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Driver Tilt Steering

No steering wheel :
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The yaw motion (side tilt) imparted by the driver onto the backrest is power-assistedly transferred to steering the front wheels.

Exact angle ratio (backrest:wheels) is determined as the lean required to have the upper body "upright" against the centrifugal force of the turn. (plus a less intuitive system for parking lot speeds)

FlyingToaster, Oct 31 2020

Hand-powered Tricycle http://www.douglas-...cle/tricycle.htm#ha
Third item in list. [8th of 7, Oct 31 2020]

Countersteering https://en.wikipedi...ics#Countersteering
Bicycle and motorcycle dynamics [8th of 7, Oct 31 2020]


       Steering by leaning is Baked, but probably not WKTE. <link>   

       Suggested for deletion, not an innovation.
8th of 7, Oct 31 2020

       Not sure it should be deleted. First time I ever heard of it.
I see problems though, gravity works and if leaning controls steering then, unless your track is laterally level with no corners, you will constantly fight against random tilts.

       Awww, but it's Halloween, my wonderful baking friend, 8thie.
blissmiss, Oct 31 2020

       You've been at the ol' metal polish again, ain't you [bliss] ?   

       // you will constantly fight against random tilts. //   

       Motorbikes steer mostly by leaning, not by turning the front wheel. In fact, at higher speeds, countersteering is equally if not more effective.
8th of 7, Oct 31 2020

       //Motorbikes steer mostly by leaning//   

       That's different. You lean the entire machine so gyro forces apply to the whole system. 'You' included.
This idea and the third image in your link use a leaning control 'device' to steer the whole system.
So what happens if tilt or g-forces cause you to control steering simply because you are connected to the leaning mechanism and can't control your own leaning?

       Bad stuff happens.   

       With a motorcycle there's a tactile feel to when tilt will overcome grip.   

       1: I have seen (and used) a tilt-steered pedal-powered catamaran. Tilt control worked OK, but of course it's a relatively low-speed application.
2: Remember you need to have something to tilt against (handgrips in the catamarans case) which means those parts aren't doing much else. As per [2 fries shy of a happy meal], and because a car doesn't lean like a motorbike, g-forces will mean unexpected leans could happen.
<Aside> A friend of mine (also a mechanical engineer) did a science fair project on this very thing: the difference between the forces & motions etc when cars & bikes turn. </aside>
neutrinos_shadow, Nov 01 2020

       Stilt steering would be a better idea. You could stand up on the stilts in the sunroof with the ends of them threaded through the spokes on the steering wheel. I nominate chicken little 8th to test drive the prototype, at high speed along a cliff edge of course.
xenzag, Nov 01 2020

       //Motorbikes steer mostly by leaning, not by turning the front wheel. In fact, at higher speeds, countersteering is equally if not more effective.//   

       I won't say that you are factually wrong; but it seems that you are making an arbitrary distinction. It's a bit like:   

       Q. Where are we?   

       A. We're directly above the centre of the earth.   

       A close analogy is turning in an aircraft.   

       Q. Does an aircraft turn mostly by banking or mostly by rudder control?   

       A. It's not a very useful distinction; a good turn involves precise coordination of both. If your aircraft has a stable design, you can turn it (badly) using the rudder alone; you can also turn it (badly) using banking alone. Making it roll _causes_ it to yaw; making it yaw _causes_ it to roll; in practice, a good pilot uses all of the controls in a coordinated way to make the 'craft behave nicely.   

       Likewise, it's possible to steer a motorbike (badly) using leaning alone or (less badly) by using the handlebar alone. Making it lean _causes_ the handlebar to turn; turning the handlebar _causes_ the bike to lean. A good rider uses body mass and the handlebar and the throttle in a coordinated way to make the bike behave nicely.   

       It could be said that motorbikes turn _entirely_ by leaning, in the sense that the accelleration vector during a stable turn lies in the plane defined by the centre of mass and the two contact patches; the horizontal component represents the centripetal force. It could also be said that motorbikes turn _entirely_ by handlebar steering, in the sense that the rest of the bike usually arrives at the same destination as the front wheel. Again, it's not a very useful distinction.   

       And technically, all steering in a bicycle or motorbike involves countersteering (of which there are two main factors).
spidermother, Nov 01 2020

       If fly/ride/drive/pilot by computer wire is common place, a standardized stick of motion might be a good idea. Jane driving CBD rubbish facilitator now can pilot the docking of a failed reentry vehicle.
wjt, Nov 06 2020


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