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Telescopic longbow

A bit late, this idea
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The chivalry of crossbows is questionable, but they are more portable than longbows. In order to retain their chivalrous qualities but enhance their portability, longbows could be constructed with telescopic limbs opening out from the grip, around which the string wraps. The arrows are also telescopic.

(Why is there no category for "weapon:bow"?)

nineteenthly, Oct 02 2008

I will meet you on the field of battle with my bows http://www.istockph...1_bunch_of_bows.jpg
[normzone, Oct 02 2008]

Compound Bow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compound_bow
Modern, Compact and Compound [csea, Oct 03 2008]


       //Why is there no category for "weapon:bow"?//
For the same reason there is no category "weapon:scrape"?
coprocephalous, Oct 02 2008

       I was wondering how you were going to hold that telescope steady.   

       (It might be easier to hinge the longbow into thirds)
nomocrow, Oct 02 2008

       There are sprung pegs which slot into holes in the sections.
nineteenthly, Oct 02 2008

       Would be good for survival applications. [+]
8th of 7, Oct 02 2008

       Erm, a longbow with the string off is basically a straight stick . . . six feet long, maybe, but a stick. A crossbow is a cross, with a hard-to-remove string, a trigger, a sight, a cocking mechanism, a groove, a stock and a lot of volume.   

       I issue a challenge to you, your huge army against mine, with weapons limited to one cartload of bows. I take the cart of longbows, you get the cart of crossbows.   

       Back on topic: How, half-of-exactly, do you propose to make the telescoping limbs?
baconbrain, Oct 02 2008

       arbalest... and why telescoping (except for obvious coolness factor); just swivel or detach the bow section.
FlyingToaster, Oct 02 2008

       why can't you have one lens mounted on the bow, the other on the pulling hand (i'm sure someone will tell me the technical terms of this). two Lenses could provide magnification and have cross hairs for alignment. fitting pieces to hand/bows could allow for adjustment to suit the archer's pulling stroke. muscle memory returns hand to same poiisition each shot. viola! improved accuracy.   

       [baconbrain] are you saying that the long bow is a stronger weapon than the cross bow?
williamsmatt, Oct 02 2008

       No, I was just saying that you could fit a lot more long bows into any space that was long enough to hold them. I've owned a crossbow, and it was a pain to pack--shorter, yes, but annoying as hell.   

       For a discussion of the advantages of each in a fictional setting, I recommend the _Archer's_Tale_ books by Bernard Cornwell. (Heck, I recommend all books by Bernard Cornwell.)
baconbrain, Oct 03 2008

       If you hadn't noticed, the art and science of Archery made a significant improvement in the late 1960s - see [link].
csea, Oct 03 2008

       I wonder if you could make a crossbow that folds like an umbrella? That might even be the cocking method. Similar idea for a bow. I don't think telescopic is possible but with some space age crazy strong materials for a center hinge and mechanism....
MisterQED, Oct 03 2008

       //retain their chivalrous qualities//   

       Bows, long, cross or otherwise were never considered chivalrous - just ask a Frenchman.
zen_tom, Oct 03 2008

       Yes, chivalry and the use of bows is a reach. But this idea did remind me of the captain's staff from "Andromeda", which was telescopic and very cool. At the time I thought the staff could be made using sealed telescopic sections and a high pressure gas source in an end to "inflate" it. A similar system could be used to get the desired result if you allow me to apply insane amounts of technology to an archaic problem, you cound inflate a bow shaped balloon made of graphine or kevlar over latex with 2200 psi nitrogen. Then when you are done, just deflate it, roll it up and put it in your pocket.
MisterQED, Oct 03 2008

       If its portability would present other issues like uneven stress distribution, additional weight of reinforcements, toughness of mating surfaces, and reliability of locking mechanisms, why not make it more functional as it is now more complicated?   

       So, to catapult an arrow forward with the least brawn but with massive force, it probably just take an archer to simply aim and pull a trigger to release a rush of compressed or combustion gas in a following set-up: the retracted telescoping bow held in the middle by the archer with an aimed arrow resting at one side suddenly extended outward by the expanding gas inside the telescoping cylinders with the consequent tightening of the string suddenly push the arrow by its rear end towards the target.   

       Simply amazing! (Although this is least chivalrous to an enemy target.)
rotary, Oct 03 2008

       There are two-piece long bows called "take down" bows.
nomocrow, Oct 03 2008

       Out of that mother of new weapons sprung a bunch of diverse shock-and-awe weapon class and its compound forms. For example:   

       1. a quick thrusting concealed spear/bow   

       2. a thrusting-upon-impact spear   

       3. a variable-lengthening pole/spear   

       4. a backup concealed blade/sword   

       5. a double-hit spear/blade   

       6. a quick nunchaku-transforming stick
rotary, Oct 03 2008

       UB spotted it, the strength and flexibility issue. There's still no doubt it's cool, and on that strength, bun.
wagster, Oct 03 2008

       How 'bout an extendible I beam design for rigidity?   

       Could we replace the wood of the longbow with spring steel? Any advantage? The problem with a bow is that the tension has to be produced by ONE pull on the bow-string. Can we design a bow where you give say 3 or 4 pulls to built up much more tension, before release? Something simple, not the crossbow.
sensible, Aug 12 2011

       Hm, how about we take the limbs of the bow and make them unscrew. And while we're at it, we can make the recurve, so you get the same draw weight from a shorter bow, and an easier hold weight.   

       Wait, all that was done about 80 years ago.
MechE, Aug 12 2011

       How about we make it open up on button-press, a 'flick-bow'?
Loris, Aug 12 2011

       In the modern era, between the longbow and the crossbow we have the recurve bow and the compound bow, many of which mount a variety of both fixed and optical sights.   

       Oh, wait, I mistook 'telescopic' as meaning 'telescopic', not 'telescoping'. Syntax error; never mind.
Alterother, Aug 12 2011

       The main advantage of a crossbow was that you could put it in the hands of Joe peasant and he'd be effective immediately (flat trajectory, simple aim, strong muscles not required to fire). To be truly effective with a long bow, significantly more training was required, as well as proper arm muscle development.   

       This is also why the crossbow was hated by lords, since "effective immediately" includes being able to punch through armor.
MechE, Aug 12 2011

       The main advantage of the longbow, on the other hand, being the ability to block out the sun with a massive salvo of plunging arrows fired from hundreds of yards away. Search your history of armaments and you'll find that the longbow was rarely, if ever, employed by just a single archer, even for hunting. That's what a short bow is for.
Alterother, Aug 12 2011

       [Loris], a flickbow is exactly what i was thinking at the time.
nineteenthly, Aug 12 2011

       //This is also why the crossbow was hated by lords,//
Though the MCC never actually banned them, they just said that they really weren't cricket.
AbsintheWithoutLeave, Aug 12 2011

       Wasn't saying the long bow couldn't pierce armor, just that it required more training (in return for a much higher rate of fire) than the crossbow to do the same thing.
MechE, Aug 12 2011

       Most targets of longbow volleys weren't wearing very much armor, because they were rank-and-file infantry. Also, the longbow wasn't just feared because of its accuracy or penetration; as any combat veteran who has ever been mortared will tell you, plunging fire has a devastating psychological effect.
Alterother, Aug 12 2011


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