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Tube and Countertube

Hear the actual tone of voice of AngryTwerp993.
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I had a thought recently about youtube comments. I'd been thinking about how youtube conversations were skewed by the fact that the original poster presents their view on video, while the comments down below are merely in text, which tends to create a sort of celebrity/ fan dynamic, rather than a dialogue of equals.

I thought, what if, below the original video, we saw a series of thumbnails of people's video responses to it?

That would create a sort of non- real- time audio visual conversation, a bit like the linked idea, except between angry strangers.

pertinax, Apr 29 2023

Non_20Real_20Time_2...hone_20Conversation [pertinax, Apr 29 2023]


       I suspect youtube might not like this, because there would be extra load on their servers and bandwidth, and the micro-vids might be hard for them to monetise (and control). After all, someone probably wouldn't watch a minute of ads in order to see half a minute of commentary.
pertinax, Apr 29 2023

       If it made the interactions less angry, it might also reduce "engagement" (i.e., how many hours are spent looking at youtube), so, again youtube might not like that.
pertinax, Apr 29 2023

doctorremulac3, Apr 29 2023

       Thank you, Doctor.
pertinax, Apr 29 2023

       Well, there's some way to go before 2103, so that shouldn't be a problem.
pertinax, Apr 29 2023

       //2006 to 2013// It was a time which was ahead of its idea, or similar.   

       //thumbnails of people's video responses// Why not try again, now that we have multiple devices (including vehicles!) with video capabilities, and the literacy rate has suitably declined?!
Sgt Teacup, Apr 29 2023

       WKTBC: widely-known to be compost(ed)
Sgt Teacup, Apr 29 2023


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