Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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This is what happens when one confuses "random" with "profound."

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Timeless Watches [edit, delete] Watches that tell you other stuff. (+1, -3) (+1, -3) [change vote to neutral, against]

Watches are both objects and habits based on having that object, the least of which is wearing one. This is a new set of watches that run on market time, basically how fast you consume the time, and replenish your supplies. Basically times are bought in stacks of adhesive strips that can be stuck to surfaces, or maybe its candies . Each one has some sort of time significant information on them, and much of that information is based on feedback on peoples favorite times and how the product has been a part of those. In this way a small candy company could possibly take over some aspect of the world. — rcarty, Dec 24 2014

Annotation: If you've ever worn a watch you would know that it is a good habit to wear it all the time because precision time is often required for tasks that require a watch. So there is a connection between time and labor which is done with the hands, so a watch that watches labor can tell you what time it is and where you are but in a novel way that comments on some element of social organization satirically by suggesting that the stage-spaceship analogy differential imply that the world, which they are a metaphor for, imply someone should be acting towards spectacle indicated by the one hand, and acting toward totality indicated by the other hand. You are censoring free speech by nationalist supioriorty thesis applied to the entire domain of interpretation and implying social cause as the main force. You are being nationalist social mediating scrum. No wait that was the other idea. This idea is a comment about advertising in a product that control the times candy or stickers supply chain.

This watch doesn't tell you, it is more like a data point in a deduction.

Your mind can definitely make huge jumps just a pity you don't make sure there are smaller stepping stones following underneath for the rest of us. — wjt, Dec 27 2014 [delete]

//Watches are both objects//

with you so far

//and habits on having that object//

Did you mean, "Watches are objects upon which people base certain habits"? Because that would have made sense.

//This is a new set of watches that run on market time, basically how fast you consume the time//

Time passes likewise for all and death shows at the gate of the rich and poor alike ready to collect time's toll. No one consumes it faster or slower.

//Basically times are bought in stacks of adhesive strips //

So is your idea a watch or is it stickers that have times, such as "10:30" or "that time I went to the dentist"? Because there would be no point to the stickers.

// Each one has some sort of time significant information on them//

This is where I'm completely lost. You're proposing printing "significant information" on stickers. I get that much. But to what end?

// much of that information is based on feedback on peoples favorite times and how the product has been a part of those. //

Not helping.

// In this way a small candy company could possibly take over some aspect of the world.//

Still not helping. You seem to be throwing a dart at a board with words on it. Whatever words you hit, you are mashing together into grammatically correct, yet conceptually nonsensical thoughts. You are then typing those thoughts out here. Why would you do this? I don't know. But if your intent is to communicate something perhaps you should construct a paragraph that is direct, concise, and contains _all_ root and branching ideas in still grammatically correct clauses. — Voice, Dec 28 2014 [delete]

[marked-for-deletion] Doesn't appear to be any understandable idea here. If you can explain your thinking in a way that's generally understandable I'll withdraw the mfd, otherwise this idea will be deleted. — hippo, Dec 28 2014 [delete]

If you've ever worn a watch you would know that it is a good habit to wear it all the time because precision time is often required for tasks that require a watch. So there is a connection between time and labor which is done with the hands, so a watch that watches labor can tell you what time it is and where you are but in a novel way that comments on some element of social organization satirically by suggesting that the stage-spaceship analogy differential imply that the world, which they are a metaphor for, imply someone should be acting towards spectacle indicated by the one hand, and acting toward totality indicated by the other hand. You are censoring free speech by nationalist supioriorty thesis applied to the entire domain of interpretation and implying social cause as the main force. You are being nationalist social mediating scrum.

