Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Ask your doctor if the Halfbakery is right for you.

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primo bibam capulus, actus sequitur

[:-}> alt=Profile Picture of a Moustachioed Guy Fawkes type of Character.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) lenny/degdeg :(

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects.” — Robert A. Heinlein

"Its a tragedy of the first magnitude that millions of people have ceased to use their hands as hands. Nature has bestowed upon us this great gift which is our hands. If the craze for machinery methods continues, it is highly likely that a time will come when we shall be so incapacitated and weak that we shall begin to curse ourselves for having forgotten the use of the living machines given to us by God." — Mahatma Ghandhi

The Fonz Koan:
A master stood attending to his business when a young disciple came and asked him how he could reach enlightenment.

The master replied,

Schrödinger's Cat's Koan:
A master was attending his business when a disciple lifted the lid of his box in order to ascertain whether his quantum wave-function had collapsed.

The master replied,

Chewbacca's Koan:
"Hhhüürrrrrrrn Maarrrruuuuuuuuughhhhhhh! Auurrrrwwwll Grruuuuaaaaggghhh Mroooaaaaghhhh Arrrghhhhh Graaaarwwllllllgh!"

A monk asked Kegon:
How does an enlightened one return to the ordinary world?"
Kegon replied, "A broken mirror never reflects again; fallen flowers never go back to old branches."

"The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat." - Confucius


Participating member of the Ooolongftangftangbank profile scheme.

My Most Top 10 Ideas: http://tinyurl.com/3xqfnn

iPhone app ideas (many of which may already be out there, but which might benefit from some interface improvements):
slave-flash unit
Basic Signal Generator
Binary-Byte Representor (e.g. 17 = [oxxxxoxx] 255 = [oooooooo]) Plus Logic Gates
Tone Dialler
Sandwich Callibrator
Prime Number Informationi(s|z)er
A proper dice-roller where the 3d dice actually roll!
Accelerometer-driven sound generator (i.e. a light-saber simulator that works properly)
Big Fat Logic Box - build up complex nested AND, OR, XOR statements using the cute graphical interface, fill in the answers and get a result - save and share your logic branches, use them to make a robot jump around, or something.

Possible Victorian Technology Ideas Mooted by Messers Quartermain and Moreaux.
Pinhole CCTV (Chemical Circuit Transmission Vestibule)

Some of my favourite glyphs:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ^ ! * + ÷ - . ± < = > ª º ¹ ² ³
Œ œ Ÿ % ‰ ° / \ ( ) , £ $ ¢ ¥ € € « » § ¶ ™ © ® „† ‡
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
" # & ? @ { | } ' [ ] : ; _ ` ~ ¡ ¨ ¬ ­ ¯ ´ · ¸ ¿ ×
À Á Â Ã Ä Å Ç ç È É Ê Ë Í Ì Î Ï Ð Ñ Ó Ò Ô Õ Ö ¦ Ø ø
Ú Ù Û Ü Ý à á â ã ä å è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö
ù ú û ü ý Æ æ Œ œ ÿ Š š Ÿ Ž ž ƒˆ˜ – —‘ ’ ‚“ ” • … ‹ ›
µ Þ ß þ &#65533;

What I sometimes say to myself when I read some of the ideas here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM-G0bkl8MQ&NR=1

On making the world small: http://www.pagebypagebooks.com/Gilbert_K_Chesterton/Heretics/On_Mr_Rudyard_Kipling_and_Making_the_World_Small_p1.html

[Aug 24 2004, last modified Dec 26 2021]

