Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
May contain nuts.

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2 fries shy of a happy meal

"If only you could see what I've seen with your eyes..."

"Yes, I thought I'd be taller too, okay now, just relax, take a deep breath, and count backwards from infinity."

My favorite quotes:

"I live on Earth at present, and I don't know what I am. I know that I am not a category. I am not a thing — a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process — an integral function of the universe. "

~Buckminster Fuller~

Second favorite quote:

Perhaps it is better in this present world of ours that a revolutionary idea or invention instead of being helped and patted, be hampered and ill-treated in its adolescence — by want of means, by selfish interest, pedantry, stupidity and ignorance; that it be attacked and stifled; that it pass through bitter trials and tribulations, through the heartless strife of commercial existence. So do we get our light. So all that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combated, suppressed — only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle.

~Nikola Tesla~
...it's a nice sentiment but I'm not so sure I agree, I mean, look how that dude ended up.

I guess third favorite has to go to Aldous Huxley;

“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. "Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does." They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.”

'struth that.

Ooh! A new one;

"If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized... If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance - you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest."

~Ian Watson~

My other profile page is imaginary... and it's way cooler than this one.
You have no idea.

seirfowt @ g mail dot com if anyone cares to talk.
twofries backwards since my Hotmail account got hacked.

My ten favorites in no particular order:

Bobble Hydra
Dolphin Language
Fullerene fulgurites
Lines between the reading
Infinite Foyer
adds Cymetchesketch
later adds Coanda Tornado
then adds Artificial Mirage Lens
and then Bolt-from-the-blew
later adds Parallax Telemetry to the list...

I would never rob the Ooolongftangftangbank and to any and all of the Gaia fornicating fecal particulates it may concern...

...I very much exist.

Should that cease to be the case and I haven't stopped by in a long time you can get the gruesome details from my more significant other at cgilbert0202 AT hotmail dot com

[Oct 01 2002, last modified Feb 18 2025]

