Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Parking Meter Hooded Falcon

Might scare off rats
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A parking meter is sometimes covered with a cloth hood. When this is removed, the device beneath should spread its wings and fix you with its beady eyes, before settling down into its normal function.
pertinax, Oct 20 2022


       Hmm. If I see a meter with a hood on, I would assume it is being repaired and I wouldn't pay.   

       It would need at least the claws exposed.
mylodon, Oct 21 2022

       <clears throat>   

       "We are gathered here this day to witness the union of the parking meter and the Falcon. Let us prey, their union proves fruitful and will be coined in the future."   

       Barn or screech owls would work, too, to keep seagulls away.
RayfordSteele, Oct 21 2022

       It's the new Kung Fu movie!
Voice, Oct 22 2022


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