Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
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Seeking a suitable environment (including salary) in which to practice Mad Science, a much more fun thing than what the typical mad scientist is portrayed as doing (his anger and/or other madness keeps him from truly enjoying his work)..

Please note that "mad" simply means "unorthodox" in the above context. Here's somebody else's Mad Science web site: http://www.steorn.com They're not trying to conquer the world; they just want to be believed.

Anyway, some of my qualifications for investigating Mad Science are implied by the things written here on the HalfBakery. Other writings may be found by searching for "Vernon Nemitz" on the Web (between Google and Vivisimo, most everything will be found).

Thank you.

Finally, there are a few Web pages out there that I have the freedom to mess around with. I'm still learning, but am also having a reasonable amount of fun at http://www.nemitz.net/vernon/vernon.htm

Then there is some "editorial" type of fun that anyone can have at a blog site. Here: http://slashdot.org/journal.pl?op=display

Hmmm...I just noticed that a bunch of other people have a lot of ideas posted, of which a huge proportion were voted with croissants rather than fishbones. Then I saw someone's confession regarding deletion of one's own unpopular ideas. Cowards! Just remember that once upon a time, harnessing fire was probably an unpopular idea.

**changing** to a gmail account
vernonnemitz and gmail is a dot-com

[Jul 01 2000, last modified May 17 2016]

(+2, -1) 0-Gee Toilet
(+20, -2)(+20, -2) 12-Storey High
(+25, -20) 12864
(+9)(+9) 200HP Horse
(+2) 3-Team Sports Field
(+11)(+11) 3D Crystal Display
(+7, -1) 3D display
(+5, -2) 3D Printing in a Vacuum
(+6, -1) 3D View of Earth From Space
(+2) 4-cylinder Pogo Stick
(+11)(+11) 5-minute Clock "Battery"
(-2) 8-Kilometer "Tower" Balloon
 9 Kilometers of Balloons
(+7) A Cake of Chocolate
(+4, -5) A Sixteenth of a Dollar
(+4, -1) A Workable Surveillance State?
(+2, -1) (A+xB)/C = y
(+4, -7) Abortion Procedure
(+6) Adjustable-Face Watch
(+6) Adjustable Heel Ladies' Shoes
(+1, -5) Adjustable LED Flashlight
(+2) Adjustable Shank Screwdriver
(+6) Adjustable Weight Hammer
(+3) Aerial Trolleys
(+8, -1) Aerogel Vacuum Balloons
(+4, -2) AfterHistory
 Air-Flow Case Filter
(+13, -3)(+13, -3) AirSpeed-Powered Wheel Rotation
(+1) Alien Ghosts
(+2, -9)(+2, -9) Alternating Response Times Radiate Reaction
(+2) Aluminum Deck Plate Roofing
 Analysis of Names
(-2) Annoy the Govt Snoops
(+2) Anti-Animal Additive
(+6, -1) Anti-Invasive Underwear
(+3) Anti-RFID Wallet
 Architecture Preserves Landscape
 Archiving Computer
(+6) "Are You Sure" for anno deletion
(+5, -4) Arm-aligned pistol barrels
 Art Deco Telescope
(+4) Artificial Monitor Center
(+6, -1) Artist-Color Leads
 Atmospheric Warfare
(-1) Auger Screw
(+4) Auto Dancing
(+1) Automated Blood-Test Kiosk
 Automotive Glass for House Windows
 "Back" Limiter
 Backspaces in Passwords
(+2) Bagpipe Drone "Skeet" Shooting
(+17)(+17) Ballerina Wrist Weights
(+9, -5) Balloon Notions
 Bathroom Burner
(+2) Batteried Electric Vehicle
(+6, -2) BEC Fusion
(+3) BEC Hydrogen Fuel Tanks
(+8)(+8) Bed of Nails Sheets
 Beer Cups
(+7) Beneath-Nail Tattoo
(+1) Bent-Over Support
(+5) Bent-Straws Set
(+2, -3) Best Peruvian Brew*
(+1, -4) Better Dentition
(+1, -2) Better Eyes
 Better Flower Pot
(+1, -5) Better Metabolism
