Nihil bonum fuit umquam peractae a bene libratum persona.
I am not bitter. Just twisted.
**UPDATE** I am now bitter.
**Further update**
Really jolly bitter.
[Feb 04 2007, last modified Feb 11 2020]
(+4, -5)
100kV mole killer
(+5, -7)
100m Hg
(+20, -5)
100m hurdles_2
(+1, -2)
101 101
(+3, -4)
1337 for mathematic1ans.
(+4, -6)
1D movies
(+21, -3)
27,462 PhDs
(+16, -4)
3D extruder
(+2, -3)
3D paper printer
(+5, -1)
60pps display
(+10, -1)
747 aerobatic display team
8bar Sound
(+4, -2)
9v glass
A slightly early farewell
A whale in the Serengeti
Abandoned Lighthouse Nuclear Reactors
(+2, -1)
Adaptive contact lens
(+20, -2)
Advertising butterflies
(+9, -1)
Advertising Jingle Birds
Air-barrier rocket nozzle
Airbus "Ekranoplan" mode
(+4, -1)
Alien abduction booking service
All you can carry supermarket
(+11, -3)
Alphabetic Morse bullets
Ambient screwdriver
(+4, -1)
Andor (and/or Orand)
(+9, -2)
Animal footprints
Ant shoes
(+17, -2)
Anti-bear sombrero IV
(+1, -1)
Anti-drone mesh
Appliqué urban anti-vehicle mime
Arm chimpanzees
(+6, -1)
Arm stilts
(+5, -3)
Around the World in 80 Festivals
(+5, -1)
Asymmetric loo roll
Attachment Open! warning
Audio knurling
Aural perfumes
(+8, -1)
Auto-adaptive fonts for dyslexics
Auto-ejecting ice-tray
Automated face substititor
(+4, -2)
Autotune violin
Auxiliary Smokey Bacon Crisps
(+14, -1)
Avogadro's Number
Backfire button
Backside supercharger
Ballistic Curling
(+9, -2)
(+3, -1)
Barnes-Wallace Offshore Skydiving Society
(+8, -2)
BearBeGone anti-bear sleeve
(+5, -1)
Bee drone
Behavioural palaeontology
(+22, -1)
Better invisibility suit.
Better Solar Still
Betterfly Hinge
(+26, -1)
Bi-millennial revision of surnames
Bidirectional potato masher
Big Clock
Big mirror for law enforcement
Big Vinyl
Biofeedback ear-wiggling aid
Bioluminescent clouds
(+2, -1)
Bioterrorism obfuscation language
Blatantly Idiotic Predictions for 2015
(+7, -2)
Blatantly Idiotic Predictions for 2016
(+1, -3)
Blood Pressure Relief Valve
Bluetooth dirigible moth upgrade
BluRay scanning microscope
(+3, -1)
Body clock
(+10, -2)
Bold or Italic Cursor
Bonsai weather
Bookies' vote
(+1, -1)
Bouncing Ball Escapement
(+10, -1)
Bouncing ball flying car
Bow-wave capture for boats
Breathalizer Faker II
Breech-loading toilet
(+7, -1)
(+9, -1)
British Standard Slew
Broadcast all TV at double speed
(+12, -4)
Broadsheet iPhone emulator
Buchanan-Foucault-Powerball generator
(+4, -1)
Budget Terraforming
Bug-eyed glasses
(+4, -1)
Bumblebeeskin gloves
(+6, -2)
Bungee jumping but...
Bungee Rocket
Burka-compatible Segway
Buy my
(+12, -1)
Calamari-cut catgut chain-mail tennis racquet.
Calculator Ka-ching button
Car aircraft simulation
(+20, -1)
Car indicator indicator.