No wait that was the other idea. This idea is a comment about advertising in a product that control the times candy or stickers supply chain. — rcarty, Dec 28 2014 [edit, delete]

[Sep 14 2009, last modified Dec 29 2014]

(+3, -1) '50s Mouse
(+2, -3) A Head Shape that Plays a Book
(+6, -2) A'the'ism
(+2, -1) Absurd Hero Interactive Diction
(+2, -1) Acid hydrolized intestinal substrate
 Active Blocking Learning
(+5, -1) Air Dynamic Vehicle
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Air Inflated Shoe Laces
(+1, -2) Air Sheath
(+3, -1) Air system bike
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Airplane Launching Envelope
(+4, -1) Alien Nation
 All Purpose Iron and Board
 Alternative Book Printing
(+4, -2) Apathetic Representatives
(+2, -3) Artificial Hot Water
(+3, -1) Asphyxia Stargate
(+3, -1) Assaultin' Batteries
(+13, -5)(+13, -5) Attack Bibles
(+2, -1) Authoritarian Window
(-1) Automatic Condom Applicator Underpants
(+8, -6) Ayn Rand Inspired Satire
(+2, -6) Backpack Bike and Back Straightener
 Backwards Towards the Future
(+10, -7) Ban Fresh Food
(+2, -1) Bar to Liquid Soap Dispenser
(+2, -1) Basketball Bike
(+1, -3) Bastard Gloves
(+4, -3) Become some sort of Aquatic Animal
(+7, -1) Bedmill
 Bee-Hive- You're-In-Ism
 Bellows Book
(+3, -1) Bellows Vehicle
(+1, -2) Bicycle Blade Launcher
(+8, -3) Bicycle Bottom Bracket Wax Seal
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Bicycle Scaling Winch
(+4, -1) Bipedal Bicycle
(+3, -2) Bizike
(+4, -1) Blade Launcher
(+2, -1) Body Eye
(+3, -1) Bow Suit
(-2) Box of Crayons Sociology Game
(+4, -1) Brewers Yeast Candy
(+7, -1) Building Maintain Ants
(+5, -1) Bumper Sticker Obscurer
(+2, -1) Burs of Future Antiquity
 Candy Safety Tether
(-2) Candy Wrapped Against People
(+2, -1) Cask of Sanitation
(+20, -1)(+20, -1) Catapulting Hood
 Causality Scale
(+4, -1) Centrifugal Bathroom Scale Drier
(+2, -1) Chess with Knives
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Children's Combat Knife Candy
(+2, -3) Christmas Presentations
(+5, -6) Clever Girl
(+3, -1) Clock Book
(-1) Clothing Scabs
(+6, -2) Coin Paper
 Combine Sanitation with Policing
(+3, -2) Complete Commodification of Social Relations
(+5, -1) Complimentary Book Jacket Pants
(+4, -2) Compound Bow Suit
(+3, -1) Computers for Windows
 Concave Convex Hood
(+4, -1) Confounding Irony Continuum
(+2, -1) Contest Movement
(+7, -2) Cyberstalking Bush
(+3, -1) Days of your Life Toilet Paper
(+3, -1) Deranged State Chess
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Designer Device Grease
(+3, -2) Diamond Frame to Recumbent Seat Retrofit
 Dielectrical Material Irony
(+3, -2) Dioramic Urine Heaven Pissing Pants
(+2, -4) Discursive Laws of Thermodynamics
(+2, -1) Disguise Visor
 Dishwasher Utensils
(+3, -2) DIY Desk Hair Trigger
(+5, -2) DIY Power Vest
 "Documentary Voice" Contest
(+6, -2) Door Bellows
(+3, -1) Dopple Effect
(+3, -1) Drink Saver
 Driving Shoes
(+3, -1) Dual Can Phones
(+2, -1) Dual Chainsaw Starter Wheel
 Dummy on Every Corner
(+2, -1) Dust Powered Vehicle
(+1, -2) Dusty
 E-Cigarette Lighter
(+2, -1) Ear Bug Resonator
(+5, -1) Ear Glasses and Nostril Monocles
(+1, -3) Eau De Toilette Dust
