A device, similar to a dishawasher but considerably smaller, with an 'entrance' on one side and an exit on the other. The device is equipped with a camera and robotic arm, enabling the machine to identify individual items from a random stack of dishes, remove each item individually (from the top of the
stack) and insert it into the entrance. This is repeated until the machine has a full load (which could be anything from one large wok to a whole bunch of cutlery.
Inside the machine, a quantity of water is heated, detergent added, and sprayed across the items(s) within. A filtration system allows the same water to be recycled and topped up.
Once washed, the items are removed and stacked by the robot arm, which then returns to the first stack and refills the machine.
Software would enable the machine to select items to fit effeciently into the space on height adjustable racks.
The whole cycle would be longer than a conventional dishwasher, but could start as soon as the first items are stacked, so it's done the pots and pans by the time you've finished eating.
Small quantities can be dealt with more effeciently, as the quantity of heat, water and detergent used will be more or less in proportion to the quantity of items to be washed.
The whole machine could be benchtop sized, as it only needs to be able to accommodate the largest item to be washed.
Any anno's suggesting a white dress for the machine will be treated with the contempt they deserve.