Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Yeah, I wish it made more sense too.

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Subcategories of "business:":
Advertising    Anti-Advertising    Arcade 
ATM    Bar    Cafe 
Call Centre    Camp    Casino 
Cell Phone Network    Cemetery    Classifieds 
Cleaner    Conferencing    Corporate Service 
Credit Card    Crime    Criticism 
Crowdsourcing    Cubicle    Customer Loyalty 
Customer Protection    Delivery    Drive-Through 
Economics    Employment    Explosion 
False Claims    Financial    Funeral 
Hair Salon    Health Club    Hotel 
Housekeeping    Information service    Insurance 
Job change    Laundromat    Lottery 
Market    Market Research    Matchmaking 
Media Service    Medicine    Middleman 
Movie Theatre    Music    Nightclub 
Office Noise    Office Transportation    Open Source 
Pay    Personal counselling    Please Hold 
Postal    Pricing    Product Development 
Prostitution    Queueing    Real Estate 
Rental    Sauna    Scam 
Service    Shift Work    Shipping 
Shopping    Smuggling    Spa 
Sport    Storage    Store 
Supermarket    Taxi Service    Telephone 
Testing    Theme Store    Training 
Vacation    Vending Machine    Words 
Work Break    Workplace       

Ideas are sorted alphabetically.
Ideas in bold have been created this week.
   360 Perspective Report 
 (-3)  ApplyForMe.com 
 (+1)  Asynchronous community and the app you never uninstall 
 (+2)  Attention camping 
 (-1)  Backward pricing 
 (+3, -1)  Boredom specialist 
   Brilliance Award 
 (+2)  Broadcast what you buy 
 (-3)  Bus driver sets the fare 
   Business School 
 (+5, -1)  Business skeletons 
 (+1)  Cafe Florist Facial 
 (+3, -1)  Child Labor / Automated Robot Worker Efficiency Comparison Rating 
 (+3, -2)  Clockwork network 
   Cloud provisioned business 
 (+5)  Club Bacchanal Nursing Home 
 (-1)  Coffee shop queue 
 (+1, -2)  Communal restaurants 
 (+3)  Company Hal 
 (-1)  Consumerist villa holiday 
 (-1)  Corporation app 
   Cross-reference Security Protocol 
 (+2, -1)  Cryogenic treatment of semiconductors (and gaming consoles) as a business 
 (-2)  Direct investment market 
   Duvet snapper / Duvet permanent attached / Duvet fold 
 (+16, -2)(+16, -2)  Earplug Vendors 
   Economic abstraction 
 (-3)  Employers do nothing but pay a salary 
 (+17, -1)(+17, -1)  Fake Solar Panel Company 
 (+14, -1)(+14, -1)  FilmMeABook.com 
 (+4)  Get me to safety app 
 (+4, -1)  get rid of minimarts and convenience stores by outcompeting them 
 (+6)  Graceful failure rating scheme 
 (+6, -1)  Hard work pay more - Calorie based salary 
 (+10, -2)(+10, -2)  helloHacker 
 (+1, -2)  Human block hotel 
 (-2)  Ideological matching up 
 (+5, -1)  Idiot scaling company 
 (+2)  Imaginary auction shop 
 (+2)  Inefficient Design 
 (+1, -2)  Intermedia Equivilincia 
 (+9, -2)  International Association of Meat People Defense 
   Lazy job agency 
 (-1)  Life mechanic 
 (+7, -2)  Life Subscriptions 
 (+19, -10)(+19, -10)  List of The Hardest Ideas To Grasp 
 (+4, -3)  Macabriotic food 
   Market segment rent 
 (+5)  Membership car wash that follows the member 
 (+3)  Membership car wash that follows the member II 
 (+11)(+11)  Mom-and-Pop directory with small business tools 
 (+1)  Moneyless Business Plans 
 (+13, -2)(+13, -2)  Murder of Crows Retail Assistants 
   MyWork Command and Control 
 (-2)  Net Worth Corporation 
 (-1)  Night offices 
 (+1)  Non-core business functions wrapped instrument digital marketplace 
   non-schizophrenic news 
 (+1)  NonFinancialProblems.com 
 (+1)  Novelty hyperconsumerist mall living 
 (+17)(+17)  oil change and annual checkup 
 (+37, -13)(+37, -13)(+37, -13)  OpenHumanity 
 (+3)  Party museum tower 
 (+6)  Pirate Suitability Exam 
 (-2)  Pocket deliveries 
 (+2, -1)  PositiveVibeScenariosOnly.com 
 (+7)  Rare Earth 
 (+1)  Recursive coordination portfolios 
 (+4)  Revenue bootstrap company 
 (+2)  "Right" map 
 (+5)  Robot Street Vendor 
 (+2)  Rolodex prethreads 
   Rotational Management Structure 
 (+2, -3)  SkillMultiplexor.com 
   Somebody plugging landscaping gear 
 (+1)  spite aid 
 (+6, -2)  Student Securitization 
 (+2)  Subversive use of Julian calendar 
 (+1)  SumTater 
 (+1)  Super Expedited delivery 
 (+8)(+8)  Tar Pits Franchise 
 (-3)  Telework 
 (+10)(+10)  The Breakfast Truck 
 (-6)(-6)  The Fuzz Free Parties 
 (+6, -12)(+6, -12)  The Pampered Techie 
 (+4)  The Temporal Rooms 
 (+13, -4)(+13, -4)  They break it? I'll take it! 
   Time/complexity formula for work processes 
 (-2)  Time shop 
 (+15, -1)(+15, -1)  Trade Show Orienteering 
   Vending machine truck 
 (-2)  WantFusion and PersonalNotation 
 (+6, -2)  Whirling Dervish Factory 
   Why is this in business? 
 (+1, -3)  Work ports and Free flowing work 
 (+1)  Work spray 
 (+1)  Work tag team 
 (-1)  Work warehouse 


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