Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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What happened?

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For a while this morning the halfbakery didn't exist and GoDaddy offered to sell me the domain name.



       It got inhaled by the NSA. There's a rumor about that some of you aren't Mericans, and you've been talking about government and explosives and airlines and religion and whatnot.   

       (Actually, I have no idea)
lurch, Jun 07 2013

       Domain Name: HALFBAKERY.COM
Created on: 06-Jun-99
Expires on: 06-Jun-15
Last Updated on: 07-Jun-13

       Looks like the domain name wasn't renewed on time. I've goofed that up before. It's sort of a pain. No big deal really, since you generally get a grace period of a couple of months to renew after it expires before it goes back into the pool of available domains, but it's one of those “kick yourself” kind of moments. They usually send you several warnings before it expires, and generally I'll blow them off and not deal with it until disaster strikes. One year GoDaddy actually called me to remind me to renew my domain, and I still managed to let it expire on me. Durrr…
ytk, Jun 07 2013

       yes- thanks [ytk] always check the *news* page. Glad all is well now.
xandram, Jun 08 2013

       <Eric Idle>   

       What's happened?   

       <Micheal Palin>   

       Start again!   

Alterother, Jun 08 2013

       If we could extend this question...   

       I was a very loyal reader of HB at university, long before the Great (HB) Crash. Many years later, with my own account, I can't help but notice that the number of contributors seems much lower. It's rare to see 20 votes for an idea today, whereas that seemed to be a minimum at one time.   

       To hazard 2 guesses:   

       Like certain old Usenet groups, it seems the educated classes stopped posting once the internet hit critical mass. 2) Whimsy doesn't play well in a mix of bad politics and bad economies.   

       But really, there's a lot more I don't know.
4and20, Jun 10 2013

       Trick question? Are you saying it should be all video or archives of video chats today?
4and20, Jun 10 2013

       Almost impossible to remember where at university I found the HB. But the general tone and several ideas and people on the place always stayed with me in some way.
4and20, Jun 10 2013

       Your wisdom needs a lot more whitespace.
4and20, Jun 10 2013

       Read the "news". ooooops!
xenzag, Jun 10 2013

       I too roll my eyes with the rest whenever one of the old favorites comes on, but sometimes I can't avoid diving in anyway. Nearly always somebody has an original point to make.
Alterother, Jun 10 2013

       //the halfbakery is now just half-baked thinking about everything rather than whimsical inventions// There are still plenty of halfbaked inventions here. Just ignore or mfd those that aren't.
xenzag, Jun 10 2013

       "Always with the negative." "Why can't you say something righteous?"
xenzag, Jun 10 2013

       And all the fish. Don't forget all the fish.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 10 2013

       //Art is for layabouts.//   

       I always thought it was humanities and languages that were for layabouts.   

       True artists, the creative engines behind society, are generally hardworking. If you doubt this, go to a McDonalds and see for yourself.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 10 2013

       What's with the "or"?
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 10 2013

       //Art as a surplus in human thinking// Laughable backwoods drivel. What does human thinking mean? Keep going.... here's a bigger shovel to help out with that hole you're digging.
xenzag, Jun 10 2013

       //offered to sell me the domain name//   

       Did you try and buy it? If so then, I, for one, welcome our new [2 fries] overlord.
AusCan531, Jun 10 2013

       It doesn't actually let you buy the domain name immediately after it expires. It just lets you join a “waiting list” to buy the name after it goes back into the pool, which occurs something like six weeks after it expires. I think if they have multiple people interested at that point, it goes to an auction. But if the original owner renews in that six week period, all bets are immediately off and it goes back to business as usual until the domain expires again.
ytk, Jun 10 2013

       // It doesn't actually let you buy the domain name immediately after it expires. It just lets you join a “waiting list” to buy the name after it goes back into the pool, which occurs something like six weeks after it expires. I think if they have multiple people interested at that point, it goes to an auction. But if the original owner renews in that six week period, all bets are immediately off and it goes back to business as usual until the domain expires again.//   

       Sounds a little like my first marriage...
Canuck, Jun 11 2013

       //we all come out the other side as self-critical and self- loathing shadows of our former selves// - ha! now you're a spokesperson for a sub-group - the Halfbasement. It's an art free/humour free world down there.
xenzag, Jun 11 2013

       //we all come out the other side as self-critical and self-loathing shadows of our former selves// [marked- for-tagline] which in itself is basically a [Like], halfbakery style.   

       It may, or it may not be said oft enough here, but I do love you guys.
zen_tom, Jun 11 2013

       They wanted like seventy bucks...   

       Who's got that kind of scratch lying around?   

       I would have gone halfers with you as long as I was a co-overlord. (or would that be Vice Overlord?)
Canuck, Jun 11 2013

       We would first have needed to form a committee to determine titles, and then the cost per share after incorporation... that's where the big bucks would have been.   

       Dibs on "Lord of Vice"
AusCan531, Jun 12 2013

       awww [zen_tom] gone all sentimental on us!! I love you guys (and gals), too. My life would not be complete without this place!! It would be nice if there were more people or some of the old hb folks, but we have to make due with what is.
xandram, Jun 12 2013

       Indiscriminate love and kisses from me, also.
calum, Jun 12 2013

       A giant bear hug from me, too.
blissmiss, Jun 12 2013

       Well I think you're all weird.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 12 2013

       sp: you're...
Oh God I'm turning pedant. must... resist. ...

       that's okay; were all thinking it.
FlyingToaster, Jun 12 2013

       sp: you’re
pocmloc, Jun 13 2013

       In A.D. 2013
War was beginning.
2Fries: What happen?
lurch: Somebody set up us the bomb.
ytk: We get signal.
jutta: What ?
jutta: Main screen turn on.
jutta: It's you !!
GODADDY: How are you gentlemen !!
GODADDY: All your base are belong to us.
GODADDY: You are on the way to destruction.
jutta: What you say !!
GODADDY: You have no chance to survive make your time.
2fries: Bakesperson !!
jutta: Take off every 'BILL'!!
jutta: You know what you doing.
jutta: Move 'BILL'.
jutta: For great justice.
Loris, Jun 13 2013

       On the subject of low bun rate, it could be a sign of honesty.   

       Certain members, whose names I shall not mention, allege they have more than 1 ID. In which case multiple self-bunning might be possible, even though it might result in blindness and hair growing on the palms of the hands.   

       In fact, there's something in the FAQ about not having a pretend flame-war with yourself.
not_morrison_rm, Jun 15 2013


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