+5, -1) Restacked Rockets
 Retractable Tie II
(+3) Retro Spam II
(+7) Reverse Spellchecker
(+1) Reversely-Hinged Wheelie Bin
(+3) Reversible Baseball Cap
(+5, -1) Reversible Tinfoil Hat
(+8, -1) Riot Control Pigeons
(+1) Robberfly Airport
(+5, -1) Robbers
(+9)(+9) Rocking Chair Conversion Kit
(+2) Rocks
(+1) RollerRowing
(+4) Rotary Rotary Engine
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Rubber Winter Sidewalk
(+1) Safety Cellphone
(+7) Sailing Airship
(+9)(+9) Sausage Chocks
 Scented Bubble-Wrap
(+5, -3) Scented Clothing
(+3) Sea Hawg
(+6) SEAbread
(+4, -2) Seasonal Orbital Advertising Plan
(+6) Security Checkpoint Thrillride
(+7) Segway Snow Plow
 Self-Extinguishing Candle VI
(+15)(+15) Self Levelling Table
(+9)(+9) Sensory Deprivation Sculpturarium
 SGHA Junkfood Labelling System
(+6) Shingle Bells
(+3) Shower Utility Belt
(+4) Silver Bubbles Office Park
(+6, -5) Single Source House Lighting
(+3) Sinisterwear
(+3) Sinktop Air-Conditioner
(+10)(+10) Skillet Mangle
(+7) Skirmish Chess
(+5) Skirt Fogger
(+1) Sky Roundabout
(+5) Sky Yacht
(+12)(+12) Slitherway
(+2) Slow Burn Orion Drive
(+8)(+8) Smoking Boots
(+8)(+8) Snotrifuge
(+4) Snow Catapult
(+12)(+12) Snowforts for Everyone
(+2) Snowglobe Clackers
(+2, -1) Snowglobe Shooter
(+5) Social Snorkel
(+16, -1)(+16, -1) Solar Desalination Aquaduct
 Solar Droud Hat
(+3, -4) Solar Lighting
(+2) Solar-Oven Atmospheric-Water Extractor
(+9)(+9) Solar Powered Geomagnetically Driven "Perpetual Motion" Spintop
(+3) Solar Powered Plasma-Cycle Generator
(+16)(+16) Solar Powered Robot Wars On the Beach
(+3) Solid Fuel Lighter V
(+19, -1)(+19, -1) "Sounds of the Jungle" Sex-Noise Masking Device
(+4, -1) Soupfly Bowl
(+2) Soylent Green Emergency Kit
(+4) Spaceframe Mountain
(+7, -6) Spanck, The Gay Vulcan
(+4, -1) Sphereverb
(+9)(+9) Spider Shoes
(+2) SpiderMouse
(+7) Spinnaker's Dream
 Split-Cycle Compounding Engine
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) Spoked Wheel Doorhandles
 Spring Driveshaft
(+1) Squad-Portable Steam-Powered Catapult
 Squiggle Cylinder
(+4) Squirrel Cage Window Fan
 Stay at Home Children
(+6, -1) Steam/Air Hybrid
 Steam Cooled Rotary Engine
(+2, -3) Steam Shuttle
(+6, -1) Steel Drummobile
(+2) Steel Moustache
(+3, -1) Steganographic URL Text
(+11)(+11) Sten Submachine-Hammer
 Stick-on Holograph Theft Deterrent
(+9)(+9) Stonehenge Table
(+4, -1) Streaming Commercials Website
(+4) Street Storage Vendor
(+2, -9)(+2, -9) Styrofoam Pizza Box
(+5) Sub-Audio Stringed Instrument
 Sudoku as a Religious Exercise
(+17)(+17) Supercapacitor Cordless Screwdriver
(+2) Supercharged Ramjet
(+3, -1) Supercritical-Fluid Common-Rail Direct-Injection
 Sure Thing Barf Bag
(+1) Swimshade
(+4) SwingDesk II
(+1) T-Shirt Stays
(+1) Tablet Calligraphy Pen
(+9)(+9) Teenager's Room Carpet
(+13)(+13) Teeth Backlighting
(+7) Telecalculator
(+3) Terminator Butterfly Air Conditioner
(+2) Texting Glasses
(+19)(+19) "The Flying Dutchman"
(+5) The Great U.S. Mexico Border Mall
(+3) The Last Straw
(+1) The Surfing Channel
(+6) The Town Square: an e-Canvas Painting
(+2, -1) Thermal Battery Pair
(+7) Thermoelectric Blanket
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Thermonuclear Roulette
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Tinfoil Hat Repair Kit
(+2) Tinfoil Sail Hat
(+1) Tiny Garage
(+15)(+15) Tiny Typewriter
(+5) Toast Planer
(+9)(+9) Tongue Pick
(+10, -2)(+10, -2) Tonsorial Theory of Evolution
(+3, -2) Torque Battery
 Traffic Management Escalator
(+6) Trapdoor Chess
 Treadle Power-Assist Typewriter
(+8)(+8) Tree of Reflection
(+3) Tree Siding
(+6, -2) Tribble Alarm
(+2) Tribble Hat
(+4, -2) Tribblephone
(+6) Trim Dude with a Big Package
(+6) Tube Piano
(+13, -4)(+13, -4) Tundra Treeline
(+5) Turbobrella
(+2) Turbojet Plunger
(+6, -1) Um Filter
(+6) Umbrella Xmas Tree
(+3) UN Citizenship for Refugees
(+10)(+10) Underbedlight
 Underground Car Silo
(+2) Untranslator
(+3) Urinal Chimes
(+11)(+11) USB Drive Lock
(+12)(+12) USB Gadget Holder
(+2, -1) V-Bed
(+1) Vacuum Brick Insulation
(+34, -3)(+34, -3)(+34, -3) Vacuum Reducer
(+10)(+10) Van de Graaff Bugzapper
(+2) Van der Burglar Alarm
(+3) Van der Drone
(+7) Van der Saran Wrap
(+10)(+10) Volumetric Bathtub
(+3) Voter Confidence Term
(-1) Vuvuzela Blow Guns
(+7) Wasp Nest Car Security
(+6) Watchband Counterweight
(+13, -4)(+13, -4) Water Powered Lawnmower
(+3) Waterproof e-Reader
(+8)(+8) Weasel Gun
(+4, -1) Weebleware
 Weight Loss Balloon Animals
(+2) Wet/Dry/On-Fire Vac
(+6) Whale Kettle
(+7) What's That Drip ?
(-4) Whirlpool Cylinder-Head
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Wind Turban
(+5) Windmill Powered Vehicle
(+4) Winter Bathrobe
(+2) Winter Caddy
 Wireless Client Channel Polling
(+2) Wolfram Fitness Weights
(+5, -1) Xylophountain
(+5) Yarps
(+6) Yo-Yo Clock
(+6, -1) You Have Pastry
(+1) Zoo'dos

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