Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Almost as great as sliced bread.

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Statistical Semiotic Machine

Ego resistance, attraction, repulsion, rotation and gravity.
  (+4, -3)
(+4, -3)
  [vote for,

This is a simple machine made out of a turn table, and an electrostatic drum. Spheres made out of an aggregation of variable electrostatic material content are compressed into forms. The content of the form, and the form of the content are both factors in the dynamics. As the turntable spins the variably charged spheroids are released onto the turntable that has fixed magnetic points. The magnetic point in the center represents the definitive meaning of the idea being tested. Other magnetic points are organized in a circular continuum representing the ironic differential of meaning. Study the groupings according to the power of meaninglessness that is represented, and predict who you will eventually learn statistical semiotics from.

Hint: the spheroids in the target area pertain to the meaning of the idea.

rcarty, Dec 09 2014


       Has someone made a new random idea generator?
hippo, Dec 09 2014

       I think he's being paid by the bollock.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 09 2014

       I am hoping that rcarty is keeping himself from going mad by channeling all that energy here.   

       I am going to look up semiotics.
bungston, Dec 09 2014

       It's like otics but less so.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 09 2014

       " The content of the form, and the form of the content are both factors in the dynamics. "   

       That's a lot of handwaving compressed into one sentence. You are claiming the invention of a new language without attempting to define any of the structure.   

       No, please don't go back and attempt to do that now. I managed to parse it this far, but I've got a lot of paying work to do this month.
normzone, Dec 09 2014

       You're an illiterate. the content is the aggregation ratios and the form is from perfectly spherical to spheroid.
rcarty, Dec 09 2014

       Seems like a General Other Orrery.
xandram, Dec 09 2014

       //the content is the aggregation ratios and the form is from perfectly spherical to spheroid//   

       I get it! My gods - it's just... genius!
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 09 2014

       It's not genius it's just what it says.
rcarty, Dec 09 2014

       But the depth! The breadth! Sheer genius! Bravo! Let's have more like this!
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 09 2014

       It's beyond genius, it transcends categorisation, it is like pure enlightenment of a higher being, it distills the essence of un-knowable truth and deepest unity, it is more than everything.
pocmloc, Dec 09 2014

       I wish I knew what you are going on about, but my illiteracy prevents me from grasping it.   

       Experiment: I'm going to delete some of the idea, rearrange the rest, and present it here as poetry. Do not seek meaning in the form, rather appreciate the form for it's meaning.   


       Study the groupings according to the power of meaninglessness that is represented,   

       Spheres made out of an aggregation of variable electrostatic material content are compressed into forms.   

       The variably charged spheroids are released onto the turntable that has fixed magnetic points.   

       Other magnetic points are organized in a circular continuum representing the ironic differential of meaning.   

       This is a simple machine made out of a turn table, and an electrostatic drum.   

       The magnetic point in the center represents the definitive meaning of the idea being tested.   

       The content of the form, and the form of the content are both factors in the dynamics.   

       And predict who you will eventually learn statistical semiotics from.   


       I almost feel bad about doing that. It's definitely like my relationship with Pa' ve' - he felt he was doing great work, but when I read his efforts I felt as though I, and the rest of the Halfbakery, were being mocked somehow.
normzone, Dec 09 2014

       [Rcarty], dear sir. Please stop. The joke, if it is one, is tired. It never was that funny.
RayfordSteele, Dec 10 2014

       Semi- : a prefix indicating a half.   

       -otic: of or pertaining to the ear.   

       Semiotic: something which sounds best when you only half hear it.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 10 2014

       I must say I really like normzone's translation. It reads like my translation of Art of War.   

       rcarty, please post an anno to your zombie meme idea in this style, as poetry. Use active voice if you can. And leave the questions as questions.   

       I like best of all that one might study the power of meaninglessness, and find beauty.
bungston, Dec 10 2014

       In the 1980's there was a program called RACTER in the AI community which produced computer generated poetry. [rcarty] seems to have found the source code.
Toto Anders, Dec 13 2014

       He's nearly completed the policeman's beard construction.
tatterdemalion, Dec 13 2014

       I like the idea of experimenting with spatial metaphors for semantic spread. Also, [+] for making me aware that statistical semiotics is a thing. I'd always thought of the whole field of semiotics as a tragedy of missed opportunity, but in the next few years, it might just hit its opportunity after all.
pertinax, Dec 15 2014

       This can only work with inherent memes of existentialist subjudiction.
pashute, Dec 16 2014

       I challenge you, [pashute], to back that up.
pertinax, Dec 16 2014

       Sound of backing up:   

       BEEP ... BEEP ... BEEP ... BEEP ... Psssssss ... (hiss of airbrakes)
normzone, Dec 23 2016


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