(-1) Bi-Layer Bearings
(+2) Bicycle Flywheel Trailer
(+8, -2) Bicycle Stirrups
(+1) Bikanopy
(+2, -4) Biofeedback ContraPregnancy Training
 Bird Feeder
(+9, -4) Birth Control Via Arrogance
(+11)(+11) Black-Lit House
(+3) Black Sea Trees
(+3) BladeStaff
(+2) Blouse Clip Hair Control
(+2) Blue-Bloods
(+1) Bocce Soccer
 Boiled Gasoline Engine
(+4) Bolo Soccer
(+10)(+10) Bonsai Christmas Tree
(+6) Bounce Stick
(+2, -6) Brainless Animals
(+1, -4) BrainWave ID System
(+4) Bridge Swing
(+3) Broadside of a Barn
(+7, -1) Broken Bolt Extraction
 Broken Bolt Extraction 2
(+2, -6) Broken Symmetry and Perpetual Motion
(+7) Build-A-Bag
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Bullet Hole Shooter
(+1, -8)(+1, -8) Calculators
(+2) Camera-Equipped Shaver
(+9, -3) Cancer Treatment
(+3, -2) Cancer Treatment 2, 3, 4
(+3) Canned Canning Jars
(-1) Carbon BiCarbonate
(+2, -3) Carbon Dioxide Sequestering Chemistry
 Carpet-Locking Floor
(-1) Case & UPS & Fans
(+6) Cell Phone Power Dial
(+1) Chain Gear
(+5, -1) Charging Toward Superconductivity
(-8)(-8) Cheaper Safer IUD
(+4, -6) Chimera Processor
(+6) Chip Movies
(+6, -4) Chocolate Diamonds
(+5) Chocolate Leprechauns
(+5) Chocolate Turkeys
(+3, -4) Circular Hacksaw Blade
(+3, -1) City Puzzle Streets
 Classic Game Controllers w/ USB Connectors
(+9)(+9) Clear Plastic Roof
(+4) Clip-on Pocket
(+2) Clip-on SideWall
(+6, -1) Cloud Painting
 CO2 Ice Cap
 Coated Diamond Coatings
(+5) Cobweb Mosquito Netting
(+1) CoffeeMaker/CoffeePot Coffee-Level Sensor
(+7, -1) Cold Fusion Experiment
 Cold Fusion Rocket Engine
(+2) Colored School Glue
(+5, -4) Combination Chess
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) Combo Washer and Freeze-Dryer
(+5) Common-Law Divorce
(+3) Compact Storage Facility
(+3, -1) Concentration Camp
(+6, -5) Constant-Flow Major-Street Layout
(+5, -1) Copying SPARLVE and RSE
(+41, -1)(+41, -1)(+41, -1) Cordless-Tool Cord
 Cosmic Ray Shield
(+4) Cranial Microphone System
(+5, -4) Currency that Fits
(+1, -4) Curved Shock Absorbers
(+5, -2) Cyclic Letter Keys
(+8, -5) Cylindrical Aircraft Body
(+1) Cyst Blasting
(-1) Dam-less HydroPower
(+4) Dancing for Dolphins
(+8, -7) Dead Criminal Database
(-1) Deeper Cash Register Drawers
(-4) Default Document Format
(+4, -3) Define "Enemy"
(+3) Deinonychus Stilt-Shoes
(+3, -5) Delayed Voting, with Honor
(+11)(+11) Deliberately Leaky Bucket
(+3, -1) Den of Iquity
(+1, -3) Department of Secrecy
(+19, -7)(+19, -7) Desert Space-Scraping Arcologies
(+3) Desert Thermocouple Power
 Desert to Ocean Heat Pipe
(+1) Dewar Coffee Cup/Mug
(+2) Diamond Coated Heat Exchangers
(-4) Diamond-Core Mechanical Linkages
(+21, -2)(+21, -2) Diamond Thermal Paste
(+4) Diamond Tooth
(+8)(+8) Differential Turnbuckle
(+4, -3) Dinosaur Animal Crackers
(+4) Disc Grip
(+3) Discount Money
(+2) Disk Scanner/Player
(+2, -1) Displaying Empty Categories
(+1) Diving Platform Springboard
(+1, -7)(+1, -7) DIY Gastric Bypass
(+1) Dog Walker
(+1, -8)(+1, -8) Doing Unions Right
(-1) Doormat Marked "No Trespassing"
(+12)(+12) Double-Blind Date
(+1) Double-Sided TV
(+5) Drill-Press Style Food Mixer
(+1, -6)(+1, -6) Driver-side door for bus passengers
(+1) Drone Defense Shield
(+2) Drone Kite Service
(-2) Drop-and-Stop Test
(+1, -2) Dual Lineage Convention
(+1, -2) Dual-Striping of Lanes
(+6, -1) Duck Racing
(+1) Duplex Checkers
(+4) DynaRing
(+6) E-paper Printer
(+4, -1) Earth-Space Web
(+8)(+8) Edge Nets
(+4, -7) Efficient Electrolysis?
