Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Call Ambulance,
Rebuild Kitchen.

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Purveyor of moderately-accepted ideas and self-inking stamps.


Another idiot spouting idiocy on Blogger

Ideas I'm toying with:

-Situationally-soluble urinal cake
-magnetic repulsion handicapped access doors
-hormonal pacemaker
-Nietzsche Day
-Shirt blouser
-Cold-temperature scrubbers (actually, I'm not working on this, because I don't remember what it was)

[Aug 09 2004, last modified Sep 15 2013]

(+4, -1) Adjustable-Height Urinal
(+5, -1) Advertising through Waitstaff
(+3) Allergen Garden
(+5) Alterable License Plate
 Alternate Wankel Pocket
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) Antacid Sweethearts
 Anti-Pickpocket Wallet
(-1) Artistic Peripheral Plugs
(+2) Automotive Allergy Snorkel
(+4, -2) Bacon-scented Beard Shampoo
(+8, -6) Baconmobile
(+2, -5) Bad Idea Alert
(+12, -4)(+12, -4) Bikini Barbecue Car Wash
(+3, -1) Bread Zeppelin - The Hindenburg Version
(-3) Breast-base Trash Can
(+1, -3) Bug Brush
(+19, -1)(+19, -1) Burial at Cliffs
(+5) Buttons installed in gearshifter as industry standard.
(+7) Calliopic Teapot
(+15, -2)(+15, -2) Callusing gloves
(+2) Caps Lock Alarm
(+5, -2) Car Washing Tent
(+7) Cartoon Dust Cloud generator
(+2, -1) Cat Watering Brush
(+9)(+9) Celebratory Credit Card Reader
(+1) Collapsible USB Thumb Drive
(+1, -5) Combination highbeams/lowbeams
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Comically-Large Coffee Mug with Comically-Small Handle
(+2) Connected Nose-Mouth Snorkel Mask
(+2) Corporate-sponsored bulletproof garb
(+2) Customizable Air Register Deflectors
(+4) Cut Wood Air Freshener
(+6) Deadline Inbox
(+3, -2) Dilatant Crowd Control Mine
(+2) Dry-Erase Shirt
 Ductwork Fire Alarm
(+2) Earthquake Electricity
(+1, -2) Emergency Campus Alert Keychain system
(+2) "Establish Tabs" function
(+3, -2) Exploding Organs Shirt System
(+4, -2) Famous Person Mailbox
(+14)(+14) Fight-Starting Bottlecaps
(+4, -1) Fish Pens
 Flatulence Reodorizer
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Flintstones Hubcap
(+1, -5) Fully Dissociated Soldiers
(+7) Gypsum Henna Tattoo
(+5, -2) Halfbakery Build Team
(+10, -3) Halfbakery: Help
(+6) Hand-pump Silly String
(+1) Handheld Brine Maker
(+2) Heated Air Runner's Mask
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Heated Mardi Gras Beads
(+1) Highlighter with Pen Mount
(+6) Hourglass Bridge
(+19)(+19) Hula Hoop Ice Cream Maker
(+4, -3) Hurricane Windows
(+3) Hydrogenated static cleaning sheets
(+1, -2) Ideas by Peristalsis
(+8, -1) "Idiot" Button
(+2) Interlocking Stove Covers
(+5) Irritation Safes
(+1) Lava Lamp swimming pool
 Lava Mug
 Lightning Round Game Show
(-1) Limited Preview
(+1) Locust-catching UAVs
(+3) Lovers' Lane Proximity Alarm
(+2, -3) Mac n' Fagioli
(+6) Matte Spray for Suit Coats
(+6) Mattress Clamps
(+2) Maximum Sheets staples
(+1) Mechanical Flag Folder
(+1) Metal Memorial Garden
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Most Recent Visit
 Multiple-Channel Sporting Events
(+5, -2) Nerd Cologne
 Never-Lost Golf Ball
 Nitinol Gift Bow
 "No, seriously, I'm using cold water" coffeemaker
(+4, -3) "No Such Time" Watch
(+4) Office prank pipes
(+4, -1) Old-tyme newspaper, reprised
(+3, -1) One-Person Handrail
(+1) Online Subscriber Coupons
(+3, -1) Paintball Tracers with LEDs
(+7) Paper file compression
(+8)(+8) Peeved by Proxy
(+8, -2) Perfect Parter
 Personal Champagne Room
(+5) Personal Status Bar
(+2) Piezochair
(+13, -5)(+13, -5) Piratical Measurements
(+2, -3) Pollock Gym
(+3) Power Post
(+1) Recoiling sprayer attachment
(+3, -1) Replaceable Crack Pipe Filter
(+6) Restroom News
(+2) RFID-based model railroad lighting system
(+3, -1) Sack-agawea
(+4, -1) Self-Adjusting Desk
(+5) Self-cleaning air conditioner
(+5, -1) Shoe Coolers
 Slide-in Locking License Plate
(+5) Soda Exploder
(+3, -2) Solar-powered low-voltage lighting
(+5, -1) Sounds of the Stadium Sleep Aid
(+1) Spectrography for Voice-over Actors
(+4) Spell-it-out Lava Lamp
(+6, -2) Square-bottom cat box liner
(+2) Steady Table
 Stress-fracture concrete scoring saw
(+10, -2)(+10, -2) Surprise! clothing dye
 Synchronize Area Codes to Time Zones
(+6, -2) The Foolhard (fh)
(+6) The Foreign Lesion
(+5) Theremin Keyboard
(+8, -9) ThingsGirlsHate.com
(+7) Three-way Seesaw
(+8, -2) Tinfoil-lined hats
 Two-handed Thumb Wrestling
(+4) Venetian Blind Repair Kit
(+1) Venture Capital List
(-1) Victimization Insurance
(+14, -4)(+14, -4) Wikiwrongea
(+8, -3) Windows For Windowless Offices
(+6) Wine-Tasting Glass with Tube
(+12, -3)(+12, -3) "You Are Shady" card

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