Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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 (-5)  Data transmission with infrared lasers  gutza  Sep 14 06 
 Computer: Network: Wireless: Ad-Hoc 
 (+5, -10)  Decreasing-Returns Pedestrian Crossing Button  land  Jul 06 06 
 Public: Pedestrian Crossing 
 (-5)  Delete-A-Site  the porpoise  Dec 23 16 
 Computer: Web: Formatting 
 (+3, -8)  Deliberately addictive  clowntriggerfish  Apr 02 08 
 Science: Health: Drug 
 (+2, -7)  Dessert Island  ed  Aug 21 07 
 Food: Restaurant: Theme 
 (+1, -6)  Diamond CO2 Press  sirau  Sep 29 07 
 Vehicle: Car: Exhaust 
 (+1, -6)  Dice-not-stab  runonthespot  May 26 06 
 Public: Law Enforcement 
 (+1, -6)  Digital circuit breaker  pashute  Jan 08 14 
 Home: Electricity 
 (-5)  Digital Electric Power Lines  pashute  May 28 09 
 Home: Electricity 
 (+4, -9)  Direct compensation for employees' ideas  vector  Nov 24 05 
 Business: Workplace 
 (-5)  Direct Voting  hermosahi  Aug 15 02 
 Public: Voting: Issues 
 (+3, -8)  DIY2  novaris  Mar 03 08 
 Vehicle: Car 
 (+4, -9)  Dog Sniffing Drugs  Jscotty  Jan 11 10 
 Public: Drug Politics 
 (+2, -7)  "Don't listen to this"  monk  Nov 13 07 
 Public: Communication: Telephone 
 (+1, -6)  donkeylegs  Markle  Apr 05 06 
 Business: Workplace: Nature 
 (+4, -9)  Dough Jumping  novaris  Mar 03 08 
 (-5)  Down button  skinflaps  Jan 14 05 
 Halfbakery: View 
 (+1, -6)  drive-thru karaoke  sukiyaki  Dec 20 09 
 Culture: Karaoke 
 (+1, -6)  Driver-side door for bus passengers  Vernon  Jan 31 05 
 Vehicle: Bus 
 (-5)  Dual Drive Vectored Thrust  Chrishnaugh  Apr 26 05 
 Science: Spacecraft 
 (+1, -6)  Easy-lipo  shinobi  Jan 16 07 
 Science: Health: Obesity 
 (+2, -7)  Eat yourself  nineteenthly  Aug 01 08 
 Food: Complete 
 (+1, -6)  Edible Poop Toy  twitch  Jan 05 09 
 Product: Prank 
 (+1, -6)  Electric shock tennis ball  8th of 7  Jun 18 02 
 Home: Pet: Training 
 (-5)  electric supercharger improvements  #1gknus  Apr 14 08 
 Vehicle: Car: Engine: Supercharger 
 (-5)  electrRfid-e Club identifier  compatta  Jun 01 06 
 Culture: Website: Social Network 
 (+3, -8)  Elevator Partitions  uniball2  Dec 04 01 
 Vehicle: Elevator: Interior 
 (+1, -6)  Elevator Squares  spaceman_spiff  Jan 22 02 
 Business: Office Transportation 
 (-5)  Email Structure Protocol  Forthur  May 22 06 
 Computer: Email 
 (+2, -7)  End of the World Franchise  benfrost  Oct 01 01 
 Business: Theme Store 
 (+5, -10)  Escaping the big crunch  Ling  Mar 18 05 
 Science: Physics: Black Hole 
 (+4, -9)  Evolvo-Subject virus  GutPunchLullabies  Aug 18 05 
 Computer: Virus 
 (-5)  Exercise Car  Bcrosby  Aug 31 08 
 Vehicle: Car: Exercise 