(+2) 3D Chladni patterns
(+11)(+11) 3D Jello printer
(+3) A.I.C.C.O.C.B.
(+3, -2) A.I. me
(+15, -3)(+15, -3) above ground swimming
(+13)(+13) Aeolian Skipping Rope
 Aerobically Alternating Current
(+4) Aerogel Steam Zepplin
(+2, -7)(+2, -7) Alexandrite of way
(+5, -4) All-saw
(+5) Almost unstoppable wheelchair
(+3) Alphabejigsaw
(+7) AM Radio Powered Vehicle
(+2) Analog Asteroids
(+6) Animalgorithm
(+6) Anti farmer-tan ktop
(+6) Antidepresspirant
(+4, -1) Aqua Scale Mail
(+32, -5)(+32, -5)(+32, -5) Aquari'ome
(+3, -1) Aquatic Fauna
(+6, -2) Aquodeo
(+11)(+11) Arcade Claw Dining
(+4) Arrestaeration
(+1) Art Form
(+1) Artificial Mirage Lens
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Assault 'n Vinegar
(+3) Audiologram
(+7) Augmented Updraft Tower and Battery
(+3) Baby Belly Hammock
(+3, -2) Ballammo
(+6) Battlesubs
(+1) Bed of Nails
(+7, -2) Bee fence
(+2) Belle E Acres
 Bernoulli UFO
(+1) BigWheel tm
(+7) BinkerBuoys (bm)
(+6) Birthptism
(+7) Bithmuth dithplay
(+2) Black-Hole-Bowling
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) Boatercycle
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) bobble hydra
(+2) Bolt-from-the-blew
(+6, -1) Boom-meringue
(+4, -1) Bootstrap pulling
(+30, -1)(+30, -1)(+30, -1) BouncyBallSnow CastlePitGlobe
(+6) BowlerCoaster
(+3) Braille hammer
(+17, -1)(+17, -1) Bubble gunn
(+5, -2) Bubbuildings
(+9)(+9) Bugblecide
(+11)(+11) Bullseye Pizza Pan
(+4, -1) Burning-man
(+7, -3) butterflykisses
(+1) C.L.A.D. (cat laser army drones)
(+1) C.S.I. myelopoiesis
(+17)(+17) Canadian Army knife
(+14, -2)(+14, -2) Cannondrum
(+3) Capillary Sweatband
(+1) Carbonated bath water
(+2) Carrier Goose
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) Cartoonaoke?
(+14, -1)(+14, -1) Catalytic Consortium
(+8)(+8) Caterpillary action
(+4) Centipede Cycle
(+2, -1) Centriflywheelugal force
(+1) Centrifugal Farce
(+6) Centrifugiverse
(+42, -2)(+42, -2)(+42, -2) Chainoodles
(+40, -2)(+40, -2)(+40, -2) Chesshenge
(+16)(+16) Chesspice
(+6, -1) Chew chew train
(+8)(+8) Children of the nitinol
(+9)(+9) Chlorexcrement
(+5, -1) Chrono-logic.com
(+4) Chronozoetrope
(+2) Cloud Zeppelin
(+11)(+11) Cluehouse
(+3) CO2 at home
(+1) CO2 to go
(+12)(+12) Coanda Orrery
(+7) CoandaTornado
(+3) Coexist-tent
(+6) Coffee mugg
(+2) Cold-azer
(+3) Colour changing makeup
(+5) Colouring Cook Book
(+2) Compound-Bow Tie
(+4) Condensnation
(+16, -6)(+16, -6) Constructaceptives
(+15)(+15) Conveyor bed
(+1) copy copy copy/paste paste paste
 Criss-cross spell-check
(+7) Critical mass light.
(+4) Crypto Warpography
(+1, -2) Cryptochromagnetic FlockOff
(+4, -1) Cryptoverlaptography
(+5) Crystal ball snow-globe
(+2) Crystal Organ
(+1) CSI training for EMT'S
 Curving Bullets
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) Cutting room floored
(+2) Cymatic Solar Beam
(+10)(+10) Cymaticup
(+16, -1)(+16, -1) Cymetchasketch
(+2) Défteroskeleton
(+5) Damashqis' Steel
 Deactivate crosswalk button
(+1) Dead-air bags
(+3) Deepface
(+48, -2)(+48, -2)(+48, -2) Deflater Mouse
(+2, -1) Deflection Disks
(+21)(+21)(+21) Delayed Mentos
(+17)(+17) Deoxyribonucleinker toys
(+7) Desktop fireworks
(+2) Dial-A-Cycle
(+17, -2)(+17, -2) Dial-a-roll
(+5) Diamagnetic contact lenses
(+4) Diamagnetic face mask
(+4, -1) Diamagnetumbrella
(+1) Diamond ring
(-1) Dilatant dilettante dancers
(+16, -1)(+16, -1) Ding Doh!
(+3) Disconnect Four
(+1) Documentree
(+1) doggum
(+15)(+15) Dogth Vader.
(+17)(+17) Dolphin in a can
(+9, -3) dolphin language
(+1) Dominathalon
(+13)(+13) Doom buggy
 Double-boiler Hydrometer canning device.
(+5) Doughnautilus
(+7) Dragon
(+12)(+12) Dual Japanese fan clock
 Dyson sphire escape