(+1, -2) -....- -....- / -....- .-.-.- .-.-.- -....- / -....- -....-
(+5, -3) 19" Rackmount Fridge
(+7, -4) 21st Century Bank
(+9, -2) A Better Mouse
(+6, -3) A Spaceship with Integral Tree Component
(+21, -3)(+21, -3) A Suit of Armour with Wing Mirrors
(+15, -12) Accident Wine
(+3, -2) Add double struck U to the family C, R, Q, Z, N etc
(+12, -4)(+12, -4) All the King's Horses
(+7, -8) ASCII Annos
(+13, -4)(+13, -4) Association of Marketing Survivors
(+2, -6) Automatic Celebrity Recogniser
(+19, -3)(+19, -3) Autotumultatron
(+5, -3) Baby "WhyCry"
(+2, -3) Balls-based Physics Engine
(+5, -2) Banach–Tarski Brexit Cake
(+24, -8)(+24, -8) Become Astoundingly Rich
(+8, -3) Belousov-Zhabotinsky Jewellery
(+6, -3) Big Box'o'Computers
(+9, -3) Big Flashing Billboard Notes
(+11, -3)(+11, -3) Birodometer
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) bloody typewriter ribbon
(+5, -2) Brass Conkers
(+3, -2) "Britainiolana"
(+9, -5) Bubblechamberesque Runtime Representation
(+16, -5)(+16, -5) Bum Lid
(+7, -5) Bun
(+23, -3)(+23, -3)(+23, -3) Buried Treasure
(+7, -5) Bus Stop Webcams
(+10, -3) Canned Laughter Justification Captions
(+10, -13) Canonise Charles Darwin
(+15, -5)(+15, -5) Captain Jihad
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Cat's Schrödinger
(+15, -3)(+15, -3) Chalk Defaulting Slate Laptop
(+13, -4)(+13, -4) Cheese Annealer
(+15, -2)(+15, -2) Chess Chipper
(+56, -5)(+56, -5)(+56, -5) Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Cthulu Faced Bookmark
(+10, -3) Clockwork Songbirds
(+2, -4) COM Shifting
(+2, -4) Commercial Database OS
(+23, -2)(+23, -2)(+23, -2) Conveyor Belt Church
(+6, -2) Conway's T-Shirt
(+10, -4) Coral Homes
(+6, -3) Croque Dundee
(+13, -2)(+13, -2) Cryptographic Fairy Tales
(+19, -8)(+19, -8) Cuckoo based Pterodactyl Reintroduction
(+3, -2) Cultural Shibboleth Thesaurus
(+11, -4) Cusquenian Concrete
(+64, -8)(+64, -8)(+64, -8) Deliberately Misunderstand The Last Person
 Die Vereinigenden Liebenzeppelin
(+12, -4)(+12, -4) Digital Big Ben
(+4, -2) Digital Function Slide Rule
(+8, -3) Distributed Probing
(+16, -5)(+16, -5) Encode Data in the Rings of Saturn
(+5, -2) Entirely Fungible Art
(+29, -5)(+29, -5)(+29, -5) Espionage School
(+12, -3)(+12, -3) ET Foam Home
(+8, -7) Extra Axle
(+17, -3)(+17, -3) Extra Sided Dice
 Fair Border Controls
(+13, -2)(+13, -2) Fan Pants
(+3, -2) First Person Soccer
(+3, -2) Floating-Fuel Reactor encased in an inverted "V"-crevice.
(+9, -3) Foam Hulled Spacecraft
 Formula Guesser
(+2, -3) G1
(+5, -3) Gaussian Party
(+18, -4)(+18, -4) Google Colour
(+5, -2) Graph Bestiary
(+9, -5) Halfbakery Formula
(+6, -2) Haptic Touchscreen
(+8, -5) Highway Rolling Regenerative Service Station
(+5, -2) Homebrew Input Devices
(-2) Hot Toddy Heater
(+15, -3)(+15, -3) Idiom Thesaurus
(+15, -3)(+15, -3) Illgetmecoatl
(+12, -11) Invisible Finger
(+8, -2) Isolation Sink
(+9, -4) Itchmap
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) iWand
(+28, -3)(+28, -3)(+28, -3) Jean Claude Venn Diagram
(+8, -4) Jelly Buddha
(+8, -1) Jug with Angular Scale denoting volume at pour-point
(+3, -2) Junk Mail Recycler
(+14, -2)(+14, -2) Kate Bush Sings Your Number
