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The Sling Fist

Knock a few off your list with the sling fist.
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There I was, surrounded on all sides by lurching fiends, just me and my trusty sling fist. All I saw was jowles as I launched fist after fist into the pile of witless cephalons.

What I held in my left hand was much like a slingshot with brass knuckes. However, it was tethered to the base of my right gloved hand by an elastic band as thick and strong as a rubber tie down strap.

Simply by extending my left hand with a defensive jab, and keeping the right cocked back under resistance the sling fist allowed for unprecidented and effortless accelerations of clenched fist into drenching mist.

rcarty, Dec 30 2011


       (+) This would be ultimately self defeating though. Defence would be slowed and the best offence is a good defence... this downside is offset somewhat by the garrote factor.   

       Well, you will know where he's coming from, first of all.   

       For those having trouble visualising this: The left fist lunges forward, creates tension as the right fist is held back (fists are connected via slings), then the right fist is allowed into the "drenching mist". Or, I could be wrong?
daseva, Dec 30 2011

       It's basically a spring attached between the wrists. Not really a 'sling', more of a 'slingshot' using one arm as the slingshot body and the other fist as ammo.   

FlyingToaster, Dec 30 2011

       Might actually deliver a weaker punch than the usual method, depending on details. Google "force- velocity curve."
mouseposture, Dec 30 2011

       // Simply by extending my left hand with a defensive jab, and keeping the right cocked back //   

       Thus leaving your entire right side (which, in this stance, will also be your dead side) vulnerable to a rounding or rising attack as well. Unless you pivot to turn the left jab into a crossover guard (spoiling your attack, once again leaving your left side wide open, and putting you on the wrong foot), you'll have no chance to block any strike lower than your shoulder. Ever been punched in the armpit? It hurts.
Alterother, Dec 30 2011

       I googled force-velocity curve as you said. Very interesting. Does not disprove this idea. Someone with mass and strength would benefit from this tool.   

       As for the other criticisms, say what you will to me, but leave the sling fist out of it.
rcarty, Dec 30 2011

       Someone with considerable mass and strength doesn't need this tool (sp: weapon). Someone without considerable mass and strength couldn't use it effectively, and neither of them could use it in a real fight (at least, not for very long).   

       I'll say what I want about the Sling Fist, and leave you out of it, because I like you, but I don't like the Sling Fist. To be of any use, melee weapons must possess three traits: simplicity, versatility, and they must not encumber the wielder. The Sling Fist, as explained here, possesses none of these traits. Sorry.
Alterother, Dec 30 2011

       //Someone with considerable mass and strength...// No, [rcarty]'s right. The mass is one of the details that makes force-velocity either relevant or not. With a mass-added glove, there'd definitely be an advantage, and, perhaps, too, with just the mass of the arm.   

       Moreover, force delivered by rotating the torso wouldn't suffer from a force-velocity tradeoff, and the Sling Fist would ensure that that force was delivered quicker, evading a parry.
mouseposture, Dec 30 2011

       A weighted glove (or a roll of quarters) is a good melee weapon for somebody with a strong punch--until you start attaching elastic bands to it. This thing might pack one helluva wallop, but that does no good if it leaves you open to attack or, worse, you become tangled in it.   

       A quick attack isn't the only factor in foiling a riposte; outlet position is the first step, and using this weapon as described means you begin with both elbows raised and your attack telegraphed. Keep in mind that making any attack leaves you vulnerable somewhere; it's better if your opponent can't figure out where until it's too late. In addition, this device would leave the user all but unable to grapple.   

       IMHO, fists are overrated anyway. Elbows are harder, faster on the recovery, and nobody expects them. When I'm sparring (Krav Maga, in case anybody's wondering), fists are usually third or fourth on my list of options. I prefer palm-heels, elbows, knees, grappling, fingerstrikes, etc. That probably has a lot to do with my argument against this idea.
Alterother, Dec 30 2011

       After further consideration, I have even more criticism to heap unmercifully upon this Halfbake. I'm genuinely sorry to do this, but, you see, I just can't stop myself.   

       This is meant to add to the user's punching force, yes? Which would mean that the draw weight would have to be in excess of the user's punching force, unless a reduction system were incorporated. Furthermore, once you've got the thing drawn back, you've got to hold it there. Maybe we can build in a cam-wheel, like a compound bow.   

       Finally, there is the matter of injury to the user. Delivering a bare-handed punch is harmful enough as it is; using implements like brass knuckles or my roll of quarters (which is a great self-defense weapon simply because you can take it anywhere) carries even greater risk of injury to the knuckles and wrist, because they impart greater reactive force than the human hand has evolved to sustain. But using this device would be even worse; it would essentially be yanking your arm sharply forward at a speed and force greater than you yourself are capable of generating. Hyperextension of the elbow, a big no-no when throwing a punch, would be almost impossible to avoid. Tearing the rotator-cuff and dislocation of the shoulder and/or elbow could also result. After all that, when the blow finally lands, the bones in your wrist and hand will not be free-floating and ready for impact, but at full traction, only to be instantly forced into full compression. Ouch.   

       Okay, I'm done now. I promise.
Alterother, Dec 30 2011


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