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Life Subscriptions
go to a lifestyle shop, pick up statement cards from shelves of various lifestyles | |
Tickets are for saying where you are trying to go, not that you have paid for a journey.
I think this idea is worth billions.
Life subscriptions are a set of statements that you can make about your life. Examples are:
I drink X brand cola
I drink coffee once a day before work
I live in
this suburb and drive this kind of car
I live 10 minutes from grocery stores
I eat out at a restaurant once week
I mountain bike in my spare time
I want to be a musician
I want to eat only vegetarian (or vegan) food
I want to win the lottery
I want to be a billionaire
I want to stay in Barcelona at the end of November
I want flight insurance, so I can fly if I want to in November
I want to wear Y brand garments
I want to weigh this amount.
I want to shop at X brand shops
Imagine a shop that is like a library or a bookshop. In each section there are statements, brochures, offers, prospectuses of various lifestyles on offer. You pick up cards from the shelves and take them to the front of the shop, you then load them onto your account. Some will charge you at this time, most won't.
Once you've loaded statements onto your lifestyle account, there's an app that you must use. This application stores the above statements as tickets. Tickets are entitlements to things you can do in the world, using the app as the way of signing into it.
The app shows me a calendar. On this calendar is my life scheduled according to my tickets. I can ask the app to go fast or go slow on different tickets. There is more than one way to get what you want from your lifestyle. For example, there is many ways to become a musician. A community of people who are musicians and people with tickets to becoming musicians can probably produce excellent content (articles, blog posts, guides, maps, learning materials). For some subscription statements, there is corporate sponsorship and that means free things. Companies would rather invest in a lifestyle on the platform rather than advertising and marketing that costs and does not have a guaranteed return. Some statement subscriptions give you free things or a guaranteed restaurant table at your favourite restaurant. There's a path to becoming or getting different things and they have a price tag.
There is also a feed which is like Facebook, except it's content produced as an outcome from your life statements. If you selected I want to win the lottery, then you would have lotteries advertising on your feed. The feed is designed to get you to where you are trying to go.
You use the app to access events, flights, buses, trains. You swipe entry with the app*. Each month you are charged a mixture of per usage fee and monthly subscription based on your usage of tickets. People can prepare plans for the community: Go to X library, Get Y book, Go to X event in your local area next week. Practice X until you are at Y, Go to Z local musician school.
You can set a budget for each ticket or all tickets together, or even both at the same time. I don't want to spend more than X annually on coffee.
* I think credit cards should be used to load credits for things, so I would make it so credit cards are linked to your subscription account.
The ticket of being a billionaire is a serious one. If you had this ticket, you would be exposed to a path of knowledge in order to become a billionaire. Articles in your calendar feed will talk about success and motivate you to do things you wouldn't do before. It would be based on biographies and memoirs of billionaires.
https://www.youtube...watch?v=IFe9wiDfb0E Welcome to Life: the singularity, ruined by lawyers [Voice, Oct 28 2019]
Hyper reality
https://www.youtube...watch?v=YJg02ivYzSs Short film about hyper reality [chronological, Apr 26 2020]
Hey, welcome to the Halfbakery! |
Also //I think this idea is worth billions.// [marked-for-
tagline]. |
[xenzag] or [bliss] are probably best placed to comment, as
they are the ones with actual lifestyles. If you get a critique
from [8th], consider it an endorsement, like those you get on
a UK driving licence. |
I'm bunning this, but not because it would work. Let's take the "musician" packet. What do I want to try? A flute, a piano, a guitar? There are hundreds of other instruments that could be in my packet. Whichever one or two or three I eventually settle on, my packet will have hundreds of items I'll never be interested in. How will I learn? Do I have the dosh to a private tutor? Do I want to watch Youtube videos? Maybe go out into a park and busk every weekend? Whichever way I choose there are hundreds of possibilities that I won't be interested in at all. |
