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Flea Repeller Jacket

Wearable Tech for Dogs
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My cute little Yorkie, Energizer (called this because his tail just wont stop wagging) , sometimes gets a problem with fleas, particularly when I have taken him for a few long walks or he hangs out with his mates, my neighbours dogs.

The little dog really suffers when he has a bit of a flea infestation, and inadvertently makes me get fleas. The worst part is my bed and couch also get fleas, and this doesn't bode well when my partner comes to spend the night.

At the moment the best way to get rid of fleas is to give him a bath, being the tree hugger type chap that I am do not want to use pesticides on my dog, so I use horse shampoo or human shampoo. It helps get rid of the fleas, bar one or two hangers on. It would be great if the problem could be eliminated by prevention.

Introducing Flea Repeller Jacket - the solution consists of a woollen jacket not dis-similar to the one he has now, with a couple of technological enhancements.

Using a AAA battery and/or embedded solar panel electrical signals produce a high frequency sound that is a harmonic of the size of a flea (about 2mm). The frequency and amplitude is hopefully not within the dogs hearing range, so doesn't cause discomfort to the dog but is very flea unfriendly.

The accessories for the AngelEleven Wearable Tech For Dogs products include a GPS tracking collar that can be used to track your missing dog, and a small speaker that dog can hear, that can be linked up to your smartphone, so that you can effectively walkie talkie your dog to come back from the neighbours house ('Homies') or to give other commands such as 'Foodies', 'Bathies', 'Shitstix' etc. Additionally a doggie cam, Go-Pro style so you can observe the adventures of your pet. Also it would great to see things from a dogs perspective, for me this would be an interesting tool for studies in dog psychology.

On second thought this whole range of stuff can be accommodated by a smartphone pouch in his jacket, with a smaller form factor Android phone securely attached, perhaps with a periscope for the camera to make it face forward, and an app that can produce the necessary sound to repel fleas.

AngelEleven, Jan 17 2016

Energizer http://s1382.photob...psygf14kcw.jpg.html
My Happy Yorkie [AngelEleven, Jan 17 2016]

The Man who Planted Trees Video https://www.youtube...watch?v=v_7yEPNUXsU
How to fix land [AngelEleven, Jan 17 2016]


       // tree hugger type chap that I am //   

       <adds [AngelEleven]'s name to The List>   

       // do not want to use pesticides on my dog //   

       <moves [AngelEleven]'s name nearer the top of The List>   

       Maybe not, but you should. It's not fair to the dog. Fipronil is the stuff.
8th of 7, Jan 17 2016

       Will consider the application of Fipronil after I have seen if sound waves can shake the little buggers off. For now though regular baths are doing the trick to get the fleas off. Twice a week seems to be the right amount, although Energizer doesn't like bathing, he kinda accepts when his owner forces him to bath, I think he knows its good for him.   

       Who else is on The List - I assume that this list is a bunch of misinformed environmental (special emphasis on 'mental') activists (their efforts are futile in most cases). In this case I don't think I quite fit that description. I am on a list of informed tree-huggers who are aware that humanity is threatened and that basically cave dwelling tree huggers will rule once the biggest environmental problems are manifesting, causing the rest of humanity that are currently dependant on the 'system' to reduce drastically in number.
AngelEleven, Jan 17 2016

       // Who else is on The List - I assume that this list is a bunch of misinformed environmental (special emphasis on 'mental') activists. //   

Beardie-weirdie linen trousered guardian-reading prius-driving vegetarians ... health & safety fascists ... socialists, or anyone with even mild socialist inclinations ... foreigners ... the french ... road-safety campaigners ... overpaid sports performers ... save-the-whales save-the-snails save-the-newts anti-nuclear hand-wringing pinko civil-rights whiners ...

       Essentially, anyone who doesn't like beer, pies, aircraft, guns, steam engines, driving round in a huge 4x4 with a V8 engine crushing vegetation and wildlife in the process, and setting fire to things.   

       // In this case I don't think I quite fit that description. //   

       You're close enough. If your first reaction to a tree isn't "chop it down with a huge smoky 2-stroke chainsaw, and burn it" then you're doomed.   

       // I am on a list of informed tree-huggers //   

       By your own admission ...   

       // who are aware that humanity is threatened //   

       You are. By us.   

       // and that basically cave dwelling tree huggers will rule once the biggest environmental problems are manifesting, causing the rest of humanity that are currently dependant on the 'system' to reduce drastically in number. //   

       Except for those who already have a concrete bunker well-stocked with canned food and shotguns.
8th of 7, Jan 17 2016

       //beer, pies, aircraft, guns, steam engines, driving round in a huge 4x4 with a V8 engine// I like these things so I am ok. It is also too late to stop the momentum of nature - we are doomed already - its just a matter of time. Not so keen about chopping down trees, however since my work involves mainly wood I do understand that trees are very important to moderating environmental issues. I try to plant at least one tree a week, so this makes up for my consumption of timber products.   

       If we all planted trees, perhaps a couple times a year, humanity wouldn't be in dire threat of complete elimination. I take my inspiration from a video entitled 'The man who planted trees' apparently a true story about a hermit who collected a few thousand acorns and planted them in France. See link.   

       Most people agree that I am a nut, so threatening me has nearly no effect. Nuts are generally immune to threatening behaviour since we have more balls than brains. Intimidation is futile against the International Nut Gallery.   

       Caves are way better than concrete bunkers (free and inaccessible), since in the mountains where my spot is has its own water supply and is very secure. As far as supplies go, I just buy specials everytime a go shopping and see a good deal for cans of food I don't like (baked beans, canned fish etc) and add them to my emergency stash.   

       Should chaos ensue I will at least know that there is a stash for a few months I can ration to myself and my fellow select cave dwellers. I can augment my supplies with foliage growing in the mountains and grow some fresh vegetables. I am not opposed to eating insects either.
AngelEleven, Jan 17 2016


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