 (-5)  Existential Crisis Game Religious Edition  rcarty  Dec 02 13 
 Culture: Game: Board Game 
 (-5)  Explosive elderly  nickthird  Aug 14 11 
 Public: Pedestrian Traffic 
 (+2, -7)  Extreme Survivor game show  Orion  Jan 19 02 
 Culture: Reality TV: Survivor 
 (-5)  EZMAM  ezmam  Apr 20 01 
 Food: Spray 
 (-5)  Fake Ideas  xkuntay  Jun 13 14 
 Halfbakery: Troll 
 (+1, -6)  False Critique Detector  CoolSolutions  Jan 11 08 
 Computer: Artificial Intelligence 
 (+8, -13)  Faster Than Light  Vernon  Aug 31 00 
 Science: Faster Than Light 
 (-5)  Feather Propellor  JesusHChrist  Jan 01 17 
 Vehicle: Aircraft: Flapping 
 (+5, -10)  Fewer States  Mett  Feb 26 08 
 Public: Country: Assembly 
 (-5)  Fishbone Drone  JesusHChrist  Dec 12 16 
 Vehicle: Aircraft: Flapping 
 (+5, -10)  Flesh Cube  qt75rx1  Mar 17 08 
 Food: Lab-Grown 
 (+6, -11)  Flip [+] and [=]  DesertFox  Jan 31 06 
 Computer: Keyboard: Key 
 (-5)  Flush-ergy  kevinthenerd  Jan 17 10 
 Public: Engineering 
 (+1, -6)  Forget seats  zero5  Aug 05 01 
 Vehicle: Airplane: Seating 
 (-5)  Free Cars (and other stuff)  vladv  Aug 01 08 
 Business: Advertising: Ad Campaign 
 (+3, -8)  FTL Communications Experiment  Vernon  Sep 02 09 
 Science: Faster Than Light 
 (+1, -6)  Funeral Buffet  jeneliyan  Nov 28 00 
 Business: Funeral 
 (+1, -6)  Gamete Rider  beanangel  Oct 15 08 
 Science: Health: Pregnancy 
 (-5)  Garlic Breath Stinkeners  YoDaveG  Apr 10 06 
 Science: Health: Hygiene 
 (-5)  Get suicidal people to die in movies  virus  Apr 20 03 
 Culture: Movie: Quality 
 (+4, -9)  G*O*D  yomarkos  Jul 04 00 
 Science: Health: Drug: Recreational 
 (-5)  Google bomber  simonj  Jun 22 09 
 Computer: Game: Simulation 
 (-5)  Government Issue Skivvies  drdan  Aug 21 02 
 Fashion: Underwear: Hygiene 
 (+2, -7)  Green Retrofit for Classic Cars  jhomrighaus  Jul 21 06 
 Vehicle: Car: Fuel: Alternative 
 (-5)  gum  superman  Sep 28 01 
 Food: Gum 
 (+2, -7)  Gun Control  Spaceman Spiff  Feb 19 08 
 Product: Weapon: Gun: Ammunition: Sabotage 
 (+1, -6)  Hair Fidget Police  8th of 7  Apr 01 15 
 Fashion: Hair 
 (+2, -7)  Half Bakery Evolution  jhomrighaus  May 05 06 
 Halfbakery: Idea 
 (+1, -6)  Halfbake Sale Competition  Spacecoyote  Oct 08 07 
 Halfbakery: Realization 
 (+2, -7)  Halfbaked Award Shirt  Krate  Feb 11 02 
 Halfbakery: Merchandise: Clothing 
 (+7, -12)  Halfbaker Gender Indication Icon (Optional)  8th of 7  Jun 20 08 
 Halfbakery: Users: Types 
 (+1, -6)  Halfbakery Anti-Depression Filter  notmarkflynn  Dec 20 05 
 Halfbakery: View 
 (-5)  Halfbakery `Display Window`  salmon  Dec 20 01 
 Halfbakery: Layout 
 (+4, -9)  Halfbakery Idea Deletion Allowance  nuclear hobo  May 21 07 
 Halfbakery: Voting 