(+3, -2) Efficient Transportation Network
(+3, -4) Eidetic Memory for All
(+14, -1)(+14, -1) Electret Tent
(+1) Electric Cigar
(+7, -2) Electric Cigarette
(+2) Electric Elbow Grease
 Electric Elbow Grease 2
(-1) Electric Ice Tray
(+1) Electromagnetically Launched Boar Spears
(+7, -2) ElectroMechanical Billboard Display
(+2) Electron Propulsion
(+2) Elesorter (and Isosorter)
 End-of-Your-World Switch
(+3) Engine w/ Built-in Clutch
(+13, -6) Evel Knievel Intersections
(-2) Even-Tan Suit
(+4) Evil Podium
(+5, -3) EVLU
(+9, -2) Exoskeletal Football
(+13)(+13) Expandable Boxed Set Box
(+8)(+8) Expandable Mannequin
(+1) Exponential Factoring Algorithm
(+2) Exponentially Increasing Fines
(+7) Extinguishing Coal Mine Fires
(+1) Extra Senses
(+2) Extra Smartphone Ports
(+7, -11) Facing Up to the Face On Mars
(+3) Factorial Factoring
 Factoring Algorithm
(+2, -3) Factoring Algorithm, Extended
 Factoring Algorithm: Parabolical
 Factoring Algorithm: Reciprocity
(+3) Fail-Safer Fission Reactor
 Fair Capital Gains Computation
(-1) Fair Generic Deciding Game
(+1, -2) Fair Rewards
(+4) Falling/Flying/Foggy French Fryer
(+3, -1) Fanfold Bookbinding 2
(+2) Fantastic Factoring Failure
(-2) Fast-Draining Pool
(+8, -13)(+8, -13) Faster Than Light
(-8)(-8) Faster Valve Action
(+4, -7) Feed Cows Beans
(+2) Fermat Factoring Factoid
(+3, -1) Ferrofluid-Core Electric Power Transformers
(+1, -4) Fetus power
(-3) Fewer Wide Loads
(+4, -8) Fiery Fruits 2
(+16)(+16) Figure-8 Slide
(+1) Fire Escape Flag Poles
(+6) Fire-Safe School
(+3) Flammable Glue
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Flat Square Batteries
(+1) Flatphone Shoulder Rest
(+2) Flea Harness
 Floating the Principal
(+1) Flying Battlebots
(+4) Flying-Leap Crash Avoidance
(+2) Flywheel Canister Vacuum
(+7, -1) Flywheel Hard Disk Drive
(-2) Foiling Chinese Spies
(+4) Food Shovel
(-1) Foreign Leader Retirement Incentive
 Formally Defined Data Groups
(+3, -1) Fountain of Ads
(+1) Frames For Natural Art
(+3, -8)(+3, -8) FTL Communications Experiment
(+4) Full Spectrum Hair
(+10, -3) Fully Orthogonal Scrabble
(+1) Furling Sails Automatically
(+2) Fused Ashes Remembrance
 Fusion Fuel Factory
(+1) Fusion Steam Boiler
(-3) Future Magic Act
 Gambling Deduction Scam
 Gasoline Bag
(+1, -2) Generalized Exception Rule
(-6)(-6) Generic Mystery
(+2) Geodesic Fusion Reactor
(+5, -1) Ghostly Communications and Performances
(+2) Glass Steam SuperStacks
(+1, -2) Global Thermostat
(+1, -5) Global Warming Convincer
(+3, -1) Godly Golf Course
(+3, -10)(+3, -10) Gravity Waves
(+1, -11)(+1, -11) Gravity Waves2
(-2) Gravity Waves3
(+3) Great North Wall
(+4, -2) Green Weed Killer
(+18, -2)(+18, -2) Growing Up Swimming
(+5) Growth-Matching Bicycle
(+2, -1) Hair Splitter
(+7) Half-hard BIOS
(+4, -1) Half-height Overpass
(+3, -4) Hand Blaster
(+8, -1) Handlebar Seat & Front Wheel Pedals
(+9, -2) Hare-Brained Scheme Recording Office
 Head-Pedal Faucet Attachment
(+1) Heart Stopper, or...
