Product: Television: Subtitles
Subtitle Dimmer   (+8)  [vote for, against]
For darker films

I find that subtitles can be far more distracting, and sometimes actually detrimental to the viewing experience, watching movies with very low lighting because the text is simply too bright and glaring. A brightness toggle would do wonders for such viewing, would it not?
-- 21 Quest, Oct 11 2023

[+] I think so, yes. You got me thinking- I'd also like a wheel on the remote please to scroll back and revisit the recent subtitles, when the dialogue is fast-paced.
-- bhumphrys, Oct 11 2023

Yes, of course: on-demand lighten subtitles for dark movies/night scenes, and darken for the white-out/bright lights scenes.

Make it happen by in-progress-program repurpose of the 'channel up/down' toggle---Go!
-- Sgt Teacup, Oct 11 2023

[bhumphrys] great idea!
-- pashute, Oct 12 2023

random, halfbakery