So why would I want to pay for thousands and thousands of things that I'm never going to use when instead I can just go directly for the service or store I want and buy the one thing I'm interested in? |
And welcome to the Bake Halfery. Use the coat rack at your own risk, your free half ton of custard is in the welcome packet, and mind the bears. |
So its an app that tells you how to live? |
Lifestyle, I don't even have a life. What the hell? Also, I tried
but the idea was too long. I need the condensed version or
someone to tell me in 10 words or less what it's about. Thank
you. |
I think this is a very clever idea. It basically takes the consumerist market economy (wkte) and re-packages it as a lifestyle app. So basically it is marketing fluff re-packaged in a layer of marketing fluff. Almost genius I would say. |
//I think this idea is worth billions.// But, alas, now
unpatentable. |
// I need... someone to tell me in 10 words or less what it's about. // |
Sell books focused on attaining goals. Include coupons and app. |
Hi [chronological]. It's a bit too I want , isn't it. Rather than we want, society wants, the natural world wants. |
I hitched a ride with a vending machine repair man, he says he's been down this road more than twice. He was high on intellectualism, I've never been there but the brochure looks nice. Jump in, let's go. Lay back, enjoy the show. Everybody gets high, everybody gets low, These are the days when anything goes. Everyday is a winding road. I get a little bit closer. Everyday is a faded sign. I get a little bit closer to feeling fine. |
Life as as Service (LaaS). |
Do you really want to outsource all your decision-making to an app?
It's a short step from this to mandatory consumption of corporate-
owned life-paths which consist entirely of consuming branded
experiences. |
And is this even possible to implement? The Internet doesn't know
what movie I should watch next, let alone when I should not watch
movies. |
Life as a Service, that's an abbreviation I could get behind |
You could use futures markets to buy and sell contracts to fulfil people's lifestyles. |
Voice, I hope that there would be regular surveys on the app. The app does market research on you for just you! It does the market research so you get the life you want. |
Please pick which instrument you are most interested in.
(tiles of instruments)
Please pick which kind of music you are most interested in performing.
(tiles of music genres) |
wjt, that's where group lifestyles come into play, if you want to save the world by being vegetarian, there's a social network aspect to your feed and calendar. You're going to the same life destination with a group of people. |
>> Do you really want to outsource all your decision-making to an app?
>>It's a short step from this to mandatory consumption of corporate- owned life-paths which consist entirely of consuming branded experiences. |
I want corporate owned life paths because they make society safer. I think jobs should be part of the life engine. You get a package life from the brochure such as being a vending machine restocker and it gives you these benefits. You can afford this lifestyle but not this one. |
Life is pretty complicated and stressful. You're not outsourcing thinking to the app, you're outsourcing the risks to economies of scale. |
RayfordSteele, it tells you what you need to do to get what you want. |
You have to formulate what you want though which is where you do you decide how you want to live. |
//corporate owned life paths// Sounds like an
episode of Black Mirror. |
//You have to formulate what you want though// |
My app will be called "AutoChoice". The app scrapes your friends networks and monitors your activity levels, diet, and patterns of behavior constantly in real time from birth onwards. It generates a recommended and an alternative life-path, with two buttons on screen marked "normal" and "alternative". You only have to press one of those buttons, and the app automatically interfaces with [chron]'s system. You can change your mind at any time and press the other button. No other user action or choice is needed. |
Load wants on account; Lifestyle given to you via app |
Hey chronological! Welcome! Yes, understand the
idea, yes, good idea, probably some details to
work out. [+]. |
Brace yourself for people poking holes in it. Dont
give up! |
Hey, and dont take it personally |
//corporate owned life paths because they make society
Sp: make society more boring. It will quickly become an
arms race, with the richest company being the one to
provide all the "choices"; eg: you say "I want to have a
smart watch", but Apple have pumped millions into the
system, so you (and everybody else) are only offered and
receive an Apple iWatch.