(+2, -1) Height-Irrelevant Basketball
 Heroin Overdose Execution
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) Hexagon Weave
(+3) Highest Efficiency Electric Motor
 Holster Computer
 Home Delivery Box
(+7) Honorary HalfBaker Award
(+4, -3) Horn, complete
(+5) Hospital Escalator
(+8, -4) Hot Teddy Bear
 Hot Water Flush Toilet
(+5, -1) House Selling
(+8)(+8) House With A View
(+5) Human Powered Rides
 Humidity Controlled Dryer
(+2) Hurricane Power (2)
(+9, -2) Hyper Lasers
(+3, -1) Hyperloop Evacuation
(+1, -5) Hypnotism in the Justice System
(+2) Ice-Covered Springboard
(+7, -1) Ice Engine
(-2) Idealized Cancer Control
(-1) IFFN
(+1) Increase Chocolate Production
(+4) Inertially Confined Catalyzed Fusion
(+1) Infrastructure Infrastructure
(+7) Ink-Jet Tattoos
(-1) Intelligent DST adjustment
(+2, -4) Interracial Body Painting
 Invasive Artificial Insemination
(+2) Inverse-Capital Vote-Weighting
(+5, -2) Inverted Mouse Technology
(+2) Iodized Salty Snacks
(+6, -5) Ionic Kinetic Energy Conversion Effect
(+1) "Iron Maiden" Bathtub
(-1) JavaScript On/Off button
 Joke Duplicator
 Judo vs. Fertility
(+7) Justified Writing
(+3, -6) Kids vs. Germs
(+3) Kinky Mattress
(+3, -6) Know Physics; No Congestion
 Kuiper Belt Loop
(+4) Large Neutral Buoyancy Parabolic Dish
(+2, -10)(+2, -10) Large Scale Cold Fusion Reactor
(+1) Large Widescreen SmartPhone
(+8, -2) Lawn Scissors
(+1) LED lip-film
(+2) Leg Wrestling
(+2, -1) Legal Cannibalism
(+1) Lengthwise Velcro Socks
(+1) Lens with Angular Markings (Attachable)
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) "Less-Dangerous Catch" Crab Boat
(+9)(+9) Less-Deep CRTs
(+6) Level Rail Pseudo-Coaster
(+2, -1) Library Bookstore Scam
(-2) Lightning-Proof Golf Course
(-3) Limited List Diet
(+9, -2) Liquid Nitrogen Bug Spray
(+3) Long Coin-Squidger
(-1) Longest Friendly Game
 "Loser" App
 Lots of Phone Numbers
(+1) Lottery Range Ticket
(+10, -2)(+10, -2) LowPower CD player
(-8)(-8) Machine Gun
(+12)(+12) Machine Tentacles
(+4, -2) Madulus
 Magazine of the Future
(+5) Magnesium Energy Cycle
(+1) Making Monopoles
(+7, -6) Many Pairs of Earths
(+6, -1) Mass Fraction Graph
(+9)(+9) Mathematically Correct Bowling
(+9)(+9) Maybe Head Yaw
(+2) Measured Yellow Lines
(+2) Mechanical Electret Magnet
(+2) Medium Beam Headlights
(-4) Member Since ...
(+5) Memory Switches
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) Mesh!