 Electrically Generated Ordnance Denial Sphere
(+6, -1) Electronics Holding Helmet
 Escalator of Meaning
(+3, -2) Ethea Bored Game
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Excitement Blade
(+5, -1) Existential Crisis Game
(-5)(-5) Existential Crisis Game Religious Edition
 External Sound Earbuds
(+1, -2) F- Hiccups
(+2, -1) Faces Book
(-1) Faeces Book
(+7, -2) Falling Dream Simulation Bed
 Fan Mine
(+6, -1) Feet Leeches
(+3, -1) Fiber Optic Spaghetti Monster Ghilli Suit
(-2) Fine Internet Auditorium Card Holder
(-2) Fingering Figurines
 Flash Glasses
(+5, -1) Flight Bike
(+3, -1) Flotor
 Flower Power
(+4, -1) Fly Hook
(+7, -1) Foot Operated Toenail Clipper
(+3, -1) Footbrush
(+17, -1)(+17, -1) Forehead Projector
 Fountain Penance
(+1, -3) Free Ends
(+3) Friction Winter Coat
(+4, -1) Frisball
(+4, -3) Funnel Sword
(+5, -2) Gauze Rifle Ammunition
(+5, -1) Gluteal Bisection Underwear
(+3, -1) Go Ogle, Sentence Finisher!
(+6, -3) God's Glasses
(+4, -1) Gyroscopic Relativity Compass
(+2, -1) Half-keyboard Mouse
(+1, -2) Halfbakery Flashlight
 Hall O' Ween
(+2, -1) Hammock Glove
(+4, -1) Hand Raising Nod Inflatable Bladder
 Handle Hand
(-1) Head Box
 Head E-Ometer
(+3, -1) Hear Horn
(+2, -1) Heels Angles RC
 Hilari- austerity
(+1, -2) Hire an Avatar
(+2, -1) Hollow Soap
(+4, -1) Hyper Caps
(+1, -2) Hypotenuse Derationalizer
(+10, -4) I Can't Believe It's Not Toast.
(+2, -1) iCycle Snipper
(-1) Improved Mobile Bike
(+5, -1) In front of the Scenes Jean Jacket
 Incorrect Grammar for Lies
(+14, -3)(+14, -3) Infinite Staircase
(+3, -1) Inhumaze
(+4, -2) Inner Space
(+3, -2) Inside Track
(+2, -1) Instant Sop
(+4, -2) Institutional Meat Industry Index
(+10, -2)(+10, -2) Jar full of Swarming Ants
(+4, -1) Jet Gun
 Keyboard Operated Pen
(+3, -2) Keyboard Stamps
(+2, -4) Killer Fools Inc.
(+3, -2) Knowledge Power Library Shelves
(+2, -1) Laptop Book Stand
(+15, -2)(+15, -2) Laundromat Puppets
(+1, -4) Learning Webpage
(+3, -1) Lever Press Bow Suit
(+3, -1) Library Book
(+1) Lie Tie
(+1, -4) Likely Hood
(+4, -2) Literal Weather Balloon
(+2, -1) Litterator
(+2, -3) Mass Breakdown
(-2) mass separation device
 Massage Ball
(+2, -5) Meat Me At
(+1) Memetically Modified Organisations
 Merry In Nets
(+3, -1) Merry In Nets Keyboard
(+2, -3) Micro Ensemble Headphones
(+6, -3) Micro Perforated Newspapers
(+4, -1) Micro Shadow Show
(+9, -4) Minutiae Resume
(+2, -1) Mirror Mask
(+6, -1) Mobile Typewriter
(+1, -2) Mouse Cord Anchor
(+3, -2) Mouse Trap Device
(+7, -3) Multi Tool Bike
 Name Calling Trainer
 neutrino morse code receiver
(+4, -5) New Direction
(+4, -1) New Sleeves
(+6, -1) Novel Dictionary
(-1) Nuclear Peace Sign
(+1, -2) Ogle Ass
(+4, -1) One More Tally Please
(+4, -1) Optical Illusion Price Tags
 Oral Neural Adapters
(-1) Oscillite Bike
(+8, -1) Paid Rest
(+3, -1) Palm Aid
(+7, -2) Pants Cinch
(+2, -3) Pants Glove
(+6, -1) Pants Horseshoe
(+4, -1) Paranoia Things
(-1) Paranoia Trigger Network
 Paranoid Reification
(-1) Paranoid Semiotics
(+4, -5) Paranoid* Tac Tic Toe
 Pedal Wheels
(+4, -1) Pencil Duller
(+5, -1) Pendulum Oscillator
 People Powered Mill
(+5, -7) Perfect Ass Hand
(+1, -3) Pillow Sheets
(+2, -1) Plastic Bottle Washer
