Why was it done? Who knows? It could be my vindictive ex girlfriend, it could be a pissed off Islamic extremist who didn't like my post calling for an annual 'Mock the Prophet Day' on the anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo killings. Could've been a freak cookie caching accident.
Taloncrewchief at G mail.com is still where I can be reached. If you've got something to say to me, say it. If you'd like to meet up somewhere to say it to my face, or just to have coffee or tea and have a chat, I'm in Spokane, WA. Come and find me.
My original account creation date was 01/12/2006.
[Jan 20 2015, last modified Jan 26 2015]
12-oz Whisky Bottle
2-Stage Taser Probes
(+1, -1)
3G Opt-Out Plans
A better way to downsize the military
A Cab of a Different Color
A Clockwork Buffet
A pair of garbage bins...
Actuating lock popper
Add-on to Miranda rules
Adjustable Push-Up Bench
Adjustable win conditions for Solitaire
ADS Crossing Enforcement
(+2, -1)
AI-enhanced messaging privacy
Air Freshener/Defreshener
Air Pong
Airline friendly Bluetooth headphones
Alarm Clock Swarm
All the King's Men
(+7, -1)
Alternate day/night speed limits
American Atheist
An iPod Built for Two
Anarchist Chess
ANC Car Stereo
Android & Apple Compatible Tushy Whipping App
Antenna Ball Locator Beacon
Anti-freeze faucet dripper
Anti-Immigration Propaganda for the Modern Politician
Anti-In-Law* Landmine Blanks
Anti-theft sunglasses
Anti-theft Thermos
Any Bakers in East Africa?
Approaching Minute-Limit Notification
Area Denial System for Cats
Artist-recommended EQ settings
Assault Towel
ATM Status Indicator
Augustus Gloop PlayPlace Child Evacuator
Auto Bluetooth Connect
Auto-Brightening Tail-lights
Auto-Rowing Cruise Liner
Automatic Mailing List Removal
Automatic Spare Bulbs
B.B. Home Defense System
Background Music Sync
Backspace #2
Ball Trimmer
Ballistic Missile Vending Machine
Balloon fishing
Ballscrew Lugbolts
Baseline Sobriety Test
(+1, -1)
Bat in the Hat
Belching Class
Belt Hooks
Bench Rower
Benevolent Liberator Glasses
Better CarFax Commercials
Better Streaming Ads
(+6, -1)
BioImperial Data Collection
Blower Basin
Bluetooth Anti-theft/Anti-Loss
Bluetooth Bluetooth Firmware Updater
Bluetooth Femtocell Simulator
Bluetooth for Illness Prevention
Bluetooth for landlines
Bluetooth for landmines
Bluetooth Phone Finder
Bluetooth Protection
Bluetooth speed limit signs
Bounce Tower
Breathing security camera
Bumper Car Tunnels
Bungee Sled
Burrito Launcher
Bus Stop SplashGuard
Business Religion Disclosure Law
(+6, -3)
BYOI Restaurant
C.D. Warmer
Cadence Shuffle
Call Forwarding on Demand
Call Waiting Messaging
Caller ID Profiler
Canon Canning
Canon vs Sharia vs Secular debate
Card Meters
Cartoon Training for Jailers
Casperizer (TM) Intruder Detection/Response Apparatus
Cat Depilation Pack
Cat Obedience-Inducing Collar/Harness
Catalytic De-Escalator
Caveman Sanctuary
Cell Phone Bike Charger
Cell Phone Jaw Charger
Cell Phone Safety Line
Chaos Vote
Charge-friendly smartwatch
checkout timer
Child Spotlighter
Child to adult transfusions
(+2, -1)
Church of 4
(+4, -3)
Church Tax
Claims Accountability Fines
Clap Alarm
Clap Trak
Class Gas
Clear toed shoes
Clipboard Attachment for Tablets
Clock wallet
Coffee-pot Overflow Failsafe
Coffee Whacker
Compulsory Smartphone Features
Conveniently Secure Smartphone Lock
Conveyor belt door protector
Cooling Earbuds
Cop Alert
Courtesy App for Movie-Goers
Courtroom Fact Checkers
Cowering Keys
Crack of Doom Incinerator
Credentials-based tiered minimum wage
Credit Sharing Service
Crimea River, Fair Ukraine
Cruise Control Memory
Curated takeout subscription
Custom "mailbox is full" message
Custom Parking Placards
Custom Vibes
Customizable Idea Sorting
Cyclist's Neck Saver
D.U. Traction Weights
Darth Vader Pin
Date Saver
De-Icing Traffic Lights
Dead link auto-removal
Depth Star
Det Net
Det Thread
Dirt Devil
Dirtbike Vanguard Deployment
Disability-Compatible Fire Alarm System
Disappearing price tag
Disclaimer label for music
Discreet Monitor Security System
Discreet S.O.S. Buttons
Dock Projector
Dog Corrals
Dog Scouts of America (or anywhere)
Dolphin Self-Defense Classes
Domino's Blacklist
"Don't Clock In Til the Shittin's Done!"
