Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
This would work fine, except in terms of success.

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Fangle, snudge, repeat.

t e n (dot) y e l w a l t n u o m (at) s h t i f f i r g (underscore) n a h t a n o j

[Feb 13 2006, last modified Apr 28 2023]

(+1, -4) Aircraft Toilet Dimmer
(+2, -3) Anti-Mattress Under-Mounted Über-Spring
(+3) App Plause Button
(+5, -1) Appliance Acoustic Sessions
(+5, -1) Asteroid Orbital Decay Harvesting
(+5, -1) Australian Advent Calendar Chocolate Heat Sink Tree
(+6) Autotune for Lyrics
(+4) Bifrost Effect
(+4, -1) Blind Dog Olfactory Hazard-Marking Spray
 Calling the Roll
 Celebrity Sebum Tea Light
 CGI Road Runner
(+6) Chia Hematite Fines Phosphate Beneficiation
(+10)(+10) Child Scooter Relay
(+6) Chiral Wag Hilarometry
(+9)(+9) Choculax venabilis
(+3) Chuck Norris Changes Trains
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Clock-to-Clock Interface
(+3) Cobweb-Recycling Microbots
(+1, -3) Contract-Rate Sisyphus
(+36, -2)(+36, -2)(+36, -2) Corduroy crop-circle cutter
(+5, -2) Corvid 19
(+15, -2)(+15, -2) Creeping Rodent Run
(+3) Cremly Crumpets
(-1) Cuncta Stricte Discosaurus
(+4) Data Glitch Writing Prompt
(+17)(+17) Degrees Subjectigrade
(+7, -1) Detachable Pepper-Grinder Bottom Funnel
(+3, -1) Dishwasher Filter Cleaner
(+5, -1) Dog-Face Prosthesis
(+6) Double Bluff Inflatable Tank Skin
(+9, -2) Draughts Abdication
(+3) Economic Law Laundry Mangle
(+7) Empty City Stock Footage
(+12)(+12) Feedbackleships
(+9, -2) Feral Smileys
(+7, -1) Film-Quoting Sail
 First Person First Personer Game
(+5, -1) Fizz: CCS Plan B
(+3) Fork Lift Vacuum Cleaner
(+2) Froth-Milk Vessel Inversion Adapter
(+4) Gliding Bomb Deflector Fan
(+4) Haunted Org Chart
(-1) Heat-Bomb Dumping EV Cargo Catamaran
(+9, -2) Heaven & Hell
 Heraldic Crocodonk
(+14, -3)(+14, -3) Ideo-Blob
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Inland Desalination
(+3) Irish Coffee Holder
(+4) Island Bench Microwave Back Door
(+2, -1) It might conceivably happen...
(+2) Keyring Ving Thing
(+3, -1) Knock-Down Feather
(+3, -2) [kr]\.d\.lai?ng
(+3) Live Chick Pool Balls
(+3) London July 2017
(+10, -4) London Oct 2008
(+1) MacGuffin Dog Shelter
(+1) Market Capitalisation in Corns
(+9)(+9) Mewing Thumb
(+5) Mic Drop Mat
(+4) Millispaniel
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Mirrandah
(+6) Mopeds for Ants
(+5) Moral Hazard Yellow Triangle
(+6, -2) Mountain Gun
(+8, -3) Music of Sound The
(+2, -1) My Little Art
(+3) Ned Kellbie
(-1) Nerd Moral Drama Shoulder Puppets
(+2) OCR OCD Apparatus Criticus XSD
(+5) Olfactory Graphing
(+5, -1) Para-Academics
(+7) Parking Meter Hooded Falcon
(+5) Parkour Fox-Hunting
(+11)(+11) Partial Glass Brick Chimney
(+6, -3) Perpetual Notion Machine
(+8)(+8) Pianist Scratcher
(+6, -1) Pivoting Parental Misericord
(+2) Plague Fashion Makeover Service
(+2) Play-by-Mail Tennis
(+5) Proper Steeple-Chasing
(+3) Properly Multi-Player Pinball
(+17)(+17) Prosepiparachute
(+3) Quomodo Dragon
(+3) Raptor Safety Fluoro Paint Trap
(+4) Re-enact 1968 in Nantes
(+2) RIP Clive James
(+3) Rocking Wenceslas Sunflower Meadow Daisy Roots
(+6) Scalextrucks
(+3, -2) Scat Text
(+3) Scrabble Board Density Index
(+26, -3)(+26, -3)(+26, -3) Securitized Monopoly
(+2) Shallow-Pool Toe-Racing
(+4) Shy Swiss Army Switchblade
(+4) Skillet or Pot that Walks
(+6) Slinkynastics
(+8, -2) Sovereign Host Recognition
(+1) Speech-to-Rebus
(+3) SQL Instate
(+4) SQL Text Trawl
(+1) Stichidia Jengulosa
(+5, -2) Storm Sponge
(+8)(+8) Strip Club
(+4) Stylite Vertical Social Distancing Vehicle
(+6) Suburban Numbat Ranges
(+7, -2) Suppressed Consequences
(+4, -1) Teacher's Revenge
(+5) Tennis Two-Telly Topography
(+4, -1) Tesla Branded Drawing Pin
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) The 1940 Saumur
(+5, -3) The Last Bit of Sand
(+17, -5)(+17, -5) The Order of Melissa
(+1) The Stipulator
 Traffic Mucus
(+3, -10)(+3, -10) Transparent Cockroaches
(+3) Tube and Countertube
 Umbrella Vane
(+1) Underground Flood Meadows
(+3) Venus Caracole
(+4, -1) Virtual Car
(+1, -2) W H Audit
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Walk-In Drive-In Cinema
(+2) Walsenas Bot
(+3) Wooden Rectitude
(+5) Zebradaction

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