
The chart shows sufficient depth for us to get through, Captain. I don't know what we hit.

Retirement consumes all of my time; I simply don't have any to spare for a real job.

Speaks Ooolongftangftangbank. Doesn't everybody?

thereisnorock _AT_ g mail DOT com

[Dec 11 2015, last modified Feb 16 2025]

4202 rof snoitciderP citoidI yltnatalB (+1, -1)
8th of 7 (+34)
Adjustable Cupboards II (+2, -1)
Airplane Runway Clearance Light Pole Restander Upper (+5, -1)
Alternate Restaurant Bathroom Venting (+3)
Alternative Sounds Sound Machine (+3, -2)
Antiwhack Door Proximity Sensor (+2)
Appetite Suppressant Vapor (+1, -2)
Automated Ocean Gyre Waste Fabricator Ship (+2)
Baby Bird Equalizer (+7, -1)
Bagpipes Assault Car Horn (+4)
Baking query (+7)
Bar/Restaurant Employee Draft Picks (+4)
Beer Taps Salvage (+2, -3)
Beverage Can Building (+1, -1)
Bird Droppings Theft Deterrent (+7)
Blatantly Idiotic Predictions For 2023 (+5)
Buddy Paper (+4)
Bug Zapper Bulbs 2.0 (+2)
Bullet Camera (+5, -1)
Cellphone Fire Alarm App (+2)
Check for alien life (+3)
Clank Dependent Noise Canceling Radio (+3, -1)
Create Your Own Historical Artifact (+4)
Credit card in your thumb (+4, -2)
Cylindrical Spinnable Fridge (+3)
Destination Time Cellphone App (+3)
Distracted driver vote off (+4)
Do Not Mix With (+2)
Double Pistol (+3)
Drunk Driving Pub Crawl Olympics (+5, -1)
Employ Helium To Make Religious Orators More Interesting (+4)
End Of Life Secrets Disclosure (+4)
EV Battery Heater (+2, -3)
Eye Moisturizing Glasses (+6)
Face Shield Scrolling Text (+5)
Fake Safari (+4, -1)
Fast Food Fiber Funnel (+2)
Fireman's Pole Elevator (+5)
First Finger 4th of July (+3)
Fix Magnetic North (0)
Flip Flop Mortgage Plan (+5, -1)
Free-fall Weight Loss (+5)
Get Rich Quick Pandemic (+3)
Gnatcatcher Hat (+1)
Halloween Thermite (+2)
Happy 2017 Everybody! (+8)
Happy Birthday [8th] (+8)
Happy Birthday [Max] (+11)
Has Anyone Seen...? (+5)
HB 8-Ball App (+6)
HB on other Sites (0)
Hi-speed De-leafer (+3)
Hole-in-one Celebration (+4)
Hospital Clinics in Plain English (+3, -1)
Household cloud (+4)
How Does One... (0)
Instant Jeep Prestige Grille Kit (+2)
Interior Color Explosion (+5)
It's 2022... (+3)
Lunar Poop Catapult (+1)
Mailbox Delivers Itself (+5)
Map/Globe With Changeable Names (+3)
Marked-For-Deletion Q&A (+4)
Maximum Variety Potato Chips (+7)
Multiple Horns Car Horn (+10)
Nicotine Coffee Break (+2)
On-the-fly Oil Change (+2)
Poke A Delinquent Halfbaker (+5, -1)
Postit Antibacterial Mice (+2)
Private company infrastructure rebuilds (+1, -1)
Product Aligned Packing (+4, -1)
Programmable LED clothing (+2, -1)
Querying charger (+6)
Race Car Turn Assist Vent (+3, -1)
Remotely Operated Auto Mechanics (+6)
Rent-an-Orbital Laser Broom (+3)
Roadkill Removal Service (+3, -2)
Roomba Intruder Defense System (+4)
Rotary Birdhouse Hole (+8)
Rotary Outhouse (+4)
Royal Shoelace Ironer (+3)
Scrolling Restaurant Seat (+8)
SD Card Content Album (+4)
Side Effects Drug (+3, -1)
Sleeve Switch Flashlight (+4)
Slick Stick Shift Theft Protection (+4)
Smear Campaign Ratings (+5)
Solar Powered Garden Rabbit Toaster (+2, -1)
Sports Arena Wall Commemoration (+2)
Straight Baseball (+2, -1)
Superfluous Part Abstract Art (+4)
Sweet Revenge Chocolate (+2, -1)
Tactical Dart Camera (+4)
Thrashing garden hose irrigation (+4)
Timely Christmas Cards (+3)
Toilet Stall Abuse Limiter (+2, -2)
Touch Screen Surgery (+2, -1)
Truck Mirror Tree Trimmer (+8)
Twelve Blade Revolving Shaver (+3)
Two Tab Beer Can (+4, -1)
Uber Toaster (+3)
Uncorded Power Strip (+4, -1)
Vehicle Fuel Economy Monitor Adjustment (+5)
Wind Turbine Rides (+4)
Windproof House (+1, -2)
Write Right (+2)

random, halfbakery