(+5, -1)
Douse the Dogs of War
Droid Bar
Drunken Baking
DST Alert
Dual call output
Earbuds with cameras and AI
(+5, -3)
Earbug alarm
Electric brakes for roller skates
electro-pole fishing
Electromagnetic Sheath
Elevated Bicycle Lane
Elevator Safe Zone
Emergency Broadcast Acknowledgment Button
emergency compressed air bottles/masks
Emergency Phone Range Extender 3
Encyclopedia Cartridges
English Referendum II
Enhanced Dog Licensing
Evil Joke Vending Machine
Evil Toilet Paper Holder
Executive fuel/power station
(+5, -1)
Expandable Medicine Chest
Explosive Power Lines
Explosive Reactive Siding
(+6, -1)
Extendable smartphone belt clip
Facial recognition breath interlock
Fake Blood Bomb
Fake Guard Dog
Fake Guard Dog II
Fall-Protection Collar
Fare Skimmer
(+1, -1)
Fashionable Paranoia-Compliant 'Bluetooth'
Femme FurTail
Fenris Wheel Train
Ferret Clinger
Field Goal Precision Scoring
Fight junk food.... with toys
Fight Pirates with Fish
Fight poaching with superstition
Find-on-Paper app
Finger-Pecker's Scribe Guide
Fingerlock Glove
Fission Chips
Flag for Later Viewing
Flocking cat mines
Fluted Cleaning Wipers
Fob Relays
Forced zipper merge
Forgotten Card Return PIN
Friendly, Intelligent Alarm Clock
Galaxy Boom
Garbage Line
Garbage surcharge for unsolicited mail
Geothermal Taproot?
Git 'er Done Barbershop
Give vehicles names
Glitch Mulligan
Golf Lundgren
Good Night Granny Service
Google Glass 'Recording' indicator
Google Maps smell alert
Google Shade Walk
Google Signal Drive
Google Snow Drive
Google Synonym Search
Grocery store valet
(+4, -1)
Ground Traffic Control Computers
Guillotine Anti-Slide Spinners
Guillotine Carjack Shield
Gun control the NRA is guaranteed to foam at the mouth over
Gurning Unlock
Gyroscopically stabilized trouser pockets
Halfbakery Soundbytes
Hand-Pump Vacuum Cooler
Hand Roomba
Haptic 5
Haptic Feedback Pistol Grip
Haptic feedback window switch
HB Evernote Integration/Plugin
Heated door seals
Heated shaving scuttle
Heatsink ear warming hat
'Hey you!' alert for headphones
Hi-Tech Safety Razors
Hidden Cockpit
Hidden Dog Door
Hill Traction for Front-Wheel Drive
Hinged Steel Toes
Home CyberPub
Homer Lamp
How's My Cycling?
Hula Range Booster
Hyper-gas grenade
Hyperbolic Funnel Fountain
I have a furnace problem...
Icecube tray floodwall
ID Chip Pet Feeder
Idea/Annotation Timestamp
Identity-protection "Do Not Answer" list
Idiot-proof holster
Ill-Kill Cubicle Manifold
Imminent Collision Strobes
Incoming Boss Alert
Induced Pirate Dreams
Induction Cup Holders
Interactive Cook's Assistant
Interlocking Trashcan Handles
Internal Trunk (boot) Lock
Invisible Leash
Jack Bot!
Joke Clock
Joke House (Evil)
Joo Janta 300 Super-Audiomatic Peril Sensitive Earbuds
(+1, -3)
JourneyWiki Wireless
Jumpin' Jump Drives, Batman!
Jungle Gym
Junk Drawer Degausser
Just saying thanks!
Keeping up with the Smiths
Keyless Entry for Bicycles
Kitty Ouch Bomb
Knife-style pocket-clip for pens
Landing Power
Laser Tag Hunting
Laserboard WPM Pro
Lasertag warfare for unpopulated engagement zones
(+2, -1)
Lateral Rumble Strips
Law & Order: SCU
Learning radar detector
'Legit Downloader' badge of honor
Level Dice
Lighter Leash (tm) breakage alert
"lights-off" buzzer
Like a Sleeping Dragon...
