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Or even full up dirigibles; tethered to save on fuel.

Instead of concrete, or adobe, or whatever the plan is.

One mile up (give or take, depending on terrain and weather), spaced a mile or two apart.

Seriously, save a few tens of billions,

And four years down the road you have, not a bit of silliness that hasn't even made it off the drawing board, but a couple of thousand lighter-than-air craft and pilots.

FlyingToaster, Jan 26 2017

Save Yupi the Mexican polar bear campaign http://www.saveyupi.com/
[not_morrison_rm, Jan 26 2017]


       I'm sure the wall will get built. After all, it's only a couple of thousand miles - less than half the length of the Great Wall of China. I can't see any problem with it - it's practically a week-end job for a good team of four or five brickies.   

       You guys elected him, you should rally behind him.   

       But just out of curiosity, when he says "I, uh, we, that is we, am going to get the Mexicans to pay for the, that is, the wall", how exactly will that work? Does he just invoice them? Does he charge at cost? Will he use Mexican labourers?   

       I'm not saying he's the thickest, most inarticulate human being I've seen in my entire life, but that's only because I'm not dead yet.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 26 2017

       Don't look at me, mate : our (Canada's) physical interface with the USA is an occasionally-mowed patch of lawn, 50 yards wide and several thousand miles long. Wandering a few metres in one direction will get you murdered by a mob with assault rifles; the other will get you eaten by polar bears and peed on by a moose.   

       As far as The Wall is concerned, it'd be a great project for currently under-employed people to do something.   

       On the other hand there's very few plans that aren't vastly improved by the phrase "and a government surplus dirigible".
FlyingToaster, Jan 26 2017

       //few metres in one direction will get you murdered by a mob with assault rifles; the other will get you eaten by polar bears and peed on by moose.   

       Aha, Yupi, they do have polar bears in Mexico. Saw one in Cairo zoo once, it looked very pissed off.
not_morrison_rm, Jan 26 2017

       He can make Mexico pay for the wall by withdrawing from NATO and creating a tariff on Mexican goods or if he has no more options withholding foreign aid and claiming that constitutes their payment.
Voice, Jan 27 2017

       // Will he use Mexican labourers?   

       An idea I've seen tossed around is for him to hire Mexican contractors to build it, and then stiff them.
tatterdemalion, Jan 27 2017

       Watch as the price of citrus fruits go through the roof...and walls keep people out, but they also keep people in..
not_morrison_rm, Jan 27 2017

       If the Mexicans don't pay...Trump will take it out the drug money.
xandram, Jan 27 2017

       // they also keep people in.. //   

       So, it'll keep Americans in America ?   

       Explain again why that's a bad thing ...
8th of 7, Jan 27 2017

       // But just out of curiosity, when he says "I, uh, we, that is we, am going to get the Mexicans to pay for the, that is, the wall", how exactly will that work? Does he just invoice them? Does he charge at cost? Will he use Mexican labourers?   

       Mexico has a yearly trade surplus which dwarfs the construction cost of the wall, itself projected at $15 billion. He's proposed a 20% tariff on Mexican goods, and because almost all of Mexico's exports go the US, Mexico will have to eat it for the near future.   

       Nevertheless, the wall costs next to nothing when you consider how much more is spent on policing illegal aliens and the cost of the crimes they commit. Given that the American federal debt is increasing at a trillion dollars per year, a tariff on Mexican goods is more of a poetic display than anything else.
Cuit_au_Four, Jan 27 2017

       //policing illegal aliens and the cost of the crimes they commit.   

       It would be interesting to see the figures on the costs of illegal aliens crime, and the figures on indigenous crimes. Would you happen to have them?   

       One good thing about the wall is it's kind of a once in a lifetime opportunity to see just how much coke comes over the land border compared to other routes.   

       At a guess, spending by land border guards will go down, while the number of Ferraris bought by customs inspectors at ports will go up.
not_morrison_rm, Jan 27 2017

       No need for drones, they can use trebuchets.
Voice, Jan 28 2017

       "The order also said all immigration programmes should include questions to "evaluate the applicant's likelihood of becoming a positively contributing member of society."   

       Would that cover people who have run businesses down to bankruptcy 4 times?
not_morrison_rm, Jan 28 2017

       // trebuchets //   


       The practicality of a trebuchet-parachute launch system has been established. Likewise, a bungee-powered ballista for humans has been constructed.
8th of 7, Jan 28 2017


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