 Plot Key Tattoo
(+2, -3) Plover Adaptation Phenomenon
 Police Siren Showerhead
(+3, -2) Portable Inventing Box
(+2, -3) Power Bands
(+6, -1) Power Button Target Cone
 Power Sleeve
(+3, -1) Prepaid Apocalypse Protection
(+2, -3) Private Space
 Prong Holder
(+4, -1) Public Realization Centre
(+2, -1) Pupil Glasses
(+3, -1) Puppet Gloves
(+4, -2) Pykrete Ice Puck Skates
 Quantum Shorts - Short Story Contest
(+2, -1) Radio Shower Head
(+6, -1) Ramp Cars
(+4, -1) Read Write Hand
(+2, -1) Reading and Writing Ruler
(+7, -1) Reading Knife
(+11, -3)(+11, -3) Rear Window Puppetry
(+3, -1) Records Bike
(+2, -5) Reductionist Materialist Theology Shoes
(+2, -4) Refrigerator House
(+1, -3) Reification of Power
 Relativity Subway
(+3, -1) Religious Head Bandages
(+2, -1) Repulsion Mouse
(+5, -2) Respirator Bike
(+5, -1) Retractile Toothbrush Toothpaste Tube
(+7, -1) Reverse Placebo Designer Drugs
 Rolling on the Floor Languishing
(+2, -1) Rorschach Test Recursion
(+3, -2) Running Blind
 Safety Hot Air Balloons
(+3, -2) Sandwich Board Leviathan
(+5, -3) Scented Pillow Insert
(+4, -2) Scroll Carpet Revisited
(-1) Seat Mounted Cycle Fairing
(+4, -2) Self Defeating Can Opener
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Shoe Snakes
 Silent Alarm Clock
(+6, -1) Skyscrapers that Panic at People
(+3, -2) Slingshotgun
(+3, -5) Smart pIrson
(+7, -1) Snail Tire System
 Social Death Clock
(-1) Social Dysphoria Meter
(-1) Social Media Scrum
(+6, -3) Social Networking Spider Suit
(+4, -1) Society of the Reality Augmented Spectacles
(+9, -2) Sock Puppet Pants
(+2, -1) Soundless Silence
(+2, -1) Space Train
(+3, -1) Special Gloves
(+5, -1) Spider Gloves and Glasses
(+4, -2) Spinning Tops Bike
(+6, -2) Split Frame Bicycle
(+6, -2) Spontaneous Human Combustion Chair
(+6, -1) Spool Pen
(+3, -1) Spring Gun
(+8, -1) Staged Explosion Throwing Darts
(+4, -2) Stand-Up Comemedian
(+4, -1) Stationary Bicycle Mobile
(+4, -3) Statistical Semiotic Machine
(+8, -5) Stick-on Lady Parts for Large Appliances
(+2, -1) Suction Paper Mold
 Swing Sledding
 Talking Wallet
(+5, -1) Testicle Monocle
(+5, -2) Testicles Spectacles
(+7, -1) Tether Bike
(+2, -3) The Energy!
(+14, -2)(+14, -2) The Lion, The Witch In the Wardrobe
 The Noise
(+1, -4) The Shack Box
(+3, -1) The Sling Fist
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) The Watching Game
(+6, -2) Thicker Stop Signs
(-1) Thumbs Up Stomping Glove
 Tire Siphon Hose
(+1, -2) Toilet Fiber
(-1) Toilet Paper Steamer
(+1, -2) Treadmill Mouse
 Tree Pruning Mind Model Service
(+4, -2) Two Ply Splitter Roller
(+7, -1) Two Row Tic Tac Toe
(+4, -1) Typing Gloves
(+5, -2) Upper Atmosphere Gas Expansion Generator
(+7, -1) Upright Vacuum Lamp
(+4, -2) Utility Knife Trap Mode
(+4, -1) Vile Lint End
(+2, -1) Voyager 2 Space Robots
(+7, -1) War-Ranty
 Wash and Dry Showerhead
(+1, -2) Watch Glove
(-2) wearable roller blades
(+3, -4) Wet Socks Fan Clothes Dryer
(+5, -1) Wheel Feet
(+5, -1) Wheel Wing
 Window Blindings
(+6, -2) Windy Window Knife- fighting Curtain
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Wound Up Nut Case
(+5, -2) Write Writer

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