Car Seat Gutters
(+10, -1)
Cardiac Arrest Shock Pants
Centrifuge strobe
Channel Tunnel Didgeridoo
Chaotic Pendulum Clock
Cheap mine clearer
(+10, -5)
Cheese book
(+11, -4)
Cheese causes typhoons
(+19, -2)
Chicken pencil head
chlorophyll reduces street crime
(+9, -2)
Chocolate-filled bumblebees
(+2, -1)
Cirque du soleil mass transit
(+12, -3)
CIty Aircon
(+1, -1)
Clock clock
Clockspring overwinding preventor
Close-quarters ballista
(+2, -2)
Cocktail dunkers
Cocktail dunking biscuits
Coffman starter retrofit
Colour-blindness glasses
Columbo day
(+20, -1)
Combination lock phone.
Commentator exchange programme
(+5, -1)
Competitive Inverted Deadlifting for the Morbidly Obese
(+2, -1)
Computer REM sleep mode
Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Theologique
(+4, -1)
Constant linear velocity record
Continuous-self-destruction nuclear fusion
Cordless Drill Rollerblade Adaptors
Crashable Aircraft
Cricket modulation kit
(+17, -1)
Cuckoo beard
Curtain in-air refuelling
Custom Dustom
Cylinder-less CO2 incubator
Cymatic fishing
Damascus Sandwich
(+9, -1)
Dandelion clock
(+10, -2)
Dark Charge
(+1, -1)
Daschund Luge II
(+7, -1)
(+4, -1)
Delaminate Wales
Depleted Uranium Sunflower Seeds
Dewey Decimal standardization of Chinese food
Diamond Screwdriver
Die-cut pork scratchings
(+2, -3)
Different better invisibility suit
Diffraction Tartan
Digital slide rule
(+29, -1)
Digital vinyl
Disconcertion Mirror
Dolphin and whale communicator
Domain-specific magic 8-ball
(+7, -1)
Double helical folding hard-top
Dr.No's Demolition Squad
(+13, -1)
Dream Scratcher II
Driverless Car Assistance
Driveway detcord net
Drone grousing
Drosophila-based holographic display
Drugs? No shit.
Drunk Tennis
Dual Jigsaw
(+4, -3)
Dust holographic display
(+7, -1)
Dynamically-stabilised vacuum balloon
E-cigarette phone
Earthquake-cancelling Exbose-ive array
(+2, -4)
Earthquake music
eBay Scotland
(+1, -1)
ECG Piercings
Edit your last annotation to make the subsequent comment look rediculous
(+4, -3)
Einsteinian movie.
Elastic telescope.
Elderly Physicist Euthanastic Diffraction
Electric Chair Escape Prank
(+2, -1)
Electric Eel Power, Data and Water
Electrolysed finger smell
Electromagnetic panel-beating
Electromagnetic space-junk decelerator
Electrospray urinal
(+14, -1)
Electrostatic Hamster Toy
Electrostatic swarms
(+2, -1)
Elevator elevation camera
Emergency Lasers in all Schools
Emergent invention
(+10, -3)
English Channel Dwy
(+6, -2)
English-to-English translation
(+13, -1)
Englishman, Irishman, Scotsman Retirement Homes
(+19, -1)
Environmental Green [Shield] Stamps
(+5, -1)
Eppendorf popup toaster
Erasable Ink
Esplodey Atmospheric Softener
Et cetera software option
Eureka mark.
