A projector which clips onto the handlebars of a treadmill, projecting the proper foot placement for various dances one might wish to learn onto the running/walking surface. This comes in two version, the Deluxe Edition and the Budget Friendly Edition. The BFE is just the projector, which pairs with a smartphone via Bluetooth or WiFi and a companion app. The Deluxe Edition is a whole treadmill, with a higher quality projector built in and onboard software that adjusts the treadmill speed optimally for changing dance tempos... and also pairs with a companion app on a smartphone or suitably specced computer.-- 21 Quest, Feb 21 2023 Sure, why not.
Want to get really into it have a clear treadmill with the feet positions projected from underneath.-- doctorremulac3, Feb 21 2023 random, halfbakery