(+3, -2) Eddy's current escape.
(+14)(+14) Eel-mobile
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Eggtch-a-sketch
(+3, -1) Elbow-lift
(+2, -1) Electric Galleon
(+6, -4) Electro-crete
(+3, -1) Electromalgum
(+7) Elemental juggling
(+19, -1)(+19, -1) Emperor's ball
(+5) Energizer Burny
(+2) Ergonomicast
(+6) Evapowriter
(+4) Expandome
(+6) Exploding throwing stars
(+4) Externally heated steam rocket
(+1) Eye to eye
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Faces of disease
(+8)(+8) Fahrenheist 451
(+6, -2) Fairway grenades
(+8)(+8) Fan-dangos
(+4) Faradeath
(+3) Feather-Star Ornithopter
(+1) Fiber optic IR and night vision invisibility
(+8)(+8) Fiber optic Lego
(+4) Fiber optic slinky
(+3) Fields of algae
 Figure 8'vly speaking.
(+11)(+11) Firebow
(+5) Fireclackers
(+3, -6) FiredDrill
(+3) Fish nets tockings
(+7) Fletch-effluvium
(+6) Floating creek turbine
(+7) Floattie
(+11)(+11) Fluid robotics
(+12)(+12) Flying Dutchman
(+5) Flying in V.I.S.I.B.L.E. Zepplins
(+2) Folicular manslaughter
(+10)(+10) Fonduermostatic forks
(+10)(+10) Franken-steins
(+3) freaklikeme.com
(+2) Free-dive record breaker
(+3, -1) Freshwater Bio-rock
(+1) Front Brace
(+7, -1) Froogle
(+4) Fullerene Fulgurites
(+7, -1) Garden Gutters
(+14)(+14) Gazoontdart
(+5, -1) Geek Gauntlet
(+6, -1) Geodeseggs
(+3, -1) Get paid to vote on binding referendums
(+6) Glacial guppies
(+3) Gloss/Flat finish
(+2) Golf With Altitude
(+1) Google map-tilt
(+8)(+8) Greenwood
(+3) Großvater Eggs
(+4, -1) Guide bats.
(+8)(+8) Guitorque
(+1) Gyrebage collection
 Gyro Achitecture
(+1) Gyrodome
(+7) Gyrograph
(+8)(+8) Gyroscillation
(+5) Half past empty
(+4, -2) Halfbakery spring cleaning
(+1) halfcapturey
(+8)(+8) halfzoomery
(+1) Hands-free forearm crutches
(+5) Handy Feet
(+10)(+10) Hard broiled egg
(+2) Heat-shrink finger-cot
(+3) Helios helper
(+12)(+12) Hemisphilliards
(+6) Heron tea pot
(+11)(+11) Hitch-hiker-helper
 Hoberman disk
(+7, -2) Hocus Focus.
 Horizontal scroll display
(+6) Hornpub
(+1) Horse Fly Bridle
(+9, -11) Hot water toilet flush (S.H.I.T.T.)
(+2, -1) House Of Cars
(+9)(+9) House of whacks
(+5) Hydrophobic Fulgurite Bubbles
(+4) Hydrums
(+5, -1) Hypnotize U
(+20)(+20)(+20) I've never met a halfbaker I didn't like.
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Ice-Sculpades
(+4) Illusory Snow Globe
(+3) Infestspraytion
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Infiniscope
(+6, -1) Infinite foyer
(+10)(+10) Inflatable flailing tube costume
(+7) Inflatabubble flailer
(+4) Insta-slushie
(+4) Instant breakfast
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Instattoo
 Intellectual property middle ground
(+20, -3)(+20, -3) Internal crystallization Engine
(+3, -1) Internally Ballasted Archimedean Screw propelled submersible
(+3) Invention etymological website
(+4) Irrigation Irritation
(+4) Jacob's Galleon
 Jar of pickle
(+2, -3) Jellacid
(+12)(+12) Jigsaw Tiles
(+4, -1) Jolly-Roger Ram-Jet
(+25)(+25)(+25) KFnoirfke
(+3, -1) Knotstem
(+3, -2) Laballrynth
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Labyrinfinitum
(+1) lampscapes
(+7) Laspeyresia lounger
(+12, -5) Lazamboni
(+8)(+8) Led Sikorsky
(+3, -1) Legodesic
(+2) Lines between the reading.
(+5) Lintionery,
(+5, -1) Lobzilla
(+2) Log'o'rhythm
(+5, -1) Looking Glass Ties
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) Lunark
(+3, -1) Magic eight ball dice
(+4, -1) Magna-Bra
(+3) Make Earth invisible to other planets
(+3) Man Made Trans-Oceanic Currents
(+7) Man powered flapping flight
(+7) Mandelbrotwurst
(+1) Mandiball
(+16, -2)(+16, -2) Manuwipe
(+3) Mass of humanity.
(+17)(+17) Matrioshkurn