Expand the UK (II)
(+4, -1)
Expandable abbreviations
Explosive boil remover
Explosive decompression meat tenderizer
(+20, -3)
Explosive tattooing
Extreme Green Lofting
Extruded car
(+3, -2)
Eye-tracking mouse pointer
Eyelid lenses
(+7, -1)
Fan-assisted vocals
(+1, -3)
Farting Website
Festive napalm
Fetch Mars
(+9, -4)
Fibre-optics for blondes
(+12, -1)
(+10, -1)
Filenames editable in window
(+6, -1)
Fireworks in space
Fishnet* stockings on the moon
Flag made entirely of flames
Flail hat
Flashmob Ekranoplan
Flood gel
Fly gun
FlyBegone window funnel
(+7, -2)
Flying blade helicopter
Foam-walled shelter for firefighters
Foley Dentures
Four-stroke internal combustion speakers
Free energy or antigravity
French par osmosis
(+42, -2)
French-to-English Mallet
(+14, -5)
Fully functional arm extensions
Functional wrist sundial
Fusible flexible rebar
Gardening dogs
(+13, -1)
Giant African Land Snail Exercise Wheel
Giant Cannibal Spider-Chickens
(+6, -2)
Giant Hamster for London Eye
(+13, -1)
Glasses Anglaises
(+1, -2)
God Locum
Gold fish
(+6, -1)
Gold panning by density alone
Gold-panning caddis flies
Gold panning non-submersible arc welder
Gold panning non-submersible car
Gold panning submersible bot
Google Art
Google Mirth
(+6, -2)
Goose and Turkey Keeperwarmers
Gotcha - Surgical Surprise Implants
Graffiti Whoomfers
Granular LOX
Graphical Candy
(+9, -1)
Gravitationally coupled spaceship
Great Human Resources Managers of Our Time
(+1, -2)
Guard elephants
Guided Arrow
Gulper rocket
(+7, -1)
Gun Toaster
Hadron repair facility
Half full or half empty indicator.
(+13, -1)
Halfbakery Prior Art Placeholder
(+1, -2)
Halfbakery renormalisation
(+6, -30)
Happy Halfoween, Jutta
Happy Hunger Implant
Happy New Year!
Hardware clone stamp
HB Meta-post
HB Proof Correction's
Heart/lung machine heating
Heaven: a travel guide
High viscosity snowglobe
(+6, -1)
Hijack the ISS to Mars
(+4, -1)
Homeopathic statistics
(+8, -1)
(+3, -1)
Horizontal bungee jumping
(+6, -1)
Horological Lumberjacking Biathlon
How do I look on Skype?
(+1, -2)
How was my feedback?
(+13, -1)
Hundred Metres One Man Band
(+21, -2)
Hybrid Plane
I accept for fuxake.
(+3, -1)
I Ching Genomics
(+3, -4)
Iceberg saves Titanic!
(+7, -1)
If you don't believe me...
Immortal Snowman
Incinerator alarm clock
(+2, -1)
Incredibly tall barbell weights
Infinite depth of field contact lens
(+2, -1)
Infrasonic Upshifter
Inhomogeneous Newton's Cradle
Insect microfluidic components
Integral Laptop Strap
(+15, -2)
Intelligent nutcrackers
International 'Dance For Security Cameras' Day
(+54, -3)
International Dangerous Day
(+11, -2)
International Quarantine Week
(+11, -1)
International US elections
(+6, -9)
Internet-enabled fish
(+3, -1)
Intumescent Ink for the blind
Inverse 354c Chroma-Key Suit
Inverse hunting
Inverted reversed swingcraft
Invisible Unicycle
iPod bra-dock.
(+12, -1)
Iridescent air
Iridescent water
(+18, -1)
Jargon Footprint
(+5, -1)
Jet-deployable breadcrumbs
Jet engine + lox = rocket
Jumper trampolines
(+3, -1)
Jurassic Asteroids
Just the movie
Karaoke Tooth
Kelvin? Schmelvin!
(+10, -4)
Keyhole surgery by rat
(+5, -1)
KillerNewton's Cradle.
Knitted Car Cosy
Kopi cat
Lacquer France
Laptop Post-It recess
(+10, -3)
Laptop roof tiles
Laser chisel
Laser drill-square
Laser Lunar Flashmob
Lathed Christmas Trees
Lava driveway
Lava limp.
Lawn dicer
(+11, -1)
Lawn Fracker
(+1, -1)
Lawn Zamboni
(+6, -1)
Laying a log
(+4, -3)
LCD Pinhole Confocal Microscope
LCD Sprites
Learning to Read with Uncle Hannibal
(+19, -1)
LED garden lights, onnastick.
