Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Membership car wash that follows the member

Worth a bit of extra money
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Car wash memberships with monthly subscription fees for unlimited washes are nothing new, but as far as I've seen they are all limited to specific vehicles, and don't follow the driver. For someone who has several vehicles and only drives each one occasionally, or someone who frequently rents/leases vehicles for work, a new tier of membership is an untapped market. This would work the same as a usual car wash membership, but instead of a barcode that is taped to the windshield of a specific vehicle, it would be carried in the form of a wallet sized card like you scan when walking into a gym. This would allow you to get a wash no matter what you're driving that day. It could even be limited to one or two washes per day to prevent abuse.
21 Quest, Oct 17 2024

Babylon today https://www.google....84&bih=996&dpr=1.88
Not actually a desert; things still grow there, apparently [pertinax, Oct 18 2024]

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       "Honored at participating car care centers internationally."
minoradjustments, Oct 17 2024

       As somone who simply has never washed any car I've ever owned (and never will) this will be of no use to me. I find the rain does a great job and it's totally free. There should be some kind of cash back scheme for those like me who regard cars as metal boxes with a wheel at each corner and some kind of motor that makes them move around and destroy the climate of course. Neutral on this idea unless there's something more daft about that I don't see.
xenzag, Oct 17 2024

       I will allow this.   

       Climate changes on its own. The once hanging gardens of Babylon are now desert. The current arctic will be soon, geologically speaking, tropical.   

       Tax for this change is bullshit. My two cents.   

       Sorry, as you were.   


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