The system adds layers of complexity that are not
required. If I want to go mountain biking, I could go to
your outlet, get subscription, let App tell me that I can go
or whatever. Or I could forget all that & just go biking! |
As much of what we want out of life involves some
kind of competition for it, I'm not sure how the app
will resolve the tragedy of the marketplace or tell the
user how to have a better resume than the
competing user for the same position. |
No app can tell you how to be a billionaire, other
than in vague, generic terms like "be a leader. Take
risks. Do what others don't want to concentrate on." |
There are enough people who read spam and the
Motley Fool and publications like it though that you
could feasibly make a few bucks on this idea. It
would have to organize and calendarize, perhaps
with a Gantt chart, the best self-help books and
planning classes into a project stream based on
your selected goal(s). |
If the app were connected to something like
Amazon, they could derive a marketing benefit
driving sales with items needed for your goals
advertised on promotion at key times during your
journey. |
Where the secret sauce of your app comes into play
is the optimization of your several goals to work
together simultaneously as we semi-multitask our
way through any given day. |
I think I already have the half-baked subscript till my consciousness is relinquished back to spacetime's control. No app necessary. |
I was going to bun it, then I was going to bone it. I don't know. The part that's absolutely horrible about this idea is the whole outsourcing of life decisions. That's one of those "top 5 things wrong with the world today" |
On the other side, what I find very intriguing is the auto scheduling and randomish nature of it. |
For this to have any merit it has to be strongly rooted in personal decisions. And I'm not talking about the illusion of decision that marketing will inject into this, I'm talking about real decision that's not influenced by market factors. |
Today I'm feeling skeptical and I think any marketing team that gets hold of this will bastardize this in the worst way possible. If you ask 10 companies to help you to become a billionaire, musician or even something benign as get better score on a test they will all clammer to help you achieve the goal, but it won't be advice in your interest. ... ok [-] it is then. If you want life advice ask real people, don't ask soul-less corporations. |
I figure the company that creates the platform decides
the involvement of different companies. It's a
marketplace |
It should be though that in order for a company to be on
the platform, people wanted them to be there. The ads
have to be relevant. |
Some decision making is above and beyond most people.
Someone has to tell you what you need to do to get you
what you want. One person does not know how to
manufacture every part of a car, the knowledge and
specialisms is spread between many different people. |
This is the digital almanac for the future. |
Out of curiosity, what statements would you pay money for
regarding your life? |
I'd probably start with my wife's credit card statements. |
// ads have to be relevant... people decide //. Nope, not going to go well. Never has. Like you said it's a billion dollar idea and the way to get a slice of the pie will be monetize the heck out of this. In fact one of the tips / steps on how to become a billionaire is to sleezily separate consumers from their hard earned money by monetizing Life Subscriptions to the max. |
//monetizing Life Subscriptions to the max.// That's
something I can vote for. |
ixnaum, I hope people would get lots of free things by
simply having a life subscription with tickets from various
large companies. |
People won't care how monetized this idea is if they get free
things or if the steps that they are following are causing
good things to happen to them. |
I want to live 10 minutes walk of: |
a train station, a job, a school, a supermarket, a cafe |
How much would this cost me? Can you imagine all the
algorithms and searches and queries you would need to
implement this as a life subscription? You would have to be
a technology company. |
[+] WTAGIPBAN (Even if we conclude it's not a directly good
idea, though I think it probably is, the discussion it's sparked
is certainly good.) |
// [xenzag] or [bliss] are probably best placed to comment,
as they are the ones with actual lifestyles. // |
Interestingly, they were the two I suspected wrote ituntil I
saw how long it was! (And the billionaire bit.) |
[CH], if you post links to The Competitor's Product, we shall be forced to punish you; you will only be allowed plain digestive biscuits with your tea instead of chocolate ones. |
A day may come when we give you a choice of plain, milk, or dark chocolate digestives with your tea. BUT IT IS NOT THIS DAY ! |
// do without Twiglets // |
No Twiglets ? Like, NO actual Twiglets, whatsoever ? NO TWIGLETS ....? |
OK, sorry, we take it all back. You can have the whole Fox's Assortment tin, and the Quality Street too... you've suffered enough already. |
Cheer up, where there's Marmite, there's hope... |
If your lifestyle consists of eating twiglets, you could subscribe
to a package which means you never run out of twiglets. |
it'll send you a tub every month. |
Sounds like rather draconian rationing ... |
I can just imagine an online shop for lifestyles. |
| |