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Higgs Outcome Roulette Wheel

new casino game based on large hadron collider
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On a conventional roulette wheel there is one ball, which is spun around the outer circumference in a contradicting direction to that of the rotating wheel ascribed with the numbered slots.

The Higgs Outcome Roulette Wheel differs in a few main ways. The biggest variation is that there are two balls, mechanically fired in opposite directions, each on their own parallel track. After a few judicious laps, a switch is tripped, like a set of railway points, causing the balls to enter a collision course on the same track.

The resulting impact causes the balls to bounce into the pathway of the spinning wheel, where settlement establishes two potential numbers. A clear domed lid ensures that the ricocheting balls cannot escape their final resolution.

This is the point where the second big difference occurs, for amongst all the single slots there is one slot on the wheel big enough to contain both balls at once.

This most highly unlikely result is known as the Higgs Outcome and pays a massive dividend in proportion to its astronomical odds.

xenzag, Sep 15 2008

Multiple of the rest mass http://lhc-machine-...ne-outreach-faq.htm
[Voice, Sep 16 2008]

The equasion for energy http://www.physicsf...thread.php?t=255692
A proton is 7 TeV [Voice, Sep 16 2008]

Weight of a mosquito http://www.bio.net/...994-May/008730.html
[Voice, Sep 16 2008]


       Astronomical odds? More like 1 in 1369 (assuming 37 distinct numbers) - high certainly, but far from astronomical - less than getting four of a kind in poker anyway.
zen_tom, Sep 15 2008

       I think the physical difficulty of the two balls settling in the one large slot, without one displacing the other will ensure that this event is extremely rare. In fact I know of no way of predicting the odds, but my money is on the millions to one.
xenzag, Sep 15 2008

       Is this device liable to be expensive to make ?
8th of 7, Sep 15 2008

       That's what she said, xen.
daseva, Sep 15 2008

       They've already proven with the collider that they can create a black hole where all of our money goes.   

       Perhaps this is why Lehman Brothers collapsed?
RayfordSteele, Sep 16 2008

       + hehe
I bet this is a gamble.
xandram, Sep 16 2008

       My favourite LHC fact: A proton in the LHC accelerated up to collision velocity has about the same kinetic energy as an airborne mosquito.
hippo, Sep 16 2008

       ....so two mosquitoes accelerated up to LHC collision velocity would have the same kinetic energy as?
xenzag, Sep 16 2008

       //I think the physical difficulty of the two balls settling in the one large slot, without one displacing the other will ensure that this event is extremely rare. In fact I know of no way of predicting the odds, but my money is on the millions to one.//   

       Depending on what consitutes a "big enough to contain both balls" you are a few orders of magnitude out, but we give you the bun. I think [zen_tom] is regarding your big slot, as equivalent to two adjacent slots, in which case he is right. If, however, the slot in question was a "deep" slot, exposing the same area but capable of holding two balls, he is wrong.
4whom, Sep 16 2008

       How thick will the partition between the slots ? If it's sufficiently thin, quantum tunelling may occur.
8th of 7, Sep 16 2008

       4whom, hehehe.
Noexit, Sep 17 2008


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