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electric supercharger improvements

improving an electric supercharger with another electric motor
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ok so has anyone actually bought an electric supercharger off of ebay and took it apart to see if they could make it better? i haven't myself but i am assuming that it has a 12V DC motor hooked to a shaft that spins the impellor or fan, correct? if it has that why not take out that motor and replace it with a bigger motor. Say a starter motor that you would buy at an autoparts store? The only problem with this is how long can you keep that starter motor on at those speeds? And my theoretical solution to that would be to not power it with a 12V power source! Find some way to either cut that source in half to a 6V powersource or 8V whatever your preference is.
#1gknus, Apr 14 2008


       OK, I'm only guessing here but...   

       1) I'd imagine that the electric supercharger motor is designed to work at modest force and high speed.   

       2) A starter motor works at high force and low speed   

       3) Dropping the voltage to the starter motor may well lengthen its life, but only by reducing its power   

       4) Why do you assume that the available electric superchargers don't use the most appropriate motors already?
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 14 2008

       buy an electric supercharger off of ebay, take it apart to see if you can make it better, then if you have an idea how to make it better come back on and make another post. this one doesn't have much of a point.
KineticKill, Apr 15 2008

       Alternatively, you could travel back in time to the sixties, and start a band called "Electric Supercharger".
normzone, Apr 15 2008

       [normzone], why can't [#1gknus] start a band called "Electric Supercharger" now? When will this lot ever get over their damned chronolatry?
Ned_Ludd, Apr 15 2008

       Buy 2 superchargers and duct tape them together, then get an extra battery and an extra alternator. That should be fine until the chav down the road uses 4.   

       Alternatively, you could find a motor from an electric/hybrid car and use that, although it would probably be more efficient driving the wheels.
marklar, Apr 15 2008

       Try doing more research before posting.   

       The electric superchargers on ebay are actually nothing but a plastic bilge pump. Thats what they were manufactured as. People just re-sell them online as an automotive accessory...   

       Although, there are a few electric superchargers that actaully work (a little) Google - Thomas Knight, and E ram.   

       Do your homework, and then try again
evilpenguin, Apr 15 2008

       Why worry about using a supercharger in the first place. If I remember your first posting you only wanted to have a blast of power now and again. Therefore no need for a regular supercharger, just one that you can turn on and off. Myself not being able to get over the "d---ed chronolatry" [-Ned_Ludd], why not just use the old tried and true shot of nitro?   

       It does what you are looking for without all the fuss and muss.
Ozone, Apr 15 2008

       Dropping the volts means that to do the same amount of work you would need more AMPs which means bigger generator, bigger wires etc. Going the other way means more power for less amperage draw. This is pretty basics electrics and your assumptions about what is needed are totally incorrect. I think you need to start over with this one.
jhomrighaus, Apr 15 2008

       [ned], starting a band called "Electric Supercharger" now would go over about as well as starting a band called MP3 would back then.   

       It's all part of the chronolatry conspiracy, the one that's mixed up with the fashion conspiracy that chooses each seasons colors and the people that choose the fashionable flavors.
normzone, Apr 15 2008


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