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12-Storey High

No official P.E.
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Here's another mad idea y'all can fishbone with pleasure. The notion is to build a really big school that can accommodate all the grades from 1-12. Build it 12 storeys high, one floor for each grade. Install stairwells mostly, and hardly any elevators. Some stairs are UP ONLY and some are DOWN ONLY, to prevent traffic jams. In the basement you put stuff like the cafeteria, and most of the restrooms.

Obviously the students get a fair amount of exercise just by going up and down the stairs every day. The older students get more exercise than the younger students. Nobody is required to take any specific Physical Education clases, therefore.......:)

Vernon, Apr 24 2005


       I like this, but not sure why.   

       no, kids need P.E. or kids should play outside more, so would this school still have fields?   

       I may have to change my vote...
dentworth, Apr 24 2005

       Most NYC schools have an arrangement not far off this (depending on how high the buildings they were shoe-horned into). Almost makes up for not having playing fields.
DrCurry, Apr 24 2005

two paragraphs...

       What did you do with the real [Vernon]?   

       Other than that, an interesting if impractical, idea for urban schools.
ato_de, Apr 24 2005

       Crap, that sounds waaaaayyyyy too much like my PreK-8 private school growin' up. i hated it so much, because there were only 13 people in my graduating class, and only 2 didn't hate me. (Sorry 'bout the ranting, that's the psychological scarring talkin') P.S. restrooms in the basement, 12 stories below? I assume you're not female, with the whole period thing.
spacecadet, Apr 24 2005

       I like this for the exercise bit. But I also like the idea of arranging the floors such that no two consecutive grades are next to each other, and if possible, spread as far apart as possible. Just to mix things up.   

       Here's what I started with, just a quick arrangement. With this, there is a minimum of three floors difference from grade to grade. I'm sure there are better.   

waugsqueke, Apr 24 2005

       This would make an interesting project for an architectural student. Issues such as utilities, fire codes, efficiencies, and common rooms give great variability to possible solutions. I think that most schoolroom organization today is settled by convention over time, like seating hierarchy that happens in the sectional seating at popular events.
reensure, Apr 24 2005

       The stairways for upper floors/grades should be closed before and after school (except for use as emergency exits). Grades 9-12 should come and go via the external walls of the building.
Shz, Apr 25 2005

       I doubt AIA would allow restrooms on the bottom floor only. Maybe 12th graders might be more socially consious of the world if they had to share restrooms with 7 year olds, though the thought of the 12th graders sitting on the pot with their knees up to their chins made me laugh. (I am assuming AIA/Pick your building code won't at all go for Restrooms on floor 1 only.)
I hated P.E. Perhaps my problem with it was shared in that Nothing other than physical excercise was really learned from it.
There was so much opportunity to teach so many things in an arena that children/young adults would easily absorb; Teamwork will win over singular excellance, Courage offers better rewards than cowardice (more often than not), Pride in your abilities should be exibited and let grow., etc.
I would call for better P.E. instructors & will probably be the only one to disagree with the idea.
Zimmy, Apr 25 2005

       Now if the stairs just generate electricity...   

       [+] just because it's the first idea of yours that I can actually understand.
oxen crossing, Apr 25 2005

       This reminds me of Wayside School. A book for younger kids, still, interesting books.
DesertFox, Nov 10 2005

       Don't most schools have their students go to different classrooms during the day? I'd imagine that dividing the building's floors by subject would provide more exercise.   

       I'd be nervous about 12th graders on the top floor anyway, what with their raging hormones leading to high suicide rates...   

       Can't say as I agree with keeping grades of a few years apart either. That's where a lot of their friends are, and having good friends leads to better adjusted adults, so I wouldn't want to do anything that might discourage that.
ye_river_xiv, Jul 26 2006

       In my high school PE they taught wall climbing and repelling. No joke. Also, archery...
Laughs Last, Jan 28 2009

       Not to say that this is already baked but in most multi-level schools that I have been to, all of the students had to change floors at least once during the day due to how the school was layed out. And the "one way" staircase rule has always been in effect for the main corridors.
Jscotty, Jan 28 2009


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