(+3) McGillicuddy's revenge
(+5) Meniscus clock
(+9, -2) Merc Chess
(+1) Mermen
(+4, -3) Metaphysics 101
(+7) Meteoriatric geriatrology.
(+4) 'Mewsment Park
(+3) Microwave Bitumen Tool
 Mine Mercury
(+2) Mini Boundary Country half-con
(+7) Miniautilus
(+4) Mirror-morph
(+5) Mobilitree
(+5) Mobius printing strip
(+5, -3) Mobius strip tees
(+3) Modular terrarium
(+4, -3) MoMentos
(+6) Monopole-y
(+3, -2) Moonshrooms
(+4) Moonsupials
(+3) Morning-star Mace.
(+3, -1) Morphler
(+6) Mosaicigsaw puzzle
(+10)(+10) Mote in Jupiters eye
 Motorcycle attachments
(+1) Mounted split keyboard
(+5) Mr. Potentate 'o' head
(-1) My Esteamed Colleagues
(+18)(+18) N.A.W.C.H. (north american west coast halfcon)
(+6) Nanofist density
(+10)(+10) Necromanager
(+11)(+11) Nested Cookbook
(+2) Nestive facepalm
(+6) Newton's Cradle of Civilization
 Nitinol Visor
(-2) No title
(+3, -2) Non alphabetical baking
(+2, -1) Non-perpetual motion machine
(+18, -2)(+18, -2) NoOval course
(+7) not-a-Hologram in your tank
(+1, -2) Not really holographic books
(+21, -1)(+21, -1)(+21, -1) Nuclear critters
(+4) Numbrella
(+29, -1)(+29, -1)(+29, -1) Ogopogurniture
(+1) Ohm My Dog
(+7) Olfactrubik's cube.
(+2) Olympic discus skipping
(+6, -1) Omnioculars
 One question
(+6, -2) Opinionata
(+2) Optimal Sander
(+38, -2)(+38, -2)(+38, -2) Orb-o-coaster
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) orbital guppies
(+8)(+8) Orbituary
(+2, -5) Ovagami
(+3) Palinopsicolour
 Pantagraph derby racer
(+7) Parabolic pool
(+2) Parabolindrome
(+17)(+17) Parachute suit pursuit
(+2) Paradigm.com
(+7) Parallax telemetry
(+4) Parchmint Julep Tea
(+2, -1) Passive deck lighting
(+3) Pedal powered paddlewheelair
(+2, -8)(+2, -8) Pee Pill.
(+2) Peer Pinball
(+7) Pencil Cayennes
(+7) Pendulumandala
(+5) Perceptuarium
(+3, -1) Pereidolights
(+1) Peripheral prescription preference
 Periscope app
(+13)(+13) Periscopulars
(+3) Perpetual anti-gravity buttered toast/ falling cat machine.
(+2) Phlubmarine
(+2) Photosimulacrum
 Piezo Esclinkynator
(+6) Piezoelectrocking chair
(+1) Pin-head Screwdriver
(+14)(+14) Pinbowl wizard
(+2) Pinealopoly
 Pinhead gameboard
 Placental allergy testing
(+4, -1) Plate tonic
(+2) PointerSpecs
(+2) Polar bear heating
(+4) Pop rocks cubed
(+4) Porta-Pole
(+11)(+11) Pot-hole Zamboni
(+6) POV chucks
(+2, -1) power cows
(+4, -1) Preezing
(+3) Prencils
(+5) Pressure sensitive camouflage
(+2) Previous Ownership Fingerprint Authentication Database
(+1) Prince Rupert sphere sensors
(+11)(+11) Prince Rupert Spheres
(+8, -1) Programmable-scrunchie
(+9)(+9) Programmable Zen rock garden
(+10, -5) Promotional pivoting paper pixel panoply
(+1) Proximity touch screen
 Public: [General]
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Pumpkameleon
 Purple pee pool beater
(+12)(+12) Purple Rain
(-2) Pyramidabolic
(+3) Pyrotechnic billiards
(+5) Pyrotronum
(+1) R.I.P.
(+10, -2)(+10, -2) Racktacular.
(+5, -1) Rainbow paint
(+4) Ratchet Ladder
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Re-fowestation
(+4) Recoil Knife
(+7) Recycling stapler
(+2) Reefulgurites
(+5, -7) Regional specific protests
(+8)(+8) Remote Couchtrol
(+3) Rescue buddy
(+1) Retirement Investment Gravity-less Housing Trust
(+2) Rev-Rover
(+12)(+12) RIP Oliver Sacks
(+8)(+8) Rogue wave the ride
(+5) Roiler Coaster
(+10)(+10) Roller Coaster Treecoon
 Roller Rink
(+14)(+14) S.S. Sea Threw
(+3) Safe metal casting for kids.
(+5) Sand-Castle
(+8)(+8) Sand chucker (the ride)
(+3) Sandmarines
(+8)(+8) Sandroomba
(+3, -1) Sasquatch
(+8)(+8) Scales the tipping
(+4, -2) Scambivalence
(+12)(+12) Scrackball
(+5, -2) ScratchNsniffZworld
(+2, -1) Screwing up
(+2) Scribble
