Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Garbage Collection Trolleys

In any but a rural environment,
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garbage and recyclables pickup from households is usually accomplished by a truck which stops at a house, tosses the domestic excreta into the back, starts up and continues to the next house, rinse and repeat. The constant stop-and-go makes it a perfect fit for a stop-start system and regenerative braking/launch; presumably some cities have adopted same.

But we can get perfecter:

If power lines are present alongside the street the trucks can be trolleys (wheeled electric vehicles, powered by overhead lines), powered by induction from the local electric. Not even counting the weight reduction, the pollution aspect is shifted to the much more efficient power generation station.

The transmission lines wouldn't need to be redesigned: the low speed and constant stops lets the driver reposition or remove/replace the arm, to count for hydro poles, tree branches and gaps, while stopped.

FlyingToaster, Apr 12 2015

Some off the shelf design work you can use if it helps... Gondola_20with_20the_20Wind
[normzone, Apr 12 2015]


       //powered by induction //   

       For inductive power, you need coils, not power lines, no?
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 12 2015

       If technology and manufacture carries on increasing exponentially, our tidiness and cleanliness has to as or more complex, to carry what we have now through to the future. Maybe something like this will be a small cog in the manufactured world.
wjt, Apr 12 2015

       //coil// is space efficient.   

       No clue the power transfer differences between coil-coil, coil-straight, straight-straight.
FlyingToaster, Apr 12 2015

       If it were possible to leech from street-level power lines it'd already be done. Under the really high voltage pylons, you can just about get a fluorescent tube to glow through capacitive coupling. Even if you had the right geometry and frequency, inductively powering a vehicle would involve field strengths large enough to provide mandatory free heating for the local residents.
mitxela, Apr 12 2015

       //But we can get perfecter//

       [mitxela] This isn't 60 feet away, like your high- voltage/fluorescent-light example: the inductor's a millimetre away from the line, separated only by the insulative coating on the transmission cable.
FlyingToaster, Apr 12 2015

       Small devices have been able to inductively steal power from powerlines for ages. I don't know how well it would scale up to power a truck. But powerlines in many locations are uninsulated, so you could just use a sliding contact like the pantograph on a train.
notexactly, Apr 21 2015

       Yes, you could. Why don't you put that idea up to the billing department of a power company ?   

       (Hint : be ready to run).
8th of 7, Apr 21 2015


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