Liquid Clothes Patch
Litter Berm
(+4, -1)
Live Disco ROM Antenna
Lockable SD Card
Locking leash/collar
Lollipop Hidden Message
Loss Prevention Remote
LOX for boost
Mag Seat
Magnetic chrome car letters
Magnetic Connect Four
Magnetic Golf
Magnetic Hubcaps
Magnifying Razor
MagSafe compatible active-wear accessories
(+1, -1)
Manly fake nails
Marching Boots
(Mark) Sanford and Sons
[Marked-for-Deletion] bumper counter-stickers
Masterwork Pot of Mythical Enforcement
Membership car wash that follows the member
Menu Guide Names
Method for bypassing Android's Face Unlock
MIAI Tower Defense
Mic control for debate moderators
Mic Drop Feedback
Microfiber-Bottom Shirt
Microfiber Finger Cot
Minimalist ear warmers
(+4, -1)
Mirror Cells
Mirror Defrosters
Mobile Bird Bath
Mobile Fuel Stations
Mock the Prophet Day
(+11, -5)
More effective Google advertising
Morning Floorcast
Morning Star Shot
Morningsnow Mace
Motion-Based Personal Sound Effects
Motion-Sensor Light Switch Addition
Mountain Don't
Moveable Doorbell
Napping Glasses
Nature Shower
Navigation with personalized ETA
Necklace/chain warmer
(+3, -1)
(+2, -2)
Neighborhood Watch Lock Control
Networked Dash Cams
Newton's Snowglobes
NFC logo on tap-to-pay credit/debit cards
(+2, -1)
NLAD-D Landmine
No-Choke Collar
No-Splash Fan
Non-therapeutic platonic chat line
NOS grenade
Notification LED simulation app
Obesity Survivability Study
OC Combat Light
Oceanic Gardens
Office Desk Saver
Office workout chair
Oldschool Kids' Show
Oldschool Screensavers
Olfactory Rank Recognition
on the wiings of eagles
Open Blind Alert
Open Saysa Me
Overwire Astro Bra
Oxford-style Interviewing standard
Parallel Parking Poles
Parental-control mouse/keyboard combo
(+1, -1)
Parking Equalizer
Parking Mat
Parking Timestamp
Partial Screensaver
Path of the Warrior Chess
Pause When Sleeping 2
Pedant's Pendant of Punditry
Peeing in the Shower
Pepper Sprinklers
Per Car Pedestrian Limit
Pest Hunter-bot
Petah Pit
Pez Bar
Pez Mines
(+1, -1)
Pirate Welcome Mat
Pivot Mower
Plastic cereal boxes
Plastic Ring Cutter
Please wake me up...
Political PT Rally
Politician Float Test
(+1, -1)
Pooth Sayer
Portland Half-Con
Portrait Sculpture Urn
Positive feedback grip trainers
Post-It Carbon Copies
Posted low-visibility speed limit
Power Key
Power Key/Proximity Sensor Call Handling
Practical Olympic Swimming
Pre-pay your traffic tickets
Pre-Sweat-stained T-shirts
Prescription Autofocus Screen Magnifyer
Privacy filter lenses
Private Welcome Mat
Productivity Machine
Public Office Speech Disqualification Clause
Punchable gym fridge
(+5, -2)
Puppy Training App
Pyramidal Rice Harness
Rangefinder-integrated laser sight
rapid scroll button
Rapidly Deployable Firebreak
Rapidly Inflatable Vomit Pouch
Razor Fence
Readily-Distinguishable Police Siren
Really big deadbolt
Relief Junction
Religious zeal* as a charge multiplier
(+1, -1)
Remnant Remover
Remote-Failsafe landmines
Repo Decoy
Restroom Peep Deterrent
Reverse Caller Tunes
Reverse E-Brake for Manual Transmission
Reverse-Escalator Entrances/Exits
Reverse-grip Assisted-Opening Folding Knife
Reverse reverse reverse Turing test
(+3, -2)
RGB Rowing Machine
(+4, -1)
Rifled Urethra
Right Wing Jerky
RIP Christopher Lee
RIP Professor Hawking
RIP Terry Pratchett
River Dance Treadmill Guide Projector
Road condition scanner
Road Noise Volume Rating Limitations
Robotic arm turn signal
Robovac lost item finder
Rogue Pistol Grips
Roomba: the NightHammer mod
Saddle-ite Rodeo
Safe* Japanese Nuke Power
Safety Coffin
Saline Sprinkler System
Sand Wraith Ambush Defense
Sanitizing cash receptacles
Savings Deductions to Counter Inflation
Scams 101
Scaregrine Falcon
Scheduled Reboot for Cellphones
Scorn Chips
Sealed/Unsealed Indicator
Seat Guardian 3000
Seattle Halfcon?
Sectarian Thunder Dome
"Select All Unread Non-Contact""
Self-dehooking cargo ship rail
Self-Diagnosing DVD Player
Self-Rocking Garbage Bin
Self-Rocking Vending Machine
Self-sealing tea ball
Self-Sharpening Telescopic Knife
Self-Spinning Chair
Semi-Annual 'Promote the HB' Week
Semi-Autonomous Radar Detection Range Extender
Seven Layers of Sweat
Shady Solar Sweat Solution
Shake Charger
Shield system
(+9, -1)
Shoot-Off Clock
Shopping Cart Pit Crew
SHUT THE F*** UP alarm clock
Sidewalk Snowblowing System
Silence of the Critters
Simple Cellphone Security
(+1, -1)
SIPA (Stop Illegal Prostitution Act)
Sizzle... and POP!