 (-5)  HalfBakeryIdeaGenerator  DeanRadcliffe  Oct 07 06 
 Halfbakery: Idea: Inspiration 
 (-5)  Happy Planet  madness  Mar 17 09 
 Science: Spacecraft 
 (+2, -7)  Hardware Anti-Nagware Switch  dsm  Mar 10 02 
 Computer: Feature 
 (+1, -6)  head to head government  Giblet  Jan 09 05 
 Public: Politics: Party 
 (+2, -7)  HealthCareSavings  lewstanley  Jan 04 08 
 Science: Health: Foot 
 (+4, -9)  Healthy Human Tax Credit  Giblet  Jan 15 05 
 Public: Tax: Income Tax 
 (+2, -7)  Helicopter Emergency tail-jet.  kamathln  Oct 29 05 
 Product: Engine: Jet 
 (+3, -8)  Hexagigadecimetrical hypothesis of increasing disapprehension  Sparkyplugclean  Sep 13 09 
 Science: Health: Mental 
 (+1, -6)  HHO Cooking Gas  Shapharian  Sep 13 07 
 Food: Temperature 
 (+1, -6)  Highly Accurate Fortune Cookies  musicator  Jul 12 04 
 Food: Cookie: Fortune Cookie 
 (+2, -7)  hijack gas2  Karennina  Sep 24 01 
 Vehicle: Airplane: Security: Hijacking 
 (+2, -7)  Homeopathic Hospital  notmarkflynn  Jan 04 06 
 Science: Health: Hospital 
 (+3, -8)  Hot air blimp  giligamesh  Jul 11 08 
 Vehicle: Aircraft: Human Powered 
 (+2, -7)  Hot Girl Consulting  grinch  Jul 07 05 
 Business: Information service 
 (-5)  House Arrest Bracelets  energy guy  Mar 27 05 
 Fashion: Jewelry 
 (+1, -6)  HugeChurch  Amishman35  Feb 15 01 
 Public: Church 
 (+6, -11)  Hypersonic bullet  ldischler  Nov 20 04 
 Product: Weapon: Projectile 
 (+3, -8)  Ice Fallies  thumbwax  Feb 23 02 
 Sport: Skating 
 (+1, -6)  ICQ Improvements  whozlot  Jun 13 01 
 Computer: Instant Messaging 
 (+1, -6)  iFrame category lists  ironfroggy  Jun 04 02 
 Halfbakery: Layout 
 (+4, -9)  I'm a millionaire!  aguydude  May 06 08 
 Culture: Reality TV 
 (-5)  Imaginary thing virtualizer  compatta  Jun 01 06 
 Science: Health: Memory 
 (-5)  Inertial Compensation  eupoth  May 22 05 
 Science: Space: Launch 
 (+3, -8)  Inflatable Child Seat and Child  Mickey the Fish  Jul 13 00 
 Vehicle: Car: Parking: Ticket 
 (+2, -7)  Inflatable screen  pashute  Jun 12 06 
 Computer: Display 
 (+1, -6)  Intelli-flush  shinobi  Nov 04 04 
 Home: Toilet: Flush 
 (+1, -6)  Internal Cooling Drink  sninctown  Nov 27 05 
 Food: Drink 
 (+6, -11)  Invasive government  hippo  Jul 17 00 
 Public: Government: Alternative Forms 
 (+1, -6)  ionic turbo  dexhax  Mar 29 08 
 Vehicle: Car: Engine: Supercharger 
 (+1, -6)  Irradiate Assault Weapons  lepton  Oct 04 17 
 Public: Gun Politics 
 (+2, -7)  Issues based ballot paper  vincevincevince  May 15 09 
 Public: Government 
 (+2, -7)  It's An Asylum!  Mickey the Fish  May 16 02 
 Culture: Television: Sitcom 
 (+3, -8)  Jet bird wings!  dr Theory  Sep 06 06 

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