(+2, -1) Second glance
 Self Contained Oxygen Extraction Underwater Breathing Apparatus
 Self Contained Under-plastic Botanical Architecture
(+6) Self folding parachute
(+4) Self ironing clothes
(+2) Self-scratching casts
(+3, -1) Self waving flag
(+2) Septic Thermal Power
(+17)(+17) Seraphimphonics
(+7) Shadow Stalker
(+6, -4) Shampee
(+4) Shark riders
(+7) Shoot the Moon
(+3) shopping center lanes
(+4) Shower temp. pre-set
(+1) Shproing propulsion
(+4, -1) Sibtutles
(+2, -3) signal changer
(+9)(+9) Six-pack snow fencing
(+6) Skeptic down
(+2) Skindentation
(+6) SkipLED
 slingshot space
(+5) Slitherboard
(+3) Snowblunderbuss
(+8, -1) Snowmba
 Soap Bubble Vortex Rings
(+4) Solar cutting torch
(+8, -2) Solar hot air hang glider.
 Solar pool cover/heater
(+6) Solar steam engine.
(+1) Somewhere under the rainbow
(+6) Sonic dilatant egress.
(+3, -1) Sonic generators
(+7, -1) Space for sale
(+7) Spell Binding
(+5) Sphere my wrath!
(+4) Splitting headache
(+2) Sploosh and spladders
(+1, -3) Sponge Pump 3
(+4, -2) Spooker
(-2) Spuba
(+4, -1) Squags
(+2, -1) Stan Lee hologram
(+2) Standing wave node reflector
(+8)(+8) Steady Hands
(+13)(+13) Steambow
 Stop inflation
(+5) Street gang plow
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Sublimecapades
(+19, -1)(+19, -1) Sublimotion
(+8)(+8) Sublushie
(+13)(+13) Submersible flailing oxygenating tube men
(+3) Suit'o'chute
(+4, -3) Supercognifragileegosymmetricalidocious
(+3) SuperCrete
(+3, -1) Suspended shower floor
 Sweeping out from under the rug
(+2) T'elevator app
(+4, -1) Table of elementals
 Tactile 3-D GPS.
(+7) Taming of the Screw
(+10, -3) Tantoos
(+3) Tape measure/T-square
(+3) Tectonic Plates 2
(+2) Telescopic clippers
 Tensegrity Power Towers
(+6) Tesla wind farm
(+2, -1) Thcwabbwe
(+2) The Last Lightbender
(+3) The Last Water Bender
(+6) The Philosophers' Tone
(+2) The Toroiding Inferno
(+2) The walls have ears,
 Theo Jansen hamster ball
(+24)(+24)(+24) Theremin Hero
(+3) Thermodrone
(+8, -1) Thesaurusoetry
(+6) Thixotropic Painballs
(+1) Thred Zeppelin
(+4) three sheets to the wind
 Time viewing
(+3) Tired feet
(+5) Toastradamus
(+3, -1) Toil Let's
(+21)(+21)(+21) Top Tens
(+5) Topical Viagra
(+2) Touchtypetorial
(-2) Tourtiere Chamber
 Transition contacts
(+7, -1) Tread-Ski
(+3) Treadnaught
(+5) Tree-Huggers
(+6) Tree wells
(+8)(+8) Treethedral
(+5) Trick the nipple
(+2, -1) Triple Wide Camper
 Tube Cabin
 turbulent tunes
(+2) Umballrella
(+2) Umbra House
(+1) Umbra-lens
(+8)(+8) umop 3p!sdn velcrobstacle couse
(+10)(+10) Underwater Fireworks
(+8, -2) Unflatable mattress
(+1) Universal translator.
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Unlucky Charms
(+1) Unpredictaballs
(+12)(+12) UP
(+7) Upside down Underwater Bowling
(+19, -1)(+19, -1) Utunesils
(+1, -2) Vacuum-fridge
(+10)(+10) Van De Grrruff toys
(+3, -1) Vanishingraffiti
(+4, -1) View-Per-Pay
(+3) Viewer's Digest Condensed Musicals
(+6) Visual overdub
(+4) Vortex de Graff
(+3) Vortex Taiko
(+2) Vortexpedo
(+6) Vulcurn
(+5) W.F.O.
(+9)(+9) Warped weft
(+20, -1)(+20, -1) Wasabi pops
(+15)(+15) Waser pistol
(+3) Water Totter
 Waterfall projection screen
(+2) Wave Amplification Vehicle Excelleration System
(+6) Web Harp
(+4) WebBullets
(+1) What happened?
(+5) Wheely bench
(+14)(+14) Wheely Rocker
(+4, -1) Wild rodeo
(+3) Wing-o-chute
(+8)(+8) Wire Sawmill
(+7) Woibles
(+2, -1) Wok into the light.
(+8, -1) World-wave
(+9)(+9) Wunderpad
(+9)(+9) Yearhourglass
(+18)(+18) You are making a matsutake
(+8, -1) Zeus tag
(+1, -2) Zodiac slippers
(+2) Zoomball Tram
(+8)(+8) Zorbinky
 Zorbital Dodgem

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