LED twinkly snowglobe
Lightning-powered buttermaking
Linear accelerated instant teapot
Linear Mechanical Wristwatch
Liquid nitrogen butchery
Lock Open Window
Long ammo
Long-stroke single-piston reconfigurable internal combustion
(+3, -8)
Loop no-chain saw
Lottery scam
(+3, -1)
Low-melt fuses for regular plugs
(+5, -1)
Low-pressure ramjet ion thruster
(+3, -1)
LOX gel fuel
(+6, -3)
Lumberjack Tee
Machine for Coffee
(+4, -1)
Magnetic lock-pins
Magnetic monopole.
(+6, -3)
Magnifier coins
Mains powered man-carrying drone
Make political parties illegal
(+1, -2)
Making a map of Leicester
(+20, -1)
(+3, -1)
Manly Sewing Machine
Marching Cathedral Organ
Mars - a paradise, but not for you.
Mass-transit cranes
(+9, -3)
Maxwell's Demonic Lifting Surface
(+10, -5)
Maxwell's Piston
(+4, -1)
Meat bread
(+6, -6)
Meat-flavoured bubbles
Mechanical Calculator 2015
Mechanical calculator watch
Melty Gooseneck
(+12, -1)
Memory stick nest
Mercedes crystal
(+27, -1)
Metagenomics Analysis of Bernie's Clam Sauce
Metal detecting skates
Metallic Ketchup
(+6, -1)
Metallic wood
Metric fish
Mexican border hedge
Military head price
(+1, -2)
Mine the Emperor's Tomb
(+3, -1)
Mint chocolates
(+7, -1)
Mission: Airy Position
Moiré Flyscreens
Molecular Biologist - Heal Thyself
More Code
More Space Prizes!
Motorized Laptop Scroll
Motorway Sign University
Mouse barcode reader
(+22, -2)
Mouse Levitator
(+3, -2)
MPORG treadmill
Multi-directional microphone
Multi-rotor self-winding watch
Multi-timbral theremin
(+10, -1)
Musical Dental Floss
Musical suction cups
(+4, -1)
(+73, -4)
Nasal Fireworks
National Being Drunk Day
(+10, -1)
National Smell Like a Dog Day
(+6, -1)
Navel cam
(+5, -1)
Neanderthal body mods
Newton's Swingchair
(+4, -1)
Ninja Fillums
Noise cancelling cancellation
Non-burstable pipes
Non-working Reactionless Drive
(+4, -5)
Office castles
(+8, -2)
Omnidirectional retaliatory laser
One-shot vapes
(+2, -1)
Online shopping with cash
Outriders for Hire
P32 forensic avoidance
Pacific Data Storage
(+3, -1)
Paint Pin
(+9, -2)
Pancreatic Hot Water Bottle
Paper Ribbon 3D printer
Paper Vinyl
Parlons Auto
(+11, -2)
Parma Beef
Parson's Code for Images
Party Popper Rocket
Patrick Moore, RIP
(+14, -1)
Paving Text
Pay Attention beep.
Pay for the Amazon
Peel-off wallpaper layers
Peelable skin
(+2, -3)
Perforated biscuits
Peristaltic naturally artificial heart
Phoneback sandwich toaster
Phonetic Equivalence Search
Piano fingering corrector
(+6, -1)
Piezo-stabilized strut
Piezoelectric chewing gum
(+6, -2)
Piezoelectric rock chisel II
Pirate Big Brother
Podcast search function
Pointless calculator
(+15, -4)
Polar fishing
(+2, -1)
Poor Science Mockery Mob
(+9, -1)
Pop-up idea summary
(+1, -2)
(+18, -2)
Popcorn Hat
(+9, -4)
PopCraft Moulded Popcorn Machine
Post-apocalyptic retirement home
POV sphere
Powdered toiletries for the TSA
Prayer amalgamation and reselling app
Predictive Cricket Glasses
Pressurised solar system.
