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No-Hassle Ramen Seasoning

Dissolvable packet for effortless flavor dispersal
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If your like me, you love ramen noodles, but hate all the complicated steps necessary to make a bowl!

Instant Ramen Seasoning would simply replace the standard foil seasoning package material with a digestible, flavorless gelatin-like material, to be dissolved by the boiling water on contact; releasing pure bullion goodness with no mess, no stress!

[edible chicken-filled bath beads?]

epicproblem, May 18 2006


       I have never heard anyone say making Ramen Noodle soup was *complicated*!! They let kids make it for themselves and old people and homeless people and lazy people, so please explain the complications, as I don't eat the stuff myself.   

       Besides which, most bouillon broths can be found in jars and one just puts a spoonful in hot water.
xandram, May 18 2006

       Have to agree with [xandram] here.   

       Now, how do you get the lid off of a pot noodle again?
skinflaps, May 18 2006

       You actually EAT the stuff in the little foil packet?   


       I treat those thinks like the little dessicant "DO NOT EAT" capsules.   

       One good boullion cube, shake of soy sauce and a fistful of frozen veggies.
Galbinus_Caeli, May 18 2006

       psssst [skinflaps] lid of pot?
xandram, May 18 2006

       If you're sharing, sure.   

       In the UK, Pot Noodle is a specific brand of cup noodles (ramen-style snack). It consists of a dehydrated mixture of wide noodles, textured soya pieces, and vegetables, available impregnated with a variety of seasoning powders and accompanied by a sachet of sauce which can be added to taste.   

       Different sauce sachets are included according to the flavour of the Pot Noodle, and include soy sauce, tomato ketchup and curry sauce. It is packaged in a plastic cup with a >> foil lid << best consumed when there is nothing left on this planet to eat or that the consumer is completely smashed off of their tits and that Pot Noodle is the only product to alleviate adjoining hunger whilst feeling ludicrously odd.   

       After many years of success, the manufacturers have extended the brand to include an extra-large 'King' Pot Noodle, as well as the Posh Noodle and Hot Noodle varieties.Note: equally rank in nature.
skinflaps, May 18 2006

       I always share, and thanks for sharing your UK info. I need to visit over there some time!
xandram, May 18 2006

       //You actually EAT the stuff in the little foil packet?//   

       I'm w/ [GC] on that, but have never thought to put in frozen veggies. I usually dump the strained Ramen into a stir fry for a few seconds.   

       (do the frozen veggies cook in 3 min.s?)
Zimmy, May 18 2006

       (do the frozen veggies cook in 3 min.s?)   

       Cook? I thought these were just ingredients to add to a noodle hot bath.
skinflaps, May 18 2006

       Small veggies like peas cook just fine. I keep a bag of frozen peas and carrots (cut in pea size pieces) just for this purpose. (Not always ramen, but anytime something I am cooking calls for some veg at the end.)
Galbinus_Caeli, May 18 2006

       Great title for Rev. Spooner.
zen_tom, May 18 2006

       [Epic] is so right, but fails to grasp the magnitude of the solution. The outer envelope of the ramen itself should be made of the same envelope, so that one merely need drop the whole package in the water.
bungston, May 19 2006

       How about an outer envelope filled with water, an inner one with the noodles (that dissolves in boiling water) and an inner inner one (that dissolves after two minutes in boiling water). That way you can just chuck the whole thing in the microwave.
Galbinus_Caeli, May 19 2006

       I keep reading this as "No Hassle Seamen Reasoning". Some sort of fish finder?
jutta, May 19 2006

       That's not as bad as what I thought it said. But this seems eminently sensible to me. Maybe I eat Ramen too often?
DrCurry, May 19 2006

       I once ordered noodles in a rural restaurant, and got a packet of ramen. The bag had been pulled open at one end, the flavor packet removed, and boiling water poured into the plastic bag. It worked, sorta, but I thought that for my fifty cents the chef could have opened the flavor packet.   

       You can buy empty gelatin capsules at some health-food stores, and devices to fill them with your own mix.
baconbrain, May 19 2006

       Here in the Netherlands ramen and pot noodles are quite a bit less popular, unlike "cup-a-soup" instant soup powders (available in at least 40 flavours). These could very well benefit from a dissolvable packaging.   

       One question, however: wouldn't the dissolvable material (gelatin) influence the taste or texture of the product?
Forthur, May 22 2006

       I did vote for this, despite my earlier comments. I think a dissolvable packaging would require that you eat it right away (like the current package says to do for some reason) or it would probably re-congeal.   

       There is a gel that will dissolve in boiling water made from either kelp or algae extracts, but it is currently expensive.
Zimmy, May 22 2006

       Expensive, i don't mind. But does it taste good?
Forthur, May 22 2006

       I can't find any evidence of anyone eating the stuff. It's called agarose.
Zimmy, May 22 2006

       //all the complicated steps necessary to make a bowl!//   

       Fie upon you! Rip open packet, dump in hot water, and eat!
DesertFox, May 22 2006

       [Zimmy]: "Agarose" being etymologically related to "gross"?   

