Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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IT Jumpsuit

dressing for success was never easier
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Basically if you work in an office you have to wear a shirt and tie to work. If you are IT and crawling under people's desks to plug things in then your shirt gets untucked or your tie gets in the way. My solution is the IT Jumpsuit.

Basically it's a regular coverall style jumpsuit, but the top is white like a dress shirt and the pants are black. The belt in the middle just looks like a regular belt but the tie is sown to the shirt on one side and folds over to hide the zipper. It also buttons/snaps across the throat to appear as a real tie. Now all you do in the morning is wake up, grab one of these from the closet and go. No more trying to figure out what matches, nope just put on your shoes and you are done. I recommend a wool/polyester blend fabric so that it doesn't need to be ironed, just hung up after washing.

And at work, no more fussing with keeping the shirt tucked in or your tie out of your coffee. It just works.

hypergiaphobia, Aug 31 2006

or wear one of these... http://www.tuxshirt.com/
[xandram, Aug 31 2006]


       Quality [+]
zen_tom, Aug 31 2006

       I need a closet full of these at work to hand out in the event of an inspection, so the team can put them on over their pajamas. Buncha geeks.
Shz, Aug 31 2006

       I really needed this when I worked in the IT department at a factory. Many of the computers were on the production floor in the warehouse to run the scales and the barcode readers. Every time I went out into the warehouse to fix I problem I would always come back inside of the office area covered in dust.
Jscotty, Sep 01 2006

       I really needed this when I worked in the IT department at a factory. Many of the computers were on the production floor in the warehouse to run the scales and the barcode readers. Every time I went out into the warehouse to fix I problem I would always come back inside of the office area covered in dust.
Jscotty, Sep 01 2006

       (-) Shirts and ties are cute, lab coats are cute, jump suits can be cute, but jump suits or t-shirts made to look like something they're not are *awful*. Like we don't notice?
jutta, Sep 01 2006

       I thought the jump suit would have a built in network cable dispenser and unzip to reveal installation discs covering the inside. Possibly even a cheat sheet list of tech support numbers that pulls out of a somewhat concealed wrist pocket.   

       & definately a recording .mp3 for recording upper managements most idiotic statements concerning IT to email to other IT guys for a laugh.
Zimmy, Sep 01 2006

       fine idea - for people who have to look smart yet spend day grovelling about under desks finding the relevant cable.   

       hey, welcome hyper!
po, Sep 01 2006

       Prisoners' jumpsuits here in the US are stamped with the acronym DOJ for Department of Justice...I keep picturing the present jumpsuit inscribed with DO-IT for Dept of IT. Me likey. +
pigtails_and_ponies, Sep 02 2006

       [jutta] They don't have a pic on them, but an actual piece of fabric that looks like a tie. It's just sewn down on one side and folds over the zipper. could have a pocket in the back of the tie to hold pens or tiny screws.   

       [po] thanks for the welcome
hypergiaphobia, Sep 02 2006

       hey, great word. fear of responsibility or peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.   

       this should possibly go into a fashion category.
po, Sep 03 2006

       Thanks! Done.
jutta, Sep 03 2006

       Insane Trollops
pigtails_and_ponies, Sep 03 2006

       Like Jutta, I don't think I want a jumpsuit that tries to look like normal businesswear. But a jumpsuit that looks *as formal as* businesswear but in its own jumpsuity way gets my croissant.   

       21Q: IT is what some places call the department in charge of keeping the computers and networks and stuff running.
wiml, Sep 03 2006

       //Like Jutta, I don't think I want a jumpsuit that tries to look like normal businesswear. But a jumpsuit that looks *as formal as* businesswear but in its own jumpsuity way gets my croissant.//   

       we call this, in my neck of the woods, as sitting on the fence and I hope you don't get a splinter in your bum
po, Sep 03 2006

       My specialized fence-sitting jumpsuit is guaranteed proof against bum-splinters, [po].
wiml, Sep 04 2006

       excellent news.
po, Sep 04 2006

       I worked for a bunch of idiots who insisted that I wear a suit while scrabbling about behind racks and under floors. They were idiots, did I mention that?
wagster, Sep 04 2006

       //Ian, shut up.//   

       Fool, all fueled up.   

       Take another glass of water.
Zimmy, Sep 04 2006

       My suit, of course. They may have been idiots but they weren't that stupid. Idiots.
wagster, Sep 04 2006

       Graeme Garden had something pretty close to this back in the 70's in 'The Goodies', although his one-piece, zip up outfit also included a tweed jacket (with elbow patches).
Stingray, Sep 04 2006

       Why is this great idea only limited to IT guys?
harebrained, Sep 04 2006

       surely not. a modest plumber might like a faux bottom/bum/ass (whatever you call it) t-shirt   

       hmmm, excuse me while I fantasise re: modest plumber...
po, Sep 04 2006

       I needed this yesterday. I am a telecommuter and had to go into my office for the first time in a year. Had to dig in the bottom of a drawer for a pair of trousers (that are not jeans). and find a pair of proper shoes (Not trainers, sandals or boots).   

       Apparently sometime before the last time I wore those shoes I stepped in something corrosive. As I was walking, the soles of my shoes were crumbleing like old cake. by the end of the day I was basically standing on my stocking feet. Weird.
Galbinus_Caeli, Sep 06 2006


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