Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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"The point of H G Wells' 'Time Machine' is not that there might be Morlocks and Eloi at some point in the future. The point is that they are here, now."
-Brian Aldiss (I think)

"What is a joke? A joke is a violation of the conceptual framework."
- Bruce Sterling, 'Holy Fire'

I like: Elegance above all else. That and gently lunatic humour. Oh, and anything clever.
I don't like: well, the usual, you know. Rudeness, crassness, poor research. Excessive enthusiasm.

Actually, I do have one pet hate... ideas which aren't just WTCTTISIAMWIBNIIWR, but are also so blatantly inside the remit of the military-industrial complex that there is no way on Earth that some military scientists haven't had a crack at them already. Whole-body armour for soldiers, for example, or subterranean 'mole' vehicles. These irritate me beyond all reason.

If you feel moved to, you can email me by tagging '@bathyform.com' on the end of 'moomintroll'. All contributions gratefully received!

Some of my pictures (of which I am stupidly proud):


Wow... I am totally bowled over by this anno from [hidden truths], one of the HB's sempai (well, he's been around longer than I have). I got all emotional over it, and I'm copying it to here as a sort of pathetic internet version of taking it out and framing it.

"I would agree however, that [notmarkflynn] might wish to study up on some of the more prolific users. Try reading up on [FarmerJohn], [hippo] or Mr[Bubba] there. If you want to go for funny, try [moomintroll]. He cracks me up a lot of the time. Oh, and the help file. A lot. And [krelnik]'s guide if it's still around."

Look! Look! That's _me_! I'm _funny_!

[Oct 18 2004, last modified Sep 08 2006]

(+5, -2) A Karma Office
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(+8, -6) DNA Sandwich
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(+4, -2) Forehead recognition system
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