Prime slides
Primordial Oxtail Soup
(+3, -1)
Print-in-my-book printer
(+2, -1)
Print Mower
Product advertisements
Profanity context beeps
(+5, -2)
Project Ball Squeezer
Proper copper orrery
Prosthetic koala
Public clifftop skydiving
Public Temperature Bells
Pykrete against global warming
Pyrotechnic mole remover
(+9, -4)
QRoogle Earth
Quantum Dot Fishfood
(+8, -1)
Quantum god
Radical Remould
Rainpowered Giant Public Kelvin Thunderstorm
RC Hawking
(+17, -3)
Real-world mute button
(+6, -1)
Recapitalization of Western Businesses
(+1, -3)
Reincarnation music
Relative speedometer
Religiously Acceptable Camera
Remind Me There
(+6, -1)
Remote Control Cleaner
Remote Control Fishing
(+1, -2)
Remote laser tagging
(+4, -1)
Rename Sir David Attenborough
(+9, -2)
Rental Nations
Rentisham's Traditional Flenting Wax
(+53, -3)
Rerun 1989
(+5, -2)
Rescind the Outer Space Treaty
Resonant Fly Immobiliser
(+32, -1)
Retain your favourite memories post-mortem
Reverse Coral Reefs
Rhino power marketing stunt for weather
(+4, -2)
Rifle Jenga
(+7, -1)
Riot control spiders
RIP Heinz Wolff
RIP John Nash
(+3, -1)
RIP Linus Folkes
(+5, -1)
Ripply light
(+9, -1)
Robotic cheese-space explorer
(+14, -2)
Robotic percussive panel-beater
(+6, -1)
Rock/Paper/Scissors currency system
(+9, -1)
Rock stratum power storage
(+5, -1)
Rotaty cube
Rubber ear mobile phone cover
Rubik's Earth
(+19, -2)
Ruling, single-handed.
RVR Glasses
Safety accidents
Safety Cheese
(+5, -1)
Santa Claus
Santa Klaus Barbie
Savour of the Universe
Schrödinger's mouse
(+8, -2)
Schrödinger Scat
(+4, -5)
Schrodinger's Alarm Clöck
(+6, -4)
Schrodinger's Twin Slit Experiment
(+10, -3)
(+10, -2)
Screw engines
Screw rockets
Screw you Cafetiere
Screw your DNA
SCUBA Car Interior
(+7, -2)
Seating plan for Hell
(+16, -3)
Second Law of Thermodynamics Temporal Violator
(+4, -3)
Seismic egg timer
(+8, -1)
Self-assembling rods
(+2, -3)
Self-extinguishing candle XXV
(+4, -1)
Self-geared flywheel
(+2, -1)
Self Medication Chocolate Ice Cream
Self-organising cubes
Self-refrigerated shoes
Self-shelling nuts
(+12, -1)
Self-shrouded propeller
Self-sustaining Newton's Cradle
Shipping Container Tetris
Shoot the Amazon
Shot tower icemaker
Sick club
Sign not in use sign not in use sign
Silly Putty Seatbelt
Simplified euthanasia
(+5, -1)
Single-leaf tea
Sink the oil!
(+5, -1)
Skinny Monkey Slimming Shoes
(+6, -1)
Skip Pool
Skipping-stone wingsuit lander
(+5, -1)
(+8, -3)
Sky harpoon
(+14, -2)
Skyscraper web
Sleeping leopard tree ornament
Slow bowls
Slow light
Slowly Expanding Executive Pen
Small Dog Drone
Snow globe snow globe
(+1, -2)
Snow power
(+7, -3)
Snowball Cores
Snowglobe contact lens
(+1, -2)
So you think you're a psychic?
(+5, -1)
Soap Box Derby gravity powered rack and pinion
Solar-powered waterless plant waterer
(+8, -2)
Solid fuel lighter VI
Solid fuel lighter XXX
Solid gold exhibit.