(+6, -2) Key Appropriate Pitch Spreader
(+11, -3)(+11, -3) Knight Rider Belt
(+7, -2) Le Faux Machine
(+4, -6) Lift Restrictions on Unprocessed Materials
(+5, -2) Linear Ouroboric Parasitic Record Player Player
(-3) Live-In Gardeners
(+3, -2) Loin Cloths for Pens
(+7, -2) Lollypop Joinery
(+5, -2) London Winter 2012
(+10, -2)(+10, -2) Lunaphroighuichalladdiachorangie
(+32, -2)(+32, -2)(+32, -2) Magnetophonic Chess-Set
(+21, -3)(+21, -3) Mandelbrot Floorplan
(-2) Massively Distributable Primary Key Generation using Prime Numbers
(+49, -4)(+49, -4)(+49, -4) Midge Laser
(+15, -8) Mission Inedible
(-2) Moore Potatoes
(+2, -4) Move Christmas into March
(+19, -4)(+19, -4) My Abominations
 National SysAdmin
(+14, -4)(+14, -4) Nativity Blockbusters
(+11, -4) Ninja drinking buddies
(+1, -4) Ninja Librarian
(+20, -6)(+20, -6) Ninja Milkman
(+7, -2) Nunchuck Wielding Bookie Communication Protocol
(+12, -2)(+12, -2) Olympic Synchronised Air Hostess Safety Demonstration
(+16, -4)(+16, -4) Ooolongftangftangbank User Scheme
(+5, -1) Parallel Relay Race
(+3, -2) Passively aerated Tornado Forge
(+2, -3) Pedalo Squid Squirt
(+10, -3) Peer To Peer Mobilage
(+7, -2) Perfectly Normal Doormat
 Petri Dish Visualisation
(+20, -4)(+20, -4) Phlogistonic Vehemence Attenuator
(+10, -4) Photo Forestalling Subdermal Face Manipulator
(+15, -5)(+15, -5) Pimp My Scooter
 Pimp My Tardis
(+5, -3) Pipe Operated Self Portrait
(+13, -2)(+13, -2) Polarised Binary Laser Dice
(+10, -5) Potato Tone Dialler Schematics
(+8, -2) Programme-Em-Up
(+4, -2) Rabbi Burns' Night
(+1, -2) Racist Derivatives
 Reconstruct old Masters by reverse-engineering them
(+9, -2) Reversing Bagpipes
(+10, -3) Ringsmoke
(+1, -2) rot(52!)
(+5, -2) Safety Trebuchet
(+16, -3)(+16, -3) Sahara Dessert
(+4, -9)(+4, -9) Schrödinger's Toaster
(+7, -4) Self Erecting Solar Tower
(+15, -5)(+15, -5) Sharpen Asteroids to Improve their Penetration
(+17, -2)(+17, -2) Shifty Watch
(+9, -2) Shipwreck Hotel
(+6, -2) Shout Switch
(+11, -4) Sinful Jelly Babies
(+9, -2) Slurry Night-Bus Announcements
(+5, -2) Slurry Tubes
(+2, -10)(+2, -10) Smart Money
(+6, -2) Solar Tower Vortex Generator
(+12, -3)(+12, -3) Space Elevator Music
(+8, -3) Spam Chemotherapy
(+16, -6)(+16, -6) Spartacus Anti-Hijacking
(+4, -3) Spidergoat Bicycle Frame
(+13, -3)(+13, -3) Splash Bowl
(+6, -2) 'splode-out boxes
(+7, -2) Stirling Home System
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) Tartanotroid
(+8, -4) Tectonic Cinnamon Oats
 Today Speakers
(+5, -2) Toilet TV
(+25, -2)(+25, -2)(+25, -2) Touch Activated Glowing Wallpaper
(+2, -4) Tuber Tuba
(+11, -4) Turf Piano
(+18, -6)(+18, -6) Unwiniser
(+5, -2) Urban Graffiti Camouflage
(+5, -3) Venus Cheesetrap
(+9, -4) Victorian Technology Today
(+7, -1) Voilà Cloche
(+10, -3) Volcanic Lair Scheme
(+2, -1) VR for Dogs
(+7, -3) Wall Of Speakers
(+22, -3)(+22, -3) Wicker Traffic Cones
(+5, -2) Wii-Ja Board
 Yakety Sax...in the City
(+14, -2)(+14, -2) Yo, Crisps!
(+10, -3) Yo! Gravy
(+1, -2) Zero Date set by Multi-Conjunction
(+6, -2) Zigzag Moiré Emojis to Control Marauding Robots
(+6, -4) Zorbo's Bucket

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