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Shoot the Moon

Evironmentally friendly landfill.
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This is probably extremely naive but...

A solar furnace is nestled in the heart of your local landfill. Light rays are not focused at the apex of the tower but are re-reflected to converge at or below ground level in a sealed structure.
After recycling any and all landfill garbage is conveyed to the heart of this 6000 degree furnace. Waste heat is captured to generate electricity, and stored in enormous flywheels or other capacitors.
Particulates are scrubbed from the stack and condensed to be mixed with the molten slag as it is poured and cools into predetermined aerodynamic shapes.

A circular magnetic rail-gun launch system circles the periphery of the landfill and is powered by these capacitors.

The velocity needed to launch these small-ish payloads to impact the same position on the Lunar surface is calculated and the airspace above each launch facility becomes a no-fly-zone.

Repeated bombardment of the same target by all nations will transport much needed raw materials for lunar colonization while simultaneously tunneling closer and closer to the Lunar core.

If a tangential impact site were chosen then a constant stream of bombardment could, over time, impart spin to the Moon allowing future colonists to settle the inner walls of a hollowed out core, with centrifugal force eventually equal to one Earth gravity.

On separating atoms Elesorter_20(and_20Isosorter)
As mentioned in an annotation. [Vernon, Aug 27 2011]


       If you have reduced waste to component atoms, you should then separate those atoms. See link. Recycling IS better than simply throwing stuff even farther away! Not to mention that the Moon already has just about everything needed (except maybe nitrogen) to support colonists, if only the appropriate atom-separation stuff was up there.
Vernon, Aug 27 2011

       do {   


       humans(discover_pristine_ environment);   

       humans(dump_rubbish_in_ pristine_environment);   

       humans(destroy_pristine_ environment);   

       } until (there_are_no_more_worlds_ to_conquer == TRUE);   


       "God creates Dinosaurs ... God destroys Dinosaurs ... God creates Man ... Man destroys God ... Man creates Dinosaurs ... "
8th of 7, Aug 27 2011

       You kind of lost me at the Man destroys God part there.
'luck with that.

       If the moon was once a part of the Earth and was knocked loose, then it is ours to reclaim.
If it has always been barren and separate from the Earth then it is ours to transform.
Possession is nine tenths of the law after all...

       As much as I agree with striving for 100% recycleability, as long as there are humans there are always going to be landfills.
The moon is our best and only stepping stone for learning how to swim in the big 'ol pond before we's swimmin with sharks, and one satelites' trash may be its own satelites' treasure.

       //A circular magnetic rail-gun launch system circles the periphery of the landfill and is powered by these capacitors.//   

       A thing of beauty is a joy forever. [+]
pertinax, Aug 28 2011

       //A solar furnace is nestled in the heart of your local landfill//
Good luck with this in Scotland.
Or Wales.
AbsintheWithoutLeave, Aug 28 2011

       //spin to the Moon allowing future colonists to settle the inner walls of a hollowed out core, with centrifugal force eventually equal to one Earth gravity.//   

       presumably one could then terraform the interior of the moon, creating environments that while habitable by humans, would be condusive to the breakdown and recycle of more robust materials
Eubalaena, Aug 28 2011

       Cool moniker. That was the premise of the Lunark idea.   

       Fog will be a problem, which leaves off-shore, or at altitude.
Scotland and Wales have altitude yes?

       ... and attitude, too.
pertinax, Aug 30 2011

       [Sgt Stedenko} "Shoot the moon! Shoot the moon!" [/SS]
DrBob, Aug 31 2011


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