 Meshy ATM Interaction Zone
 Metallic Hydrogen
 Micro-Diode Display Panels
(+8)(+8) MicroFirework Paintballs
(+4, -3) Microphone Turbine
(+1) Militia Idea
(+3) Millionaires' Babies
(+1) Mind Over Body Weight
(+5) Mini Death Star
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) MiniGeoThermal Generators
(+2, -1) Miscarriage Diet
 Mobile Home Houseboat Conversion Kit
(+1) Model Airplane Engines Drone
(+9)(+9) Modern Scrolls
(+5) Modified Reality
(+3) Monster Monster Movie
 Mosquito-Killing Virus
(-7)(-7) Motion-Activated Execution
(+5) Motorcycle Flywheel Sidecar
(+3) Mouth/Bone Mike
(+2) Moving Room-Carpet
(+7, -8) MPG Speed Limit
(+4) Multi-Whistler Instrument
(+1) MultiPhone Holder
(+9)(+9) Multiple-Alarm Clock
(+1) Multiple-Cab Elevator Loop
(+1) Multiple Elevator Cars Per Shaft
(+1) Municipal Marching Bonds
(+1) Museum Animatronic Displays
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Mushroom Cloud
(+5, -1) Musical Chairs2
(+8, -3) My Soup Is In That Fly
(+4) Mythological animal crackers
(+11)(+11) Nail-Removing Gun
(+7) Nanotube Deuteron Aiming
(+3) Nanotubes for Electrical Wiring
(+1) Natural Hydrogen Well-Gas
(+8, -2) Neck Bolts
(+3) New Constellations
 New Music Notes
(+3) NexGen Clean Room
 Nitrogen Sequestration
(+2, -1) Nodulus
(+1) Non-Fragging OS
 "Non-Stick" Bowling Lanes
(+3) Non-Stick Putty Knife
(+2, -1) NonDenominational Coins
(+3, -2) NonStick Pizza Cutter
(+5, -3) Not-a-tariff "Ffirat"
(-1) Not Standing In Line
(+4, -5) Nuclear Geothermal Power
(+1, -10)(+1, -10) Nuclear Waste Weapon
(+3, -1) O'Neill Hovering
(+4) Octopus-Biology Dentures
(+1) On Breaking the Perpetuation of Nonsense
(+8, -2) On Picking Up Girls
(+3, -4) On SuperCapacitance
(+16, -4)(+16, -4) On the Origin of Modern Mentalities
(+3, -2) Once-A-Month Pill
(+4) One More in a Franchise
(+2) Optical Touch"pad"
(-1) Orbiting Mirror Ribbon
(+5) Orchestra, Complete
 Organically Grown Diamonds
(+2) Original Baby Trap
(+1) Ortho High Heel Shoe
(-2) OS Abstraction Layer
(+3, -1) Outrigger for Circular Saw
 Oxygen-Concentrated Engine Intake
(+15)(+15) Oxygen generator
 Oxygen Generator 2
(+1) Oxygenated Benzene Nanotubes
 Oxytocin Blocker
(+3) OZ-Based Theme Park
(+1) Ozone vs COPD
(+1) PaparazziSats
(+8)(+8) Pause Button
(+1) Pedal-Powered Golf Club
(+4) Peel-able Clothes
(+1) Pen with Ink-Syringe
(+1) Penis Extension Technology
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Pentrifuge
(+2, -3) Permanent Mass-Pollution Solution
(+5) Perpetual Lubricant Technique
(+3) Phosphorescent Bag Lining
(+2) Photon Antennas 1
(+2) Photon Antennas 2
 PI fractions
(+3, -1) Picture "Windows" PLUS
(+3, -2) PiezoElectric Engine Muffling
(+3, -12)(+3, -12) Pigs vs Al-Qaeda
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) Pile Driving the Oceans
(+1) Ping Pong Albedo Enhancement 2
(+1) Pinning Alley
(+6, -2) Plane-less Wing-Walking
(+2) Planet of the Metaphysical Mess
 Planet Stellar
(-1) Plasma Power Plants
(+4) Plunging Necklines
 Plutonium Production Pathway
(+9)(+9) Polarallel Drive Mounting
(+6, -3) Poly-CO2
(+3, -1) Polycaracid
(+8, -1) Portable Canal
(+9, -3) Portable Windmills
(+2) Power Flag
(-1) Power Supply Adaptor
(+7, -2) PowerLine Surge Protectors
(-1) Practical Wafer Scale Integration
(+2) Pre-Cancer Treatment