       [DesertFox]: I agree, but I still get the feeling someone said seventy years ago: "Why? Just swing the crank around a few times and the car is started! Why try improving that?"
Forthur, May 22 2006

       mad props. i love ramen! and those stupid little foil packets... +
lolzcakes, May 30 2006

       i just ate some ramen. it had oil in it too. maybe this idea could somehow be incorporated with keeping the packet refridgerated, thus keepin the oil cool. in the middle of the oil is all the seasonings. simply drop the oil "packet" into the seasoning and voila. awesome ramen!
lolzcakes, May 30 2006

       mmmmm oily.
bungston, May 30 2006

       Bouillon already comes in cubes. I guess it'd be cool if they just put a bouillon cube right in there for you so you only have to add the water. (It'd suck if they did that with the powder because people who don't want it would have a harder time picking it out.)
kevinthenerd, May 31 2006

       I say it needs a specially made "ramen resaltifier"   

       Also, you can get cuts when trying to open the foil seasoning package ya know...
compatta, Jun 01 2006

       It would be possible to include the contents of the foil packet in dissolvable cube form, thus dispensing with the packets, but if the package were jostled in shipping the cube or other such contrivance might break, making it much harder to remove unwanted seasonings.
supercat, Jun 02 2006

       xandram precisely explains why most people wouldn't "get" the necessity for this idea: "I don't eat the stuff myself." Generally, ramen is the food of the poor (or nostalgic formerly-poor like me). Someone who eats ramen can't afford a lot of dietary variety. If you're not eating ramen, you might be consuming macaroni and cheese or rice, but inevitably, you'll soon turn back to ramen. Opening those packages gets tedious after a while. There are good days when the package almost opens itself, tearing at exactly the stress point stamped in the zig-zag on the side. Some days, though, the slightest bit of oil on your hands gets the upper hand. Sometimes, the only remedy is to hunt down a pair of scissors or a knife. That gets annoying.
kevinthenerd, May 31 2011

       I misread this as "No hassle semen reasoning". God knows why.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 31 2011

       Well, if He doesn't exist, then your secret is safe.
mouseposture, Jun 01 2011

       This is the most incredibly lazy thing I have ever seen. +
nomocrow, Jun 01 2011

       ^ [+]
FlyingToaster, Jun 01 2011

       A dissolving-flavor packet's packaging material made from seaweed (carrageenan), left somewhat less- refined, could pack Shrimp flavored Ramen noodles with both a thicker- egg-drop texture and seafood flavor. Maintaining the idea's substantial improvement over current packet packagings, with its much needed convenience: dissolving flavor packets.
Sir_Misspeller, Jun 01 2011

       Yeah, I chucked the packets and used boullion. Until I chucked ramen altogether.   

       If you think ramen is complicated, stay away from the Indonesian "mei goreng". It looks like ramen, but you have to drain the noodles, then open FIVE flavor packets. (Then I add a sauce made from chunky peanut butter, soy and sambal.)
baconbrain, Jun 01 2011

       My wife makes a similar sauce chili garlic sauce and white vinegar with a spoon or two of PB. Great for dipping fried wontons.   

       Is mei goreng a brand name?
nomocrow, Jun 04 2011

       Aah! Why are you all using words like ramen and mie goreng as if they refer to the instant packaged versions of those dishes? It hurts me.   

       Mie goreng is _not_ a freaking brand. It simply means "fried noodles" in Indonesian.
spidermother, Jun 04 2011

       I think this makes perfect sense. There is a type of Japanese candy that comes wrapped in a thin layer of rice paper that would dissolve quite well into warm water. The gelatin packet is a great idea for actually improving instant ramen. One of the things snobs believe could never be made instant about ramen is the lovely gelatinous texture created by long-simmering pork bones. A dissolvable gelatin packet could help add some of this mouthfeel into instant noodles. One could even try to make the entire seasoning packet into a gelatin gummy of sorts, to dissolve on contact with hot water. It would be way more environmentally friendly as well, since the noodles would need only one package.
Kumawktopus, Aug 23 2014

       I checked ingredient lists the other day, and found that the little foil packets inside instant noodles contain the same stuff as is in bouillon cubes. It's a lot of salt, by the way.   

       For clarity: Instant noodles in a packet are often called "ramen" in America, after the original Japanese noodles in broth, which is much nicer. The Indonesian term is "mei goreng" which means fried noodles, and they are served drained. Cup noodles and pot noodles are sold in a foam cup.   

       The idea for a dissolvable flavor packet is not bad. I would argue that one would have to treat it with more care, as it is edible, with clean hands and no dropping it on the counter. I don't know anything about gelatin and all that, as regards durability and dissolving, but it could be done.   

       It would be possible to put a bouillon cube in the center of the brick of noodles, by punching out a hole. The cube could be unwrapped, but wrapped would be better, except for the drunk and greasy- fingered. And dissolving is slow.   

       My personal advice is to buy a jar of "chicken base". It has a lot less salt, and sometimes even has chicken in it. You will be dealing with a lid and maybe a spoon, and possibly a refrigerator door.   

       And I chuck the whole noodle idea, and just keep some cooked rice on hand. If you want broth/soup, put some cooked rice in hot water, add some chicken base, and save a lot of time. (Or just eat rice, with other stuff on it.)
baconbrain, Aug 24 2014

       Predictably, yer actual Japanese pot ramen has up to 4 packets, for extra gaijin-baffling effect. One for soup, one for the weird spiral shuriken-y thing/piece of meat, one for the piece of nori seaweed, and one for the dried veggies. It depends on price, higher the price, higher the number of packets.   

       According to rumour, I'm not sure it's the same in the US, but in a Japanese doughnut shop when you select your doughnuts to take out, each one will be bagged individually, and then put in a carrier bag, so 12 doughnuts=13 bags..even if they are all the same flavour...
not_morrison_rm, Aug 24 2014


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