Home: Kitchen: Storage
Adjustable Cupboards II   (+2, -1)  [vote for, against]
Height no longer matters

Being a tall guy I have no trouble reaching the top shelf be it for liquor or the seldom used glasses and crockery in the kitchen cabinets. Others may not have it so easy and so there are stools and ladders and such similar height assists.

A row of high-mounted kitchen cabinets are actually individual units, each mounted on vertical tracks set into the walls. On the lower edge of each are two buttons. Pressing one will gently lower that cabinet to countertop level for easily accessing the upper shelves, and the other will raise the cabinet as smoothly back upwards.
-- whatrock, Apr 17 2020

Inspiration Adjustable_20Cupboards
[whatrock, Apr 17 2020]

Kitchen Cupboards https://www.disabil...for-wall-cupboards/
for disabled people. [neutrinos_shadow, Apr 17 2020]

I think I remember doing one like this, too.
-- RayfordSteele, Apr 17 2020

I think you did, something about bringing the top of a cabinet arcing down for access.
-- whatrock, Apr 17 2020

I won't say "WKTE", but powered-lift/lower cupboards have been around a while.
-- neutrinos_shadow, Apr 17 2020

"oops, well we really didn't need the blender, anyways"
-- FlyingToaster, Apr 17 2020

random, halfbakery