Beautiful croissant collection, shining in the day! Alas, I am most disturbed to say That ninety buns have been taken away on the most sad day of this depressing life of mine
Twas about seven o'clock at night And the Alterother raged with all his might. And the vote count came pouring down And even the Bubbawock seem'd to frown And the Autoboner seem'd to say "I'll blow down your collection this day!"
When the Baker Street Irregulars Logged on with hope and cheer Autoboner blew a terrific Gail Which made their hearts for to quail And many of the Bakers, with fear, did say "I hope Jutta will keep safe our bun collection this day."
But when the gang came near to end of day Autoboner did loud and angry bray And shook the very core of the Halfbakers that day The most sad day in this life of mine Which will be remember'd for a very long time.
Etcetera etcetera etcetera.... my God the Scots are long winded!
To be continued.-- 21 Quest, May 16 2012 "Your Prius killed my autoboner." http://www.urbandic....php?term=autobonerThere's a song within this somewhere [skinflaps, May 17 2012] Auto(motive) Boner http://abcnews.go.c...g-lasting-erection/ [UnaBubba, May 17 2012] As much as the top-billing namecheck Doth greatly swell my head, I've never thrown a single bone... here's a bun instead.-- Alterother, May 16 2012 I've long been curious as to who it is that bones every single idea.
I don't do it, even to people I think are serial nuisances.-- UnaBubba, May 16 2012 William Topaz McGonagall has a lot to answer for -- 8th of 7, May 17 2012 William Topaz McGonagall never gave a shit about his critics, either.-- UnaBubba, May 17 2012 I don't get it. Is it an army of autoboners? Or the army of an autoboner?-- erenjay, May 17 2012 It's a thinly disguised complaint.
Which is perfectly acceptable, of course.-- Alterother, May 17 2012 There's a motorcyclist suing BMW for one of their machines giving him a "painful, two-year erection". I'll see if I can find a link.-- UnaBubba, May 17 2012 random, halfbakery