(+15, -1)
Son of Where's that noise coming from
Sound-cancelling earplugs
(+6, -2)
Soup By Post
(+18, -3)
Sparkling wine
(+30, -1)
Speech Referee II
Speed camera lottery
(+5, -1)
Spit-be-Gone brass instruments
Spot-weld mace
Spotlights against global warming
Spray-on compression socks
Stand-up pathedian
Stealth luggage
(+8, -4)
Steam watch
Steampunk effects pedals for vocalists.
(+1, -2)
Steering Wheels for Horses
(+12, -1)
Stem cell swapping
Stepwise growth
(+9, -1)
Stickies for Websites
Stirling-pumped heating system
Straw straw
Stressed Explosive
Stretch travellator
String-free Newton's Cradle
Stupidly high-altitude drone
Subterranean molectrocutor
Suicide confetti bomber
Sumo chess
Swallowable MP3 player
Swanee Whistlevator
Swear-word activated phone
Switchable bifocal contact lenses
Systematic Alloy Discovery
(+5, -1)
T-shirt Slimming Hoops
(+1, -3)
Tabletop Pastamatron
Tag Heraldry
Targeted Car Horn 4
Tectonic Migration
(+6, -2)
Teeth prosthesis
(+7, -1)
Telephone dialling challenge
Telescopically Nested Allen Keys
Terahertz Prosthetic Penis
Textual switchboard menus
Thames extension
(+12, -1)
The Buchanan-Foucault Generator
(+4, -2)
The English National Cryogenic Chocolate Repository
(+8, -1)
The Intelligent Mouse Project
The Overclocked Brain
The Room Service Wine Game
(+9, -2)
The Scott Diet
The TTC Diet
The Ugly Parts Of series
The wired human
Theatrical Screwtops for Wine
Their constellations
(+4, -1)
Thermite-free instant hot drinks!
Thin coating
(+4, -5)
Thomas Becket Day
(+4, -1)
(+5, -1)
Tongue sander
Topography Matcher
Toroidal croissant
Tow-away-away car
Trained scavenger junkie rats
Transdermal Lipolysis
(+5, -1)
Translation Cycle Game
Tree Softener
Treeless Christmas Tree
TripAdvisor Confidential
Trump/May exchange
Try-for-size cardboard furniture
Tsunami globes
(+3, -1)
Tuned suitcases
Twisted windows
Two iPhones
Ultracentrifugal karma
Ultracentrifugal satellite launcher
(+8, -5)
Ultrasonic everything
(+8, -1)
Umbrellable roofing truss
Unclose that browser window!
(+7, -2)
Under-laptop drawers
Universal Glint Contact Lenses
Unwiniser Filterbode Radiophonic Interferoden
(+6, -3)
Update my attachments
Use black holes to slow down time
Vac-U-Baby Face Former
(+5, -1)
Vacuum Fab Room
Variable flex poulting mallet
Vernier Moiré Wristwatch
Vertical Wet Tunnel
Very loud noise
Viagra de Graaff
(+9, -2)
Visible>IR converter for phone flash
Voluntary slave prisons
(+3, -6)
VTOL the hard way.
(+2, -1)
Walk Like Douglas Bader Day
(+5, -2)
Wall o'death death
(+1, -3)
Water-jet lawn aerator
Water Pogo
Weather music
Webpage grammerer and punctuator.
Welsh National Peltier
Wet Fusion
Whipcrack satellite launcher
(+11, -1)
White Elephantogram
Who needs a runway? Every airplane can be a helicopter II
(+8, -4)
Whodat button
Whole-face dermal expander
Why do they do that?
Wii knitting
(+36, -5)
Wikipedia mathematical symbol popup
Wind-generating wind turbine
Wind heater
Wind Tunnel Onastick.
Wind Turbine Bungee Skydiving
Window defroster
Windowsill turf
Windscreen quarterlight
(+1, -1)
Wine handle
Wineglass compensating computer monitor
Yellow Dotted Printer Paper
You can't take it with you
(+4, -3)
Yougle Earth
(+10, -3)
Your Name in Lights
YouTube Sound Synch
Zombie counterbalance