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Inner-Wrist Wristwatch

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Designed specifically to foil people who ask you what time it is while you're holding a drink, the Inner-Wrist Wristwatch's watchband holds the timepiece on the inner portion of the fore-forearm instead of the top * . Proper chronology is instantly available without the nuisance of having to shift the libation to the other arm or engage in upper-body contortions worthy of a yoga master.

The watch itself has one mounting pin for the watchband, inset to the back, and elastic flanges that extend from where the pins normally are. This keeps the timepiece from shifting around whether it has been positioned on the top or side of the arm.

Another life-changing product brought to you by the folks at FTCo.


* To be fair it is noted that a watch mounted on the bottom of the arm provides the opportunity of pranking the prankster.

FlyingToaster, Jul 06 2013


       Nurses sometimes wear wristwatches in this configuration. I don't know whether they use special bands, though.
spidermother, Jul 07 2013

       Why does one need a special watch for this? Couldn't you just wear a normal watch this way?
ytk, Jul 08 2013

       Wrists (okay, far forearms) tend to be flat on top and bottom and curved at the sides, so flat-backed watches gravitate towards the top or bottom. A watch with a single strap-pin on the back would stay put, but the watch will wiggle back and forth, thus the flanges.
FlyingToaster, Jul 08 2013

       Oh, I see. By “inner-wrist” you mean the part of the wrist that faces forwards when your arms hang at your side, rather than the inside wrist.
ytk, Jul 08 2013

       right, the bit in between the bits that usually sport the watchface.
FlyingToaster, Jul 08 2013


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