Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Objects In Windshield Are Slower Than They Appear

It's Not The Traffic, It's The Appearance Of Traffic
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Remember those old movies with the rapidly shifting landscape or street on a projected window in a studio mockup of a car?

When in traffic, project beatiful visions of a pristine landscape zipping by at 80 MPH on side windows and portions of windshield.

theircompetitor, Mar 25 2004

Faux Muscle Cars http://www.halfbake...aux_20Muscle_20Cars
see [half]'s annotation about the rear window [krelnik, Oct 04 2004]

home based one for dogs http://www.halfbake...0Window_20Simulator
[po, Oct 04 2004]

bluescreen... http://www.halfbake...screen_20Windshield
[po, Oct 04 2004]

Driving using a video game interface http://www.youtube....zc&feature=youtu.be
[theircompetitor, Oct 11 2011]

Active Windows http://venturebeat....ar-windows-to-life/
[theircompetitor, Jan 20 2012]

Something like this in http://www.scribd.c...The-Marching-Morons
[mouseposture, Jan 21 2012]


       Have antelopes and herds of elephants charging by in a storm of dust, that would be pretty cool considering you would only see them overtaking you from the side and never see them up front.
skinflaps, Mar 25 2004

       I think bikers and cyclists have enough trouble being seen as it is.
po, Mar 25 2004

       This would only be on while the car was stopped.
GenYus, Mar 25 2004

       Haven't we done this before? I remember suggesting film of roller-coaster rides or some such.
squeak, Mar 25 2004

       I thought so too, but all I can find is some discussion of doing this in the rear window in one of my ideas. See link.
krelnik, Mar 25 2004

       Look at the linked video -- this is someone driving using a video game interface -- which in turn is using video input.
theircompetitor, Oct 11 2011

       // When in traffic, project beatiful visions of a pristine landscape zipping by at 80 MPH on side windows and portions of windshield. //   

       Whereas when you're zipping along at 80mph through a pristine and beautiful landscape, the projected image of a slow-moving traffic jam obscures your view of fist-shaking locals and the moose you're about to hit.
Alterother, Oct 11 2011


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