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) Pre-Settled Containers
(+6, -1) Primality Test
(+2, -4) Primary Cryption
 Prime Candidates
(+2) Prion Poison Prevention
(+3, -1) Prion Poisoning
(+2) Programming Under the Stars
(+4, -2) Public Restroom for Anyone
(+3, -7) Public Servant Video Channels
(+6) Putting On Her Face
(+3) Quadratic Mystery
(+1) Quake-Proof Oceanic Tunnels
 Quantities of Micropayments
(+18, -2)(+18, -2) Quarter-Turn Binary Display
 Radio Watch
(+6) Ram-Proof City Gate
(+5) Rare Females
(+2, -1) Reactant Vapor Printer
(+4, -5) Read At Your Own Risk
 Read-Only Switch for USB Sticks
(+1) Rear Hatch Boarding
(+2) Rear PairWheel for Bikes
(+1) Recent Busy-ness
(+3, -1) Rectagon
(+3) Remote Controlled Finger
(+2, -1) Remote Controlled Outlet Strip
(-2) Remove the Black Bars
(-1) Resorption Pill
(+6, -2) Restaurant-Relevant Pizzas
(+7) Retinal Pulse ID
(+5, -1) Retrofitting a Noise Barrier
 Reverse Bicycle
(+5, -1) Reverse Singing
 ReverseDigits function
(+3) Reversible Baseball Cap 2
(+4) Reversible/Coded Deadbolts
(+3, -1) Reversible Hearing Loss
(+1, -3) Reversible Sterilization
(+4, -2) RISK! variant
(+1) Rock Thrower
(+9)(+9) Rocket Kite
 Rockets vs Rockettes
 Rockoon 2
(+3) Rolodex Bible*
(+7) Rotary Interferomodulation Display
(+3, -2) Rotary Rocking Chair
(+1) RS-232 Switch Box
 Rush Hour Bus Stops
(+5, -3) Sac Sack
(+1, -3) Safe Thread Suspension
(+2, -1) Sail Turbine
(+3) SandBoat House
(+4) Save It For Later
(+1, -7)(+1, -7) Save The World Sim
(+20, -10)(+20, -10) Saving the Sun
(+1, -5) SCSI controllers
(+1) Seat Belt for Saddle
(+6, -9) Secret Way Out For Illegals
(+1) Seeing-Eye Tiger
(+1, -6)(+1, -6) Self-Correcting Religion
 Selling Free Energy
(+7, -13)(+7, -13) Semi-Suicide Pill
(-1) Serial Connection with Less Timing Dependence
(+2) Series of Squares Formula
(+2) Shelvator
 Shoe Cameras
(+3, -1) Shoot Everyone
(+7, -5) "Shoot The Leader" Day
(+2) ShuffleBowl
 Shuttle Patch Kit
(+6) Single Corn Popper 2
 Single-Crystal Silicon Manufacturing
(+2, -3) Sitand
(+1) Sitand 2
 Skin Pigment Numbers
(+2) Sky Diving Suicide Bomber
 Sloppy Bowling
 Smaller Solar Reflectors in Space
(+3) Smarter Credit Card
(+1, -2) Sniffle Stopper
(+4) Snow Trains
(+1) Solar Panels Windmill
 Solar Powered Wind Turbine
(+8)(+8) Solar Tar Stills
(+1) Solid Fuel Lighter H
(+1) Solid State Disk Drives
(+5, -1) Song of Solomon
(+1) Sorting Algorithm
(+3, -7) Soul Weight Detection
(+1) Sound-Resistant Windows
 Space Cannon, Revisited
 Spam Verifier
(+8, -4) Special Orbit #2
(+2, -3) Speed-Limited Road Design
(+1, -4) Speedometer
(+3) Spherical Battlebot
(+2) Spiked Drinks
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) SpinBrella
 Sports: Kombot
 Spray-in Sealant
 Squirt-The-Last-Drop fire starter
(+6) Stairwell Fireman Pole
 Standard Paint Color ID Numbers
(-2) Standardized Team Names
(+17, -2)(+17, -2) Steam-Electric Hybrid
(+14)(+14) Steam Piston Pogo Stick
(+4, -32)(+4, -32)(+4, -32) Sterilization for the Pseudo-Dead
(+1) Stilted Basketball
(+3) Stork Ornithopter Drones
(+7) Stratospheric Solar Power Collector
(-1) Styles with Serial Numbers
(+4, -1) Subs with Wings and Blimps
(+3, -1) Sucker Punch 2
(+5) Sugar Pie
(+3, -6) Sums of Powers
(+4) Super Baggy Trousers 2
(+2, -1) SuperConductor Balloon
(-1) Supertankers in Space
 Support HTML "code" tag
