Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Quomodo Dragon

an ancient ambush predator whose superpower is "How?"
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[marked-for-deletion] pun
pertinax, Jul 23 2024

MiciusPorcius had the same idea about four years ago [pertinax] ! https://www.reddit....s_a_quomodo_dragon/
[cromagnon, Jul 25 2024]


       [+] possible contender for tersest hb idea ever, considering 75% of it (by wordage) consists of its own [mfd]
zen_tom, Jul 23 2024

       Would the Quémodo Dragons' super power be "What?"   

       I think that would be the Quid Dragon.
pertinax, Jul 24 2024


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