Sleeping Contacts
Sleeping Eye Dog
Sleevecutter-Clearing Drill
Smart Bullets
Smart Home Integrated Car
Smartphone-Assisted GPS
Smartphone duress lockdown
Smartphone music sync
Smartphone Panic PIN
Smartphone Prepurchase Quiz
Smoke(r) Extinguisher
Sno-Trac Sandblaster
Snowmelt Crane
Soap-activated Porno-Ware
Soft Shell Bullet
Soft-Top Bottle Cap
Solar Cooling Hat
Solar Hat Charger for Cell Phones
Solar Peaks
SOS Lights
Space Hoes: Coast to Coast
Speed Decoy
Speed-'em-Up Toilets
Speed-Indicating Tail Lights
Speed-safe door locks
Speed Trap Reversal
"speed up or I'll kill you!"
Spellcheck Profiles
Spill-Proof Coconut Lids
Spring-Loaded Can Opener
Square Bacon
Square cup holders
(+5, -1)
Standing Luge
Stealth Smuggling
Steampunk Catling Gun
Steel-Toed Sandals
Still going strong!
Straw-powered Screwdriver
Streaming Data Usage Indicator
Street-Smart Shopping Cart
Stuck No More!
Subtitle Dimmer
Suitcase with skis
Sun tracking water bowl
Surefire Anti-Mugging Hat
SurroundedSound(TM) FPS Enhancer
Swordfish Fighting
Tail Wagger
Take the women out of 'women and children'
tamper-tempered cozy
Tank Top
Teal Classic Aviation-style Bluetooth Headset
Teapot with magnetic lid
Teflon Turbo Trousers
Thanks again...
The 14 Steps of Paranoia
The 21 Megapixel Mirror
The 30 minute bench
(+1, -1)
The 5-finger Textist
The Art of Batting
The Autoboner's Army!
The Cheeky Chef
The Family That Spies Together...
The Fracking Challenge
The Just Ice League
(+4, -3)
The Law of Bill Relevancy
The Order of The AntiPhelpian Guard
The Portal of Broken Vows
The Rottweiler
The Sensible Carafe
The Spinning Tower of Pisa
the wonderful history of cleats
Thermographic Hottie Lock-In
Thermos PreWarmer Addition
Third party Taser cartridges
"This is Not an iPad" shirt
Threaded Power Baton
Threat Ball
Tinfoil hats for suspected WiFi shredders
Tire Position Indicators
To Russia With Love
Tom Cruisin' Socks
Toothpick Sharpener
Tow mirror minder
Tower Fans for Liftoff
Traffic Law Updater
Train Crane
Transition Lens Predarkeners
Trashbag Saver
Trip-Avoidance Shoes
Triple-action solar power
triple-walled thermos
Trojan Mi-Jack Box
Trojan Thermals
Trudge Bunjers
Tuff-Guy First Aid Kit
Tunable Power Steering
Tunnel City
TV Microdosing
(+3, -2)
Twin targeting laser
Two Pots of Coffee
(+1, -1)
Ultra-realistic airplane model
Underbody Hijack-Trap
Unexpected Adventure
Upper-Level Cage Drains
Urinal Dehydration Alert
Urinal Flush Inducer
USAID garnishment for immigration costs
(+1, -2)
USCF (United States Chair Force)
User News
Utensil Dispenser
Van De Graphite Generator
Vehicle Electronic Counter Measures
Vending ATM
Venus's Aquarium
Verified AF (TM) checkmark
Vibrating Vigil
Virtual Friend
Visble Radar Detector
Visual Cell Locator
Volume toggle plug-in
VPN Assist Extension
(+5, -1)
Warning flags
Wax bullet Hunting
(+4, -1)
Web-Wide Logout
Welfare Reform Compromise #21
Well, this stinks
(+4, -1)
Where have I seen that actor?
Whimsical Wind-Wound Wonder
Who was I kidding?
Wi-Fi 'Average User Speed' Listing
Wi-Fi network adaptor app
Wi-Fi Page Reload
Wi-Fi To-Do List
Wide turn pinch shield
Wii Ball in a Cup
"Will return soon" Reservation Meter
Wiper Run-off Collector
Work-Friendly Shower
Wrinkle-Release Hanger
XXIV/VII Digital Alarm Clock
Yellow-light Length Signs
"You've got a good pace going, keep it up" light
"Your show's about to start" alert
Yummy Yuckiness
Zombie Shoes