(+3, -1) Suspended Animation
(+5, -7) Swinging Bra
(+1) Switcheroo Power Supply
(+3) Symbiotic Vitamin C Bacteria
 Synchrotron Catalyzed Sulfur BiCarbonate
(+12)(+12) Synchrotron Projection TV
(+1, -5) T.O.E. Essays
(+3) Telepresence for Dolphins
(+1) Telescoping Walking Stick
(+2) TeleVideo for North Sentinel Island
(+10, -3) Telomerase Production Hormone
(-6)(-6) Temperature Scales Adjustment
(+3, -1) Tension-Compression balanced Flywheel
(+4) Tension Pummeling Bed
(+1) "Terminator 2" Screwdriver
(+2) The Denver International Peaple Shooter
(+2, -3) The First Truly Civil War
(+2, -1) The Lightning Passer
(+4, -1) The Teflon* Archive
(+2, -1) Thermo/Photo-Electric Mice
(+18, -1)(+18, -1) Things with Strings
(+2, -1) Three Fusion Reactor Variations
(+6) Throw me for a Loop (or twenty)
(+2) Tic-Tac-Toe for Dolphins
 Titanium Rebar
(+8)(+8) Toilet Bowl Plug
(+7, -2) Toilet Diving Bugs
(-4) Tolerance Test
(-1) Topsoil Mines and Factories
(+2, -1) TorusWorld
(+2, -4) Total Conversion
(+3, -1) Totipotency Reduction
(+6, -1) "Toy" Dirigibles
(+2) Tracked/Treadmill Shoes
(+1) Transparent Lipstick
 Trapezoidal Mattress
(+3) Tree House
(+3) Treelix
(+5, -1) Tri-Layer Bearings
(+3) Trigger Device
(+5, -1) Truck Horn for Bicycles
(+5, -1) Tub Drain Dam
(-2) Tunic Wars
 Turntable of Temples
(+3) Twin Leg Pairs
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) U-Deliver Pizza
(+1) Ultimate Low Power Module
 Ultimate Race Tracks
(+11)(+11) UnderSink Flex-Hose
(+3, -1) Underwater Aerodrome Dome
(+3) Underwater Windmill
(+5, -1) Unique Lazy Susan
(+3) Untippable Floating Saucers
 Update the Buran
(+1, -2) Urban Roof Reservoir Power Plant
(+4, -5) USB LAN
(+5) User-Controlled Connection Speeds
(-3) User Page Idea Count
(-1) User-Supplied JavaScript
(+1, -4) Usurpation Advertisement Policy
(+4, -1) UV Rear Projection TV
(+2, -1) V-9
(+2, -1) Vacuum Balloon Sun Shield
(+4) Vacuum Cleaner
(+4) Vacuum Desalting
(+2) Variable Transmission
(+2, -1) Vat Wood
(+9, -4) Venetian Turbine
(+6, -2) Venus 2.0
(+4, -2) Vernon's Desserts
(+5, -4) Vertical "Mobile" Homes
(+12)(+12) Vertigible
(-3) Video Copying Machine
(-1) Video Data Box
(+2) Viral Contraception for Men
(+1) Viral Defenders
 Virtual Touch-and-Go
(+1) Visually Chromatic Clock
(-2) Viva Fluorescents
(+2) Vocal Chorus-izer
(+2) Volumetric Flask
(+3, -4) Voting Rights At Risk
(+4) Waggle Dance
 Walkabout Generator
(+1) Wall of Mucus
 Warp Speed Computing
(+2, -7)(+2, -7) Water-Jet Pistol
(+2) Waterproof Walker
(+8)(+8) Waxahatchee Stellarator
(-2) Weather Control
(-2) Web Of Trust
 Weed Growing in Crack
(+3) Well-Insulated Cooker
(+2) Wet T-Shirt Enhancement
(+1, -4) Wheeled Backpack
(+3) White "melanin"
(+2) Who Wants Drive B: ?
(+4) Who Wants IRQ 1?
(+6, -4) Who Wants IRQ 6?
(-1) Whole-House Fumigation
(+1) Wider-Used Solar Cells
(+3) WikiDebate
(+1) Window Tape
(+3) Windows for Nannites
(+3) Windricity
(+2) Windricity 2
(+3) +Wing VTOL Plane
(+5) Women's Tees
(+5) Wonderful Waste of $50
(+1) Wrinkled Jewelry
 Wrist Wrap For SmartPhone
(+2) Writing on the Edge
(+8)(+8) Xpand-O Orbital Transfer System
(+2, -3) XtremeBrain Interface
 Yet Another Heat Engine
(+5) Zapollen
 Zipper Fix
(+2) Zippy Scratch-Resistant Coating